Chapter 60

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^ This is the photo referenced in the chapter ^

Izuku's? Point of View

Time had become irrelevant and Izuku had deemed it pointless to measure, all he knew was that the various brands on his body had scarred over, becoming shiny and silvery white . He growled as he remembered the burn of the antibacterial spray that had been used on him multiple when the scars had been raw. Izuku had refused to wear a shirt since he received them and he supposed he was lucky they hadn't gotten infected from the various layers of grime, sweat and dirt on the floor he lived on. Since the branding, Izuku had been receiving more injections, he didn't know what they were for but he didn't care anymore. Talking seemed pointless, so did thinking past whatever he was doing in the present moment. When there was food, he ate it, no matter how decomposed it was. When Dabi was in the room, he was reluctantly submissive, though he gained a new burn almost every visit. When Toga was bouncing around, Izuku growled and snapped at her, she just giggled and came up with new ways to aggravate him. Shigaraki and Master didn't visit often, if they did they were always with Dabi. Izuku just growled from afar or ignored them, they usually just threw him some food, talked about him for a bit and then left. Akuri stayed huddled in the corner whenever she was in the cell, Izuku stuck right by her side, keeping her warm and giving her most of his food even though he smelt meals from outside the cell on her breath. Akuri came back to the cell with new clothes a while ago, Izuku growled and squished himself against her, trying to muffle the strange new scent. Akuri was led out of the cell by Toga frequently, before it brought Izuku fear, now it brought excitement and adrenaline. This was when he was allowed to attack Dabi, sometimes he would Shift, others he would not. He preferred having four legs and a snout but he couldn't tell when he had or hadn't shifted so it didn't matter to him. Mentally Izuku wasn't really sure what he was anymore, but he didn't question it. He didn't care.

"Medicine time!" Dabi yelled cheerily as he swung open the door, Izuku eyed him warily but didn't move from his sleeping position.

"We're going for a walk as well! So you better behave." Izuku snarled at Toga, Dabi slapped his snout and then squished his face to the ground. His teeth cut into his lip and grated against the concrete floor as he growled lowly but didn't struggle when Toga stuck the syringe into his neck. Her tail forever swaying from side to side happily. He did struggle however, when Toga attached a collar tight around his neck, connected to the collar was a barred muzzle which was quickly fastened around his jaws. Blurry images flashed through Izuku's brain.

'Loud noise, scared Akuri, bad people, cages, trapped, lots of pain. Muzzle bad.' Izuku roared and snapped at Dabi's hand, fire appeared in an instant and singed the side of his face. He yelped and quickly got away from him, hackles raised and body crouched low.

"That serum's giving him major mood swings." Toga said plainly, her ear flicking indifferently, "One minute he's docile and acts half asleep, the next he's trying to bite off a head. Come here Akuri." Toga crouched down and held out her arms. Akuri slowly shuffled over and wrapped her arms around her neck, stroking her ears carefully. Toga carefully lifted her up and carried her out of the room. Izuku didn't like Toga, she had never hurt Akuri but he didn't like not being with her either way. Dabi smirked, a truly irritating sight, and sauntered towards the door. But instead of slamming it shut behind him, he turned around.

"Come." Izuku didn't move, Dabi glared, his ears pointed forwards as smoke snaked from him arms, "I said. Come." The danger in his voice overpowered Izuku's spark of retaliation, he lowered his head and tail in submission and he walked to Dabi's side, "Good." His hand shot out like a viper and grabbed Izuku by the scruff of his neck, Izuku growled but Dabi shook him until he held eye contact, "You try anything, you're going to be in a world of pain, and Akuri can join in." Izuku went quiet and Dabi released him. He shook to fix the fur around his neck and followed Dabi out of the cell. He kept close to the floor and Dabi's heel, after living in the pitch blackness of the cell for months, the badly lit hallway felt like looking at a spotlight. Izuku could smell food, blood although that was nothing new, alcohol and warmth. The floor was cleaner than in the cell, his paws left a trail of prints behind him. Dabi chuckled,

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