A WLA and Adoptive Assholes PT2

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Author's Note: A wild Kix has appeared to help Tech with Lilith's wounds, but an ancient goddess proves that magical healing is still as strong as bacta, and reactions to the tattoos that Lilith has.

Warnings: Language, Kix-atude, Tech sass, and Lilith's vocabulary.

3rd Person

Fox had carried Lilith to the house, cradling her in his arms as Hunter and the others put binders on the ones who attacked her. As soon as he got inside the house he laid her down on the couch and didn't move from her side. Rex had already commed for Kix and was sure the 501's medic would have to sedate him just to her. 

When Kix arrived after about an hour, he came into the house with his gear "What happened?" Kix asked moving over to help Tech with scans

"A couple of dar'ba'buir happened," Jango said with a growl, "Over the fact that they weren't getting what was rightfully hers," 

Kix nodded and looked at Fox "Do I need to sedate you or are you going to let me work?" 

Fox backed away slowly from Kix as they began to run their scans "Her knee is bruised as are her ribs, she will have slight swelling in her knee and wrist," Kix said as he ran his scans, "So far no evidence of a concussion, or internal injuries." 

As Kix continued to work Fox noticed his mate starting to wake up Fox pulled both of his brothers out of the way before his ass hit the floor pain blooming in his jaw. Fox found Lilith's eyes and they were wide in fear before they rolled into the back of her head and she fell forward.

Kix caught Lilith's shoulders and settled her back on the couch as the others rushed in "The haran just happen?" Kote asked

"Fox apparently kept Kix and I from getting punched in the jaw," Tech replied, "However, Fox, on the other hand, took the brunt of it," 

"Kriff she has a mean right hook," Fox said rubbing and flexing his jaw

"And very solid form too," Kix sassed.

Of course, Kix would tease Fox over being punched in the face by his own mate no less. Tech turned his attention to Fox and scanned his jaw "Minor swelling, nothing some bacta can't fix." 

"Well, she managed to brake her fingers on Fox's jaw," Kix said with a snort.

Litlith's surviving ba'buir walked into the room with a file folder "For your medic," he said, "There are things that Lilly is allergic to," 

Kix took the folder his eyes blinking in shock "She's a soldier?"

"Was, her knee was damaged in the war, they gave her a life of comfort, though she misses the hunt," her grandfather spoke.

Lilith's POV

I woke to the smell of food, my body didn't hurt as it had when those two cowards jumped me. I noted that I was in my house, and the smell coming from the kitchen was my grandfather cooking up some Venison stir-fry. My stomach growled lowly "The haran was that?" I heard Hunter ask walking into the living room.

My stomach growled again causing Hunter to look in my direction with a brow arched. I felt the heat in my cheeks worsens as I slowly began to sit up "Don't or else Kix is going to come down on your head," Hunter warned.

Like I feared a damn Medic, especially one who had to deal with Anakin Skywalker, Kix would come to know that I didn't take shit from Medics. When the doctors said I would need a cane I laughed in their fucking faces and proved that I didn't need one, I had 80% motion in my injured leg according to my last doctor's visit. 

As if summoned by a potential medical violation on a patient's part Kix materialized around the corner "Excuse me, just what do you think you're doing?" Kix asked

"Walking to the kitchen to grab a snack," I said my eyes narrowing.

Kix narrowed his eyes at me in turn, so he could play that game too. I smirked "I'll go right through you," I said, "I tend to be a sith when I'm hungry," 

Kix crossed his arms over his chest "Sith while hungry or not, you are going to sit your shebs down and rest," he replied

"Shab gar," I growled. (Fuck you,)

Kix's brows shot up to his buzzed hair in shock as Hunter snickered as I waddled into the kitchen pushing Kix out of the way as I did. Once in the kitchen, I could see my grandfather looking at me in amusement "Perhaps you should not torment their healer so?" he said

"Where's the fun in that?" I asked.

He chuckled and handed me an apple before handing me a cup of my Willow Bark and white clover tea "Thank you," I said politely

"You're welcome my granddaughter, dinner should be ready in the next few minutes," he said

"Good, I thought Hunter was going to shoot something when he heard my stomach growl loudly," I replied.

My grandfather laughed "Fox is currently outside with some of the others, your truck was taken for evidence as well as to be repaired, it will return sometime this week," 

Great...just what I wanted to hear.


Fox's POV

I walked up to the porch to see Lilith sitting in the chair rocking back and forth a cup of her tea in her hand and an apple in her mouth as she took a bite. Her eyes widened when she saw my jaw before she winced "Sorry," she said.

I smiled softly at her "You thought you were being attacked, it was natural for you to protect yourself, besides, you had originally targeted Kix and Tech," I replied.

Lilith blushed at that "Why aren't you resting?" I asked

"I smelled my grandfather's cooking and it made me hungry though I think I broke Skywalker's medic," she replied.

I arched a brow "I may have told him 'Fuck you' in mando'a," she said.

I couldn't help it but laugh. When she finished with the apple she walked to the end of the porch and put it in a plastoid drum "Compost drum," she explained, "I removed the seeds, and will be planting another apple tree soon," 

I nodded and helped her back inside. Dinner smelled divine as Kix finally snapped out of whatever had broken him to start with "Commander are you helping her?" Kix asked

"I am, she was out side when I returned," I replied.

Kix nodded and glared at Lilith and Lilith smirked and glared right back at Kix. I made a note to myself to keep the pair away from each other before Kix ended up in a bacta tank regrowing something...

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