Chapter 9: Why I fight

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Sachi's log, entry 17: Guys, I think I may have just accidentally found the cure to the current pandemic. It's Corona, the beer, ironically enough. Apparently, no one had ever thought of mixing the thing with an alcohol sensitive virus. Not that I would actually use this cure! The lockdown's what's keeping the author at bay, for now. I just hope he doesn't figure out the secret or I'm toast!

Luckily, I doubt anyone ever reads the opening portions of the story, heck, I've long forgotten why we do this even to begin with! Is this the fanfiction equivalent of an anime opening? Just a ~100 word meta-sidestory of a scrapped character running from the "delete" button?

Around two days or so passed after Raid's defeat. Word of the league spread throughout the criminal underworld. Despite the mainstream media covering up the involvement of the league and instead giving the credit to Endeavor, who apprehended Raid's unconscious body after he was defeated, almost everyone who worked in the shadows knew about the real events that took place. As a result, many new thugs, crooks and cronies who wanted to make a name for themselves started to show up at the league of villain's doorstep.

As this happened, Izuku wanted into the bar. Having given specific orders to wear his mask, he noticed a lot more people at the bar that day.

"Hey guys, what's going on here? I thought most of you would be hanging out at Tom's instead of here." Asked Izuku, confused at the large gathering.

"That mission your team pulled off has attracted a massive crowd Izuku." Said All For One's voice, coming through the TV, "I gotta say, I'm proud of you. Only one mission and you've already managed to secure a great amount of allies."

"Wow, I didn't know I did so much." Replied Izuku, blushing, "t-thanks."

"That's our little boss for ya!" Cheered Sachi, raising his mug in the air, "I think we all agree that a little celebration should be in order! Maybe even a promotion! Is that a thing here? Do you do promotions?"

"What a much of bullshit." Muttered Shigaraki in a salty tone in the corner, "I could have recruited twice as many people in half the time."

"Well someone sounds jealous!" Teased Irina, "What'cha gonna do? Cry into your hands? Maybe if you water them enough you could get a hand tree!"

"I'll rot your German Face off you Nazi descendant!" Yelled a ticked off Shigaraki.

As the man was held back by Kurogiri, however, All For One turned his attention to Izuku.

"Young Midoriya, do you know why I asked you here?"

"I was kinda hoping you'd tell me." Replied Izuku, "As far as I'm concerned, you just called me for a party with the boys."

"You have your mask, yes?" Asked All For One.

"Correct." Replied Izuku.

"Well you better put it on." Said All for One, "Because soon, you'll be meeting with over 100 new recruits in a secluded warehouse."

The reveal shocked pretty much everyone in the room, causing Izuku to stagger and almost fall over.

"E-e-e-excuse me!?" Exclaimed Izuku.

"You see, your meeting with Raid was originally supposed to be a small event, a blip in a much bigger plan. However, having failed to successfully recruit him, your battle with him and Raijin sent a much bigger ripple throughout the criminal underworld, putting the League of Villains on the map for other crime syndicates and revealing the league's existence too soon." Explained All For One, "And because you were main negotiator, many people throughout the criminal underworld assumed you are the true leader of the league of villains."

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