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"Mmm... Bettina you have to get up." i heard a groggy voice mumble. I pulled the sheets up, over my head and groaned. "Bettina sweetheart, come on we have to see your mom to get your things, lets go." He pulled the blanket off my body and picked me up. I grabbed his arms and clung to them. "Daddy I don't want to go to moms house!" I shrieked. "I know darling, but you have to, we are just going to get your things though, you won't stay there long." he sighed.

He sat me on my bed and went over to my closet. "See, when we go over to pick up your things, you will have more dresses, andall your toys." he explained and walked over to me. In his hand was a pretty blue dress. It was knee high and very poofy. I giggled and took off my nightgown, exposing my body. He slipped the dress over my head and tied it in the back. "Thank you, father." I smiled. He pulled white socks up to my claf. I put on black strap-on flats and walked into the bathroom, where daddy was waiting.

He picked me up and sat me on the counter top. I picked up my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth while he combed my long, dark brown hair. "I remember," my dad started saying. "When your hair used to be light brown, you had it after me, but as soon as you turned five, it turned dark." I smiled, remembering the dirty blonde hair. I spit out the toothpaste and started washing my face with a wet cloth.

He grabbed small sections of my hair in the front and pulled it in the back, holding them in place with a small bow. I hopped off the countertop and followed dad to the kitchen. I sat down at the table, looking at the sausage, eggs, and fruit my father has made before I got up. He sat the plates with a small glass of orange juice on the table.

"Thank you daddy!" I smiled and started eating my breakfast. Daddy was a great cook, hes a chef at a really fancy resturant. Daddy has a lot of moeny too, which is why I have so much dresses! A couple months before daddy left mommy i heard my aunt talking. She said mommy only loved father for his money. I didnt believe it, mommy really did love daddy. Until he left her. That morning I was awaken in a big moving truck and we arrived at the new house which we live in now. After that, mommy started threatening us and was real mean. Im not aloud to be with her without daddy now.

I finished eating and set my plates in the sink for our maid, Suizie, would clean. "Okay darling, lets get into the car, I will be there soon." Daddy ordered. I nodded, slipping my arms into the jacket daddy help out to me. I walked to the front room and opening the large door. I walked outside, getting chills. It was mid Febuary, almost spring. Snow beautifully covered the trees and top of the large, cabin we lived in. We lived in Michigan, submerged with trees all around. The cabin was avery large house with three floors. I loved it here.

I walked to the garage which was seperatef from the rest of the house. I opened the door of daddys black Catillac. I sat in the back and put on the seatbelt. "Oh hurry up daddy, its cold." I whispers and rubbed my hands together.

Bettina HansonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz