28. Explore and Figure It Out

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TIME & DATE - 4:44 PM, 14th May
PLACE - A Small Street in Jeju
CHARACTER(S) - Huang Renjun, Lee Jeno, Na Jaemin


"Get moving you two!"

May had somehow rolled around and the weather was getting warmer, much to Renjuns displeasure. Yet he didn't let the weather bring his mood down. After Jeno and Jaemin had explained why they would be staying in Jeju for longer than usual, he couldn't help but feel worried. Not for himself but for Jeno and Jaemin.

Jeno said that they might be in Jeju for a few months, just until things cool down over there. "But what about your classes?" Renjun had asked, to which the two told him not to worry about it. As much as the older was against the idea of the two missing classes and exams just to protect him, he didn't have much of a choice anyway.

Renjun didn't know what exactly they were running away from, Jeno hadn't explained that part yet. They were partially taking cover from Jenos pack but Renjun knew that there was more to the story. Until Jeno told him about it, Renjun was going to fulfill his dream of going on a library date, which was where the three were going right now.

"Slow down doll you might trip," Jeno warned, pulling Renjun back before he could bump into someone. "Thanks, Jen." Renjun placed a kiss on his cheek and gave him a smile, before running off to a public library nearby.

Jaemin rolled his eyes at the mates, disgusted by the public display of affection. Though I'm quite sure he wouldn't have the same reaction if Renjun did that to him.

Jeno and Jaemin still haven't figured out... whatever they had going on. Jaemin sure as hell despised Jeno and Jeno was just straight-up soft for Jaemin. Though you'd never hear the older admitting that out loud. So far they've only agreed that Renjun would switch bedrooms each night-- one night he'd sleep with Jeno and the next with Jaemin.

Coming back to the present, Renjun skipped into the old library and gasped silently at the sight. The endless rows of bookshelves seemed to reach the high ceiling. Thick, leather-bound books sat messily on the tables nearby, alongside burned-out candles. 

"It's beautiful," he uttered softly, turning around to check if the other two were following him. Fortunately, they did catch up and now they were staring at Renjun with the most disgustingly lovesick smiles they could muster. The Chinese could do the bare minimum and those two would be whipped.

Renjun left them after assuring them that he wouldn't wander too far. Navigating his way through the maze of selves was fun honestly. He even found some Korean manuscripts dating back to the 1820s. "Must be a really old place." 

After a while of scanning through the yellowing pages of several books, he came across one that really caught his eye. Renjun was drawn to the book. Its prominent green shade stood out from the sea of brown and black. The Chinese somehow thought that the book was calling him. But that was just ridiculous, books can't call you!

Gently taking it off its shelf, Renjun read its title out loud, "Anything and Everything About Them (includes: Lycanthropy, Witchcraft, Enchanted Objects, Necromancy, and Others)."

He flipped through the pages, barely taking in the words messily scrawled onto the parchment. He then stopped at a page with a drawing of a necklace on it. The necklace had a blood-red diamond in the middle, surrounded by smaller diamonds. 

Seemingly realizing something, Renjun lifted his own necklace (the one gifted to him by Jeno) and compared it to the drawing. "It's identical," he muttered. 

"Injun!" Jaemin called just as Renjun was about to read more about the necklace. After looking around hastily, he shoved the book into his backpack and dashed to the front of the library, hoping that no one had seen him.

"I'm here!"

As the trio approached their apartment, Jeno and Jaemin were bickering about something. "You're such an idiot Jaemin," Jeno sighed. "Allow me to remind you that you needed to be tutored by me," Jaemin retorted. "I'm also pretty smart for a human."

Renjun had had enough of those two. All they did was fight, fight, and fight some more. It was getting on his nerves. 

Later that night while Jaemin was changing, Renjun managed to trick Jeno into going to his room. He then proceeded to lock the two in Jaemins room.

"You two aren't coming out until you figure things out!" the Chinese said, pushing a chair against the room door. Jaemin groaned and banged his fist against the door. "Let me out Injun!" he demanded but received silence as an answer. 

"Is he really gonna-- Ugh."

The human flopped onto his bed and buried his face into his pillow. Maybe if he ignored Jeno, things wouldn't be too bad. Well, that's what he thought until a mass of fur pounced on him.

"Get off me you stinky mutt!" Jaemin grumbled as he tried to push Jeno off of him. His efforts were fruitless as Jeno had managed to pin him down. He shifted back into a human, his grip on Jaemins hands still firm.

"Why do you hate me?" he asked. "I've never done anything bad to you."

Jaemin scoffed at that. "Wouldn't you hate someone if they stole the person you love from you?" he asked. "I don't know, would I?" Jeno shot back, steadily closing the distance between him and the human. Jaemin stayed silent.

"Well, it depends honestly. I wouldn't mind if you stole Jun from me. In fact, I'd let you share him with me and make you fall for me in the process."

Jenos lips curled into a smirk when he saw Jaemin blush under him. Cupping the human's jaw with his hand, Jeno spoke, "I will make you fall for me Jaemin. Until then, Injun is ours to share."

Jaemin pushed the werewolf off of him when his grip loosened. "You disgust me Lee Jeno," he spat.

"And you arouse me Na Jaemin."

-ˋˏ ༻☕༺ ˎˊ-

SM going to jail after they decided to but dejun and hyuck in the same unit, TWICE. EVEN WHEN I MANIFESTED THAT THEY WOULDNT BE IN THE SAME UNIT FOR THE SAKE OF MY MENTAL HEALTH????

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