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***Eight Months Pass***

I watched as Marshall climbed into the jet. Apparently something was wrong with the jet and somebody had to fly it to find out. Marshall volunteered. Which was stupid because hes new to this. "Now... Why can't a professional do this?" I screamed over the loud engines next to us. "Everyone gotta start somewhere." The lieutenant yelled back. I shook my head, hoping nothing bad would happen. I watched as Marshall started the engine. A loud rattling noise indicated that there, in fact was something wrong. "...Okay now what if something was to happen?" I asked again, watching the jet guiders guide Marshall to the runway. The lieutenant seemed to be annoyed. "Listen. Our jets can be used even if there's something wrong with them. We have very hi-tech equipment that can last through a lot of damage. We are keeping a close eye and our technicians will be notified if something will happen." he explained. I still wasn't convinced. I looked back to see Marshall just start to take off. The jet was at a fast pace, and the rattling continued. I sighed watching as the nose started to raise, and then he was fully in the air. The jet was shaky but he was still raising higher and higher. But then something happened. A bright flash came from the bottom of the jet, which sent it nose down. "Marshall!" I screamed. Sirens started howling and lights started flashing as I was about to watch my best friend crash an airplane. He finally hit the ground, making a loud shattering noise. Parts flew everywhere and a fire had started. "M... Marshall?!" I screamed and ran towards the jet. An ambulance had already gotten there by the time I reached the scene. "Marshall?" I repeated. I circled to where the paramedics were and saw they were trying to pull him out. "MARSHALL!" I yelled. He looked lifeless. Then I knew it... he was lifeless. There was no more life in him. I watched as he was placed in a big bag and was wheeled off to the ambulance. "Marshall...." I whispered.


I'm speeding this up a little bit ((((: but there is still lots of chapters to finish so yay.

Bettina HansonWhere stories live. Discover now