14. Early Hot Girl Summer and Avoid

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TIME & DATE - 5:38 PM, 20th March
PLACE - Jaemin and Sungchan's Dorm, SPAU
CHARACTER(S) - Choi Yeonjun, Hwang Hyunjin, Na Jaemin, Park Jisung


"You know Hyunjin, it's kinda suspicious that you're not mad at Jaemin for having a crush on Felix who happens to be your boyfriend," Yeonjun voiced. Jisung gave the other three a confused look. 

"Mind explaining?" he asked. 

"Jaemin has a crush and it just so happens to be my boyfriend. And to answer your question Yeonjun, you know that I was never the jealous type and I am a hundred percent sure that Lixie wouldn't leave me for Jaemin. He loves me and I love him. Not to mention that I'm way more good-looking than Jaemin."

The last statement earned Hyunjin a pillow in his face. "He's not lying though. Sorry hyung," Jisung said as he dodged Jaemin's attempts of hitting him with a pillow. The white-haired male let out a long sigh and flopped onto the floor. Then, he started wiggling, resembling an awkward humanoid worm. 

"That's Jaemin's distress signal. The fuck is wrong with you bitch?" Yeonjun asked. Jaemin sat up and puffed out his cheeks. "I saw Injunnie last night..." he said slowly. 

"What's new about that stalker?" Jisung was getting impatient. He needed to get this over with soon so he could go back home to his princess. Sungchan was out with his friend so he had to fill in for him as Jaemin's illegally adopted child and as an emotional support sibling.

"He was with Jeno."


"Are you sure that this is necessary Jaemin?" Hyunjin asked in a worried tone. I mean, who wouldn't be concerned if their best friend suddenly stormed out of the dorm room, announcing to the whole hallway that he was going to have an early hot girl summer?

Not only was he oblivious and dumb, but Jaemin also didn't know when to stop.

The boys who were earlier at the dorm were now standing in front of their dear friend Minho's hair salon. Jaemin burst into the salon, startling the customers as well as a dark blue-haired male. "Jaemin, I thought you'd never come!" the male exclaimed and pulled the younger into a hug. "Sorry Minho hyung. Uni has been taking up a lot of my time lately," he replied as he scratched his neck sheepishly.

"Nonsense, college never took up my time."

"That's because you were always smoking weed with me behind campus!" another voice called out.

"Jisung my love now isn't the best time--"

"Wait your name is Jisung too?!"

A squirrel-like male approached the giant chick. "How old are you?" he asked. "18?" was the answer. The former male let out a shaky breath. "Damn kid you're tall. I need a smoke--"

"Oh hell no you're not smoking today mister," Minho said strictly. "Now that they're both next to each other, I can kind of see the similarities between Jisung and Jisung," Yeonjun said out of the blue. 

The boys eyed both Jisungs up and down. "You're right," Hyunjin concluded. "They both have squishy cheeks, always look lost and they both have orange hair."

"Alright enough with comparing me to this big ass chicken. What do you need Jaemin?" 


"Stop staring at yourself," Yeonjun snapped after Jaemin had held the group up so he could check out himself in a nearby mirror. 

"Well sorry I'm so damn hot I guess," Jaemin retorted as he ran his fingers through his black hair. "You were talking about me?" Hyunjin pipped up, earning a smack from then latter. Jisung had left the moment Jaemin said that he was getting his lip pierced, hence why Yeonjun, Hyunjin, and Jaemin were at the art supply store without him. 

The trio scanned the colorful shelves, Jaemin looking for the most expensive and high-quality products they had on display. "Where did you get all the money from anyway? I thought you wanted to be romantic and spend your own money on your sugar baby," Yeonjun teased, knowing well that Jaemin would attack him, which he did.

"I managed to scrap a few hundred bucks from my old bank accounts," he said after threatening to spray paint on the older. 

They spent over an hour in the art store and they came out with their hands full. "Jaemin do you really think all these art supplies were necessary?" Hyunjin huffed as they made their way back to their dorms. "Obviously. Injunnie was talking about wanting to paint the outside of Midnight Café and he said that he was running low on paint and other artsy stuff," Jaemin explained with the biggest smile on his face. Even with a grin, he managed to find a way to play with his lip piercing. 

"You're fucking whipped. Just wait until Jeno steals him away from you," Yeonjun cackled loudly. Of course, he only meant it as a harmless joke, but Jaemin had always seen Jeno as a potential threat ever since their day at the cafe. 


Jaemin groaned loudly when he heard his phone ringing. It was five in the evening and he was taking a much-deserved nap when someone decided to cut it short. 

"What the fu--"


Jaemin immediately shut up when he heard his beloved Injunnie's voice on the other side of the line. "Hello Injunnie~" he greeted the other. Jaemin wasn't actually supposed to speak to Renjun. In fact, he had planned to avoid him until his birthday.

"Jaems are you free? We haven't hung out in a while and I've missed you..." Hearing those words come from Renjun made Jaemin's heart palpitate. His Renjun asked him to hang out, his Renjun had missed him. 

Too bad Jaemin's mouth worked faster than his brain.

"Ah, I'm sorry Injunnie. That guy I'm tutoring came over at the last minute so I'm stuck with him right now," Jaemin lied. 

"Oh, I understand. It's okay Jaem, we can just hang out another time," Renjun replied with fake optimism. Jaemin could practically see Renjun's pout and slumped shoulders. 

"Yeah, we can. I need to go now. Bye Injun," he said quickly and ended the call before the other could reply. Jaemin groaned once again and fell onto his bed. 

"You can be really dumb sometimes you know. The plan of avoiding him just to surprise him is the dumbest thing you've come up with so far," Sungchan voiced, loudly munching on chips as he watched Bambi on his laptop. 

"Shut up dying-puppy sounding tallass."

-ˋˏ ༻☕༺ ˎˊ-

yall wanna explain why this fic has 400+ reads?

not deserved but like thank you. i genuinely appreciate it 

n e gays yall have no idea how bad of a writers block I'm going through rn. i haven't written a new chapter in A WHOLE ASS WEEK so I'm at my grandmas place rn, its 1 am and I'm listening to chase atlantic while tRyiNG to write

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