Missions and Altars

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Author's Note: There will be flashbacks of Lilith speaking with the president, with the house speaker present. Also, if I get a comment or DM about changing the name of Slave I, you will be ignored! Enjoy!

Lilith's POV

Meeting the president was an honor, meeting the speaker of the house not so much. The Speaker screamed trouble and not in a good way either. I returned home to see everyone still there Ashoka curious about everything around her, no one could blame her. I had a mission from the president Obi-Wan had been briefed of this mission, of course, but I got all the details.


"Sargent Major, your job is to eliminate Chancellor Palpatine, he is a threat to everyone as you are aware." The General of The Marine corps said.

I stood at attention in my dress uniform "It will be done," I said.

The president nodded and stood up from his chair "You are taking a great risk, even more so, due to your soulmate being close to the target." The president said

"I will get the job done sir, I have no intention of allowing my mate to come to any more mental harm due to the Sith," I said

"It says here you have 25 confirmed kills, you will become a hero to many young girls." The House speaker said

"Madam speaker my loyalty first and foremost is to this country and her people, I took the oath of a soldier to protect America from all enemies both foreign and domestic," I said, "Now I shoulder greater responsibility, one that you, yourself have no idea of,"

The President nodded in understanding of my words "A warrior of God, sent out to spread God's word and love among the stars." The house speaker said.

How dare she! My jaw clinched "I am a Wiccan Madam Speaker, I value the beliefs of others unlike you." I said politely, "Wiccans have died for this country and murdered by people like you since it's settling. Washington was a man that the Native people respected few hold that title now."

The Speaker of the House of Representatives went silent at that.

End of Flashback

Obi-Wan was the first to greet me "Sargent Major," he greeted

"Obi," I returned.

Obi-wan smiled at me and walked behind me "I have been briefed, nothing I can't handle, though I am sure you will want to get this to your men it is a summary of all 25 kill missions that I was a part of, sadly the 26th saw us coming and set up an ambush." I said handing him my unclassified documents.

Crosshair walked over and skimmed over Obi-Wan's shoulder "Special operations?" Crosshair asked

"Affirmative, I served as the sniper, when I was posted to a squad I was a combat medic," I replied

"Impressive," Crosshair said with a nod.

I walked into the house and looked around at the occupants "Follow me." I said.

Fox's POV

My soulmate leads us to a basement it was full of old photos. One stood out the most. It was of a beautiful woman holding a baby in her arms and a soldier standing next to her smiling down at the child and woman. I looked at Lilith who smiled sadly "My parents the day I was born." she said sadly

"What happened to them?" Obi-Wan asked, "If you don't mind me asking,"

"My father, like myself, was a soldier, a Marien like myself, he fell in combat to an enemy sniper," she said softly, "My mother was killed in an accident, shortly before I received my first assignment."

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