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12:56 and I'm still awake. I couldn't stop thinking of Bettina.... oh Gosh I'm so worried about her. Everything was my fault. If I was paying attention I think I would've slowed down. I knew the redlight at the intersection came fast. But was I thinking at the moment? No. I was thinking of Maya and the stupid shadow. If Maya really had custody of Natalia..... why didn't a judge contact me? There was a missing report on t.v for her but... Maya isn't that stupid. Maybe I'll call in the police department before I go to pick up Bettina.

I shifted to my other side. I was now facing a lump in the bed. I forgot I forced Al to sleep with me. It's not weird or anything....right? We would always sleep in the same bed when we were younger. It's a brotherly thing to do, other than we weren't brothers. I started drawing circles in the sheets of the bed, hoping I wold doze off in the process. I could hear a soft snore building up from Al. He was a hell of a snorer. Not even five minutes had passed, Al was letting out mighty roars that sent vibrations through the house. "Oh my goooooosh, shut up!" I yelled, throwing my pillow at the larger figure. The snoring stopped. Oh no I woke him up... You never want to wake up somebody like Al. He'll make you sorry.

He slowly picked up the pillow, and I knew what he was going to do. I sprang up from the bed and moved closer to the wall, shielding my body. "PILLOW FIGHT!" He screeched and threw a pillow at my torso. "N- He- Stop! Nooo!--" He hit me with another. "Al... Alfred sto- stop it~!" I screamed. I tried blocking the force full pillows that were being thrown at me but I Couldn't stop one. I tried running but... that didn't get me anywhere either. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me to the bed, pinning me down. "No! don't you dare! We are grown men!" I tried telling him but I think it only made things worse. He was sitting on me and started pounding me with a pillow. After awhile of him having the time of his life attacking me, he put the pillow down. "Marshy you took a beating!" He cheered, smiling down at me. "Get off me you asshole." I mumbled, pushing him next to me. He laughed and patted my arm. "Another win for the awesome hero!" He giggled and crawled under the blankets. "Night Marshy." He whispered and closed his eyes.

We would always have pillow fights when we were younger. And of course, he would win. He always had the advantage of being bigger and stronger. But I was glad for this one, I actually was tired. I moved into the covers and closed my eyes. Just a matter of seconds and I was asleep.



I awoke to pressure being put on top of me. "What the hell.." I mumbled and opened my eyes. Al was sprawled over me, staring into my eyes. "Good morning sunshine!" He screamed into my face. I groaned and pushed him off. "You're heavy get off."

"Someones not a morning person... But hey, its okay because I woke up extra early to make you breakfast." He smiled. I wasn't really a morning person but, Al tried his best to make me feel better so I'll give him that. "I bet I'll beat you there." I said and started bolting to the door.

I heard him screech, followed by loud thumps. Oh crap. I opened the door and ran as fast as I could down the long hallway. I felt hands reach my back and push me into the wall. He ran past me and bolted down the staires. "Dammit.." I yelled and rusheddown the stairs. I knew it was too late so whats the point in running? I turned the corner and was greeted by a panting Al. "Its about time!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes and sat down where a plate of sausage, pancakes, and some fruit lay. "Thanks Al...." I owe you another one.
We were in the middle of eating when an unknown number called my self phone.
I picked up. "Hello?" I asked. It was the hospital. Bettina was ready to get picked up. After awhile of making sure everything was okay and she could finally come home, I finally set down my phone. Al and I got ready for the trip to the hospital and left the house.

Bettina HansonWhere stories live. Discover now