Chapter 77

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Aizawa's Flash Back Continued

"Is he up yet?" Aizawa's finger twitched, and he was hit with the faint nauseous feeling people get when they're not sure if they're actually awake or not.

"No ma'am, he is still unconscious..." Aizawa frowned, the muscles in his face stretched slowly. This seemed to trigger the rest of his body as he suddenly became unpleasantly aware of the tight constriction around his chest and the burning tenderness in his side that throbbed with every shallow breath as well as various other aches and pains that were spread across his body.

"Well it's about time he got up, I need to have a word with him." Aizawa felt someone walk past him, and then there was a sharp whooshing sound and light shone painfully through his eyelids. He grunted and tried to turn away, but everything in his body felt as thought it was filled with cement.

"Hey!" Aizawa groaned and blearily opened his eyes, "I've got something to say to you!" After a few seconds of seeing nothing but blurry silhouettes, Aizawa found a hero's scowling face mere centimetres from his own. 

"...huh?" His throat felt like two sheets of sandpaper as he struggled to process what was happening. A small man in a white coat with a clipboard jogged up to the lady, a look of distress on his face.

"Ma'am I'm going to need to ask you to leave." He tried to guide her away but the hero ignored him.

"Do you remember me?" Aizawa stared at her, but the thick cloud of sleep was still settled firmly in his head, so he said nothing, "My name is Dust Devil, I'm a tornado hero. I was in charge of a rescue mission with priority to safely remove a minor from an armed hostage situation and then to subdue and detain the threat; Abasi Okoro. I was in command of the heroes Heartthrob, Glowstick," She paused, "and Tendril." Faces in his head began to match themselves to the names Aizawa knew. Dust Devil continued,

"The plan was simple, safe and with minimal chance of error. Heartthrob, Glowstick and I were to stand outside the building and keep Abasi distracted, acting as though our only course of action was negotiation." Aizawa remembered seeing her with a megaphone, shouting up at the building.

"Ma'am please-" The doctor was once again, ignored.

"Heartthrob was able to determine his general location in the building with the sound of his heartbeat, so we knew where to go the moment the hostage was freed. As Abasi was talking, Tendril was making his way through the building towards him, completely undetected due to his ability to turn into smoke. The plan was for him to free and escort the hostage to safety via the window, which would allow police and the rest of my team to infiltrate the building and engage. Abasi was frantic and under the influence, so sedating him would have been effortless and without consequence." She stared hard at Aizawa, her teeth were clenched and her eyes, though full of fury, were gradually filling with tears, "But that didn't happen..."

'Because of me.' Aizawa finished her thought, his heart pounding heavily as he vaguely remembered running through the building and finding Hizashi and Abasi. And Tendril.

"Ma'am I have tried to be polite but this is highly inappropriate and overwhelming to a minor patient who is recovering from serious physical injury and head trauma." The doctor appeared again, and this time with two much taller nurses. Taking an arm each, they half lead, half dragged Dust Devil out of the room.

"Recovering from serious injury?! You have got to be kidding me! What about my sidekick? Huh?! What about what's happened to him because of that little-" Dust Devil yelled back at the doctor, who swiftly shut the door the moment she was over the threshold. 

"Honestly, heroes. They think that they're so important and can just do whatever they fancy." The doctor huffed and went back to Aizawa, "Well, not on my watch. They could be the number one for all I care. Recovery adjusts for nobody." He chuckled happily to himself and went about assessing the machines Aizawa was startled to find he was attached to through numerous chords that were leading out from under his blanket. The doctor saw Aizawa's look of alarm and laughed,

"I suppose I should catch you up a little. You suffered from three cracked ribs, a nasty laceration across your left side and one of the worst concussions I've ever seen. Which, mixed with the severe blood loss caused by the wound, gave you a fever. These tubes and wires are feeding you various fluids that are keeping you alive, and connecting you to a few machines that monitor your heart rate, brain activity, blood pressure and so on. Your side has been stitched up, though I'm afraid it will leave a rather substantial scar. It will probably take around three months to heal, and for the first four weeks at least the dressing will need to be redone every day, but we'll talk about at-home-care another time.  You will doubtlessly suffer from moderate to severe headaches, sudden nausea or dizziness and heightened sight and hearing sensitivity due to the concussion. You also will most likely suffer from general memory loss or strain, particularly affiliated with the moment of trauma." He flashed a small torch in each of Aizawa's eyes and snapped his fingers next to his ears, paused a second, and then nodded and scribbled something on his clipboard,

"The annoying thing with ribs is that there's not much to do but wait for them to heal, we do have some remedies and quirks to help speed up the process, however right now the only thing that will help anything is rest." He spoke so fast Aizawa just nodded and sunk deeper into his pillow. The doctor carefully swapped one of Aizawa's drips out for a different drug and drew the curtains closed before quietly shutting the door behind him. As he sunk back down into his pillow, Aizawa realised he had no idea where Hizashi was, but his eyes were already closed before he had the chance to even form the question in his mind.

Kind of a filler but it's over a 1000 words and this was like a closing scene, I've actually written a few chapters and I'll post them one week apart. Sorry I know it's annoying knowing I have chapters ready, it's just school is starting tomorrow so I won't have much time to write, and stockpiling what's already done gives me more time to write the next part.

Also I made up the heroes Tendril, Dust Devil, Heartthrob and Glowstick. I didn't want to need to scrounge around the internet looking for heroes from before All Might that aren't major famous.

So Tendril can turn into smoke, meaning he can get anywhere cause like he can go under doors and if he spreads himself out enough you can't see the smoke in the air. His form is a crow, and I imagine him being kind of like a mix between Kurogiri and Shihai, like he always has his quirk activated, like when he moves he has wisps coming off of him and stuff.

Heartthrob is able to detect heartbeats within a two hundred metre radius, and when touching someone she can make their heartbeat consistent. Like if someone is dying and their heartbeat is slowing, she holds onto them and their heart doesn't become any slower kind of thing. I imagine her having a rather threatening physic, like her quirk is labelled a healing quirk (though it could honestly be deadly) and because healing is associated with delicate care, her broad-shouldered, muscly physic contrasts. Like the same juxtaposition Tiger from the Wild Wild Pussycats gives off. Her form is a Cougar.

Dust Devil can create multiple miniature tornadoes, shoot bursts of air or concentrate all her energy into one huge tornado which she usually uses to protect herself if she's helping an injured civilian from an attack or something. Her suit has wings, like Hiccup's suit from HTTYD 2. She can shoot herself up in the sky and then glide around, she can't fly, it's just she shoots herself really high up and she's really light for reasons linked to her quirk so she hangs in the air for a really long time. I for some unknown reason imagine her skin being like a light medium blue, with a super short navy pixie cut and royal blue eyes. Her form is a Toro Bravo.

Glowstick...can glow...shocker. He glows and when he touches someone all their injuries glow. I cannot imagine him as anything other than the offspring of the result off mixing banana in pyjamas', the string cheese mascot guy's and those crazy waving wind men you see outside car dealerships and stuff's DNA and a highlighter. Like you mix those three together, then cross that result with a yellow highlighter and give him a pair of thin, black semi-circle sunglasses and boom, you have the hero Glowstick. There is no other way to explain it. He talks and acts like the stereotypical character in a cringey tween reality show that "thinks he's so cool but he's obviously not but he thinks he's cool so it's funny", you know who I'm talking about.

None of these made up heroes are important or impressive but it was fun randomly coming up with their forms and quirks and stuff. Feel free to add onto them, like what they would do in random scenarios, their likes and dislikes, and whatever you want. 


Human, Out.

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