Chapter 21: USJ Attack (Part 1)

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Oh boy, it's been a while hasn't it? Really sorry about the lack of updates, but college and mostly just life itself have been really taxing these past months. Burned out, creatively bankrupt, I'm really sorry if I left any of you hanging. So good news everyone, I'm back. For how long? Well, two weeks away from my Calculus finals (Update, finished it for over a month now, and failed, sad.) so expect updates to speed up after then (hopefully). Also, new laptop (Yaaaay.)

A lot has changed these past months though. Got a lot more optimistic, a lot less edgy and honestly I'm really hoping I can keep the tone of this story consistent as what it once was, what was it 6 months!? jeez what a hiatus!

Also, I have a few new story ideas cropping in mind, so keep an eye out for those if I ever feel like getting to them.


-Mysterious Banana

"Hey mom, I really hope you are doing well. I know it's been a very long time since my last visit, so I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm doing perfectly fine at U.A High. I know you must be worried sick about me, given the amount of public unrest and rumors of incompetence in the Hero sphere these past few months, but I assure you I couldn't be happier here.

I've met some amazing people since my last visit and they treat me like their own brother. Sure, a handful of them may be a tad above my age group, but we are still close nonetheless. As for U.A? The teacher may leave a lot to be desired and All Might's first teaching started off a tad shaky, but all and all, I couldn't ask for better. I was honestly afraid that being admitted to this class as a recommendation student would place me on a pedestal and alienate me from my classmates, but with the help of two of my best friends, I found my place in this class and fit in like a glove.

What surprised me the most was how standard most of school-life felt in U.A. You'd think that being, a hero school, we'd be learning about how to rescue people from burning buildings and take on armed individuals all day, but there are standard school subjects like Math, English and Physical Eds (which is sorta redundant since isn't the hero course technically already mostly physical?). In fact, just yesterday, we had to pick our class-rep, a very school-like matter.

I'd honestly have voted for my bestie Izuku if I could but he was sadly not present that day. Apparently he and this other student who's name I forgot (I think it was Cuntchan?) had a bad history with one another and things got ugly, leading to the two of them being suspended. Instead, Iida, the stern and stuck-up guy got the part.

I feel bad for Izuku not being able to be here today as I'm writing you this letter though. Many of my classmates have been looking forwards to this day for the past week. Today is our class's first outing. We are apparently heading to somewhere called the "Unforseen Simulation Joint". There, we will experience simulated events of actual disasters in the most realistic possible setting. How I wish Izuku could be there..."

"Hey! Sho-san! You sleeping in for what?! Come on, you're gonna be late!" Toga exclaimed, barging into Shoto's room, interrupting his writing.

"I'll be right there!" he responded, folding up his letter and grabbing his bag, dashing out of his dorm and towards the departing buses.

"I'm so excited! For the first time, we are putting our quirks to the test against real disasters! Or at least the closest thing to real!" Ochaco exclaimed, bouncing joyfully.

Toga, walking alongside here felt a hint of unease.

"Of course, just don't get too carried away. You know what happens when you overexert your quirk." She tried to talk her down a peg.

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