Chapter 26

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"Settle down." Aizawa mumbled tiredly. The entire class fell silent and sat up straight. Four weeks with Mr Aizawa as a teacher had made them wary of any discipline he might dish out for them. Unfortunately, Denki did not hear Mr Aizawa as he had been explaining to Kirishima and Sero that he could be an alien like Mina, since he also had a pair of horns. Denki was still sitting on Kirishima's desk talking loudly to both of them, oblivious to Kirishima and Sero's subtle 'shut up' signs. Mr Aizawa slowly walked towards Denki, the entire class watched with baited breath, nervous for the fate of their classmate.

"Cause I knew this kid a few years back and he was a goat, but he didn't have horns. So what if I am actually an alien with horns, I just think they're from the goat? What'd ya think?" Denki finally realised everyone was silent, "Guys? Just because I might be an alien doesn't mean you need to shun me-"

"Ahem." Mr Aizawa cleared his throat loudly, Denki immediately went rigid with fear and slowly turned around, "You knew another goat Form a few years ago without horns because some goats don't grow horns and others eventually will grow them when they are older." Denki swallowed and nodded slowly, waiting for the punishment, "Return to you're seat." The entire glass gaped at Mr Aizawa, he never passed on a chance to discipline his students. Denki was frozen with shock, "Before I change my mind." Denki bleated and scrambled to his seat.

"Since their is an hour before the end of the day you may have free time after I have handed out these notes." The entire class froze, even Bakugou stopped swinging on his chair.

'Mr Aizawa's not punishing Denki for not listening and he's giving out FREE TIME?!' Izuku thought his head was going to explode. Aizawa held up a piece of paper it had a lot of tiny writing, tick boxes and signature lines.

"This is a permission note." Aizawa said.

'A permission note with that much stuff to agree to? No way.' Izuku knew that UA's excursion notes usually had double what the average school had, just because they were going out and practising their quirks. But this note was triple that.

"What are we doing, signing our lives away?" Bakugou muttered, he too had noticed the extensiveness of the note. Aizawa death glared him and grinned.

"Not quite. These are permission notes for you to live in the dorm rooms." The entire class buzzed with excitement but was quickly silenced by Aizawa's glare, "It also means your parental guardian must sign and give the school full responsibility of your care. These dorms will not be put into place for another two weeks, this is to give you time to move and give us time to convince any student or parent that does not want to go." Izuku frowned.

'Well that was pretty blunt.' He thought, 'Will my mum let me go? I love her but it would be nice to grow a little more independent without her coddling me every time I get a scratch.' Izuku raised his hand, a new fear gripping him tightly.

"What if you can't convince a parent to let their kid move in?" Aizawa surveyed him for a few seconds.

"In two weeks the dorms will become mandatory, therefor you will have to leave UA if you do not agree to move." Izuku's heart thudded loudly.

'Expelled? For not moving in? I have to convince my mum, I am not leaving UA after how hard I've worked to get in.' Bakugou turned slightly and caught sight of Izuku's nervous face, Izuku saw a flash of sympathy in his eyes before he turned back around. Bakugou had been a lot nicer to Izuku, he still had a temper, shouted a lot, threatened to blow people up a lot and overall wasn't the friendliest person to be around but he was always nicer towards Izuku. The entire class had noticed this and Izuku always heard them whispering about if I had somehow brainwashed Bakugou or if he was sick. Aizawa dropped a note on every student's desk, Izuku picked his up frantically and read through it. It was a lot of 'Do you understand that...?', 'Do you agree that...?' and 'We guarantee that you're child will be safe...'.

"I'll be right back." Aizawa said before leaving the classroom. Uraraka bounced over to Izuku's desk excitedly, Iida close behind her.

"Can you believe it Izuku? When Tsu said that they might be introducing dorm rooms I didn't think they would actually do it! What do you reckon took them so long?" Iida arrived next to Uraraka.

"It probably took a lot to convince the entirety of the staff board, and then they would have to convince the Government, since they fund the school." Izuku nodded.

"I don't know though, it seems kind of sudden. Also did anyone else think Aizawa was acting just a little but off?" Uraraka and Iida both nodded.

"Any idea why?" Uraraka asked, Iida and Izuku shook their heads.

'I hope we're allowed to leave the campus, how am I going to look after Akuri?' Izuku zoned out of the chatter of the class as he tried to imagine what games Akuri would come up with at the park. Suddenly a simultaneous ping echoed around the room, everyone had received a notification on their phone at the exact same time. Half the class reached for their phone whilst the other half waited.

"It's an emergency notification." Kirishima said.

"Don't they only use those for natural disasters and shootings?" Tsu asked worriedly.

"I guess they added kidnappings and disappearances." Izuku spun around as Bakugou read of his phone.

"A disappearance?" Izuku exclaimed. The class was silent as they read the notification. Bakugou pressed his lips together and let out a slow breath between his teeth, "What is it?" Bakugou glanced at him and stayed silent. Izuku felt his heart race as he leapt forward and snatched Bakugou's phone from him, Bakugou didn't try and stop him.

Police are frantic as another Shifter disappears. Five year old Akuri Ito was taken from a nearby park yesterday around midday. Thirty seven year old Hana Ito claims that her daughter asked her to come with her to the park, when Hana refused young Akuri seems to have decided to take matters into her own hands and go alone. Police are investigating...

Bakugou's phone slipped through Izuku's fingers, he couldn't breath.

"Not Akuri, why Akuri? It's my fault, I took her to the park and now look what's happened." Izuku tugged at his hair, tears filled his eyes and everything went blurry. Izuku was being squished, the room was spinning, people were yelling.

"Izuku are you okay?" Uraraka's face swam into view, but as he watched Uraraka turned into Akuri's smiling face. Izuku whimpered and his legs gave out beneath him, he curled up into a ball on the floor.

"Akuri, I'm sorry. Akuri, come back." Izuku repeated over and over again. The entire class swarmed around him, firing questions like bullets.

"Are you okay?"

"Who's Akuri?"

"Do you know her?"

"She's the girl that's missing."

"Move out of the way." Bakugou pushed through his classmates and pulled Izuku to his feet. Izuku was still muttering under his breath and crying, Bakugou grunted and managed to pick Izuku up. Izuku hid his face in Bakugou's shoulder, soaking Bakugou's blazer. Bakugou glared at his classmates and walked out of the classroom. He carried Izuku into the nearest empty classroom, not wanting to run into any students in the bathroom. He sat Izuku down onto a desk and sat next to him. Bakugou sat there silently, holding Izuku close to him. Waiting for his quiet sobs to cease.

So stuff happened in the chapter, awesome. My heart was literally racing whilst writing this chapter because I love Akuri and kind of hate myself for doing that to her but it had to happen. *insert evil laugh*

Don't hate me. Also I am patting myself on the back for posting three chapters in like two and a bit hours and I posted one on Friday so that's four chapters this weekend. Don't get used to it. Next chapter might not be for a bit, at latest this weekend but maybe sooner, I have no idea. Depends how I'm feeling.


hUmAn oUt

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