Dad (Marshall)

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We were driving towards town. I guess we lived 30 minutes away from the bigger stores, there was a small resturant about 10 minutes away. Every friday Bettina and I would go on a small Father, Daughter date and we would go to that resturant.

I couldn't stop wondering about what I saw after leaving Maya's. As I closed the door, a small figured shadowed from in her curtains. Bettina did have a sister named Natalia but both Maya and I lost costody for her. Later, when Bettina was watching t.v, I heard her cry. As i reached the t.v a picture of Natalia was shown on the screen with the words MISSING underneath.

I was awakened by my thoughts when Bettina shrieked, "Watch out!" I saw the light turn red and slammed on the breaks. Not helping with the ice. The car turned and swirled, bumping another car in return. As the thundering screech of tries and the clashing of cars raced through my ears, we reached a stop. I heared glass shattering and quicly turned back. the whole back seats were covered in glass. 

"BETTINA!?" I cried, jumping out of the car. I quickly opened the door and her seat and reached for her. She lay limply whith blood dripping off of her arms and legs. "BETTINA ANSWER ME OH MY GOD, BETTINA?" I picked her up, brushing the hair out of her face. I felt her move her fingers around a little and sighed. "Oh my gosh, Bettina youre not dead." I looked around, seeing another car but with small damage. 

After a series of police and ambulances getting to the scene, both Bettina and I were sent to the hospital, 10 miles away. 

"Sir, are you hurt." an EMC asked me. I shook my head, running my fingeres through her hair. I couldn't take my eyes off her, a breathing mask on her mouth and nose. I shook my head and felt tears in my eyes. "What have I done?" I whispered to myself. "I felt a hand on my back and looked up. "It's okay sir, accidents happen all the time in this time of year. And nobody from the other car was hurt, in fact there was no damage to the car." a mans voice soothed. It did calm me, knowing somebody understood. I looked up at the man, he was about my age, in his mid 20s. I smiled at him and nodded. "Thank you mister."

As we reached the hospital, Bettina was awake and was confused out of her mind. I wasn't aloud in the room with her which made me furious.

"SHES MY FIVE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER WHO DEPENDS ON ME!" I screamed at the ladyin the front desk. "Sir please,there isnt enough room. You need to settle down or we will have to call security." She replied. "Miss, my daughter needs me!" I complained.

"Mr, I need you to sit down, I will go check on her for you." she said and made her way out of the desk and led me to a seat. I grumbled, sitting down with my arms folded. As the lady dissapeared down the hall I was welcomed by Maya.

'Oh, Marshall, youre okay!" She sighed, sitting down next to me. "What happened?" she asked, her face full of worry. "I was driving down moose road' (haha get it moose, michigan hahh jokes) I felt her eyes on me. "The light turned so quickly.... I couldnt help it and... and we just spun out of control." I started crying on Mayas shoulders. She wrapped her hands around my shoulders, comforting me. "Marshall, its not your fault." she calmed. "Im sure Bettinas going to be okay." She whispered in my ears.

We held eachother for about five minutes before the doctore came out with the desk lady. "So? How is she?!" Both Maya and I stood up and asked.

Bettina Hansonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें