Close Calls

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AN: I had to stop several times towards the end of this chapter to calm myself from the fit of giggles that I had from writing Wrecker's breaking wind and Lilith lighting the second one on fire with a lighter. There is even a Gif to display the range of the natural bodily chemistry made flame thrower. I did this because NO ONE and I mean NO ONE has actually written anything like this, so if you are offended I regret NOTHING!


Jango's POV (see what I did here)

If I thought the first one was going to break Obi-Wan something told me this one would, but how I couldn't say, after we ate at the place Lilith took us all to we all entered the house and sat down to finish the movie. We had stayed up until closing when the owner had packed everything up in containers and sent it home with us. I do have to admit the Beef and Broccoli stuff was good, everything had flavor especially the spicy stuff that they served there. Lilith was currently munching away on one of those Egg Rolls that were packed with vegetables and meat. 

Crosshair took a liking to the variety of soups that they had served. I swear that boy, you can't just survive off of soup alone. Tech had taken a liking to some of the things, Wrecker sweet Mand'a did that ad have an appetite. He cleared a total of twenty-four plates of food before going looking for dessert and managed to clear three plates of that. Lilith was just amused by it all.

When Lilith sat down she hit play on the movie 

**Movie resumes**
**Padme looks angry and frustrated, as Palpatine gives her a sympathetic look.**

Palpatine: Due to the lateness of the hour and the seriousness of this motion, we will take up these matters tomorrow. Until then, the Senate stands adjourned.

**The camera pans to another scene Exterior: Executive Quarters building-day. The giant towers of the Republic Executive Building seem to reach into the high heavens above. Traffic clogs the smoggy sky. Interior: Chancellor's office-day. Chancellor Palpatine sits behind his desk with two red-clad royal guards on either side of the door. Yoda, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Mace Windu sit across from him. Behind them stands Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee.**

Palpatine: I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends. More and more systems are joining the Separatists.

Mace Windu: If they do break away-

Palpatine: I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two. My negotiations will not fail!

Mace Windu: If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers.

Palpatine: Master Yoda, do you think it will really come to war?

**Yoda closes his eyes.**

Yoda: Worse than war, I fear...much worse.

Palpatine: What?

Mace Windu: What do you sense, Master?

Yoda: The Dark Side clouds everything. Impossible to see, the future is. But this I am sure of- [Opens eyes] Do their duty, the Jedi will.

**A muted buzzer sounds and a hologram of an Aide, Dar Wac, appears on the Chancellor's desk**

Dar Wac: (in Huttese) The loyalist committee has arrived, my lord.

Palpatine: Good. We will discuss this matter later. Send them in.

**They all stand as Senator Amidala, Captain Typho, Mas Amedda, Dorm, and Senators Bail Organa, Jar Jar Binks, and Horox Ryyder and their attendants enter the office. As Yoda and Mace move to greet the Senator, Yoda taps Amidala with his cane.**

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