Chapter 6

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What the hell did he mean by mine. Does he like me. Ok that's way to out of lead. Uh my brain cannot take this much thinking.

And the fact that he left me here immediately he said that, not even bothering to elaborate. Come to think of it, why am I still in this room? Shouldn't he keep me somewhere else. The son of a.....

Oh look it's Jin. Ah at least there's actually someone here I can talk to. Because it doesn't seem like Mr Vampire is planning on letting me go anytime soon.

"He didn't kill you?" So I know that was meant to be a happy comment but that really sounded like a question, and that does not go down well with me.

"What do you mean he didn't kill me? Was he planning on doing that?"
Ok I should probably calm down.

"Ah well your the fifth one this year, and the last four didn't really meet a good ending." Jin said with a nervous chuckle.

Oh my God. I'm gonna turn into vampire food.

"Don't worry Yoongi I won't let him kill you." The way he says that is not really reassuring. Not at all. In fact he kinda sounds scared.

"Are you scared of him?" I know I'm probably butting in, but I'm a cat. Curiosity killed the cat. Even though this cat might die by the hand of a vampire.

"I know he won't hurt me, but Taehyung can be really scary. He's had it rough."

He's had it rough? What could be rougher than scaling walls three times a week?

"Don't worry Yoongi. I'll be here with you. Taehyung isn't the only one with vampire strength. He....just has a lot more than most of us."

"Oh that is soooo reassuring." Sarcasm.

"Whatever. Come on! Let's get you some food, I'm sure you're hungry." Jin said already pulling me out of the room.

Because of all this thinking and panicking and hoping I don't die. I didn't even realize how hungry I was.
Food would be nice actually. Very nice.

"Holy! I wanted food not a whole ass buffet!" I said looking around the huge dinning table that had food on every single free space on it. It's like they didn't want the table to be seen.

"Ah well, this is just how we serve. Plus as vampires who can't really be drinking blood everyday, we need to fill that urge with food."

I see. So they have blood urges. Is that what I am? A blood bank? I don't have enough blood to be a blood bank! Alright Yoongi calm down. There's enough food here for a month back.....I wonder if I can even call that hell home. Now that I actually think about it. Apart from Taehyungs threats this place is actually a lot better than there.

It may actually not be that bad here. I just have to stay alive, and I already do that on a daily basis. Plus I have Jin.

It may not be that bad.

Hello my lovely people how's your day going. Whenever I want to write I always feel so stuffed because I never really know what to write. But when I actually start writing it just flows.
What did you think of the chapter? What do you think Taehyungs back story is?

Thief// K.TH M.YG Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt