Chapter 65

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Hero's Point of View

They walked in the shadows, Dabi lead the way with Shigaraki lagging behind slightly. Izuku focused on the ground as he walked, being back outside in the city didn't feel normal anymore. Cars shot past them, making him flinch almost every time. The chemicals burned his nose and the rattling of engines or blaring horns made Hero feel like his head was going to explode.

It made him angry.

Bakugou's Point of View

"As you all know, police are still diligently searching for Izuku Midoriya, a prized student from class 1A. We know that these are tough times but we hope that as heroes in training we can be strong and trust that the officials will continue to work until he is found. Unfortunately, for your own safety, the campus-bound regulation will continue to be in place until we can be sure leaving the premises is safe. We apologise for any inconveniences this may have caused you and your families, but hope you know that your safety is our number one priority...." Bakugou sighed and stared at the ceiling, Nezu's chipper voice blurred into the background. He focused on the fan spinning smoothly above him, if he strained his ears Bakugou could just make out the faint wurring noise it was making.

Toga's Point of View

Toga giggled as she jumped through the portal, landing silently in the Power room, attached to the back of the auditorium. She fiddled with the USB, looking around the dark room with a mix of toddler awe and curiosity. One wall was covered in wires and switches, the entire school's electricity could be controlled from this room. Toga skipped around and looked at the door, kitted out with a security camera, finger-print scan pad, number code and a lock that only teacher's with a key could turn...all on the outside. Apparently if you managed to get inside, there was no point in adding anymore security. She wandered over to the one-sided vision window, she had a perfect view of the back of every student's head and Nezu on stage. He was standing in front of the large screen which was currently broadcasting a live stream of himself so student's at the back could see. In front of the window was a control desk, covered in more buttons, switches and levers, specifically for the auditorium. Toga looked around until she found the USB port to the side of the desk. She plugged Dabi's USB in and waited as a downloading symbol appeared on the mini touchpad next to the port. Toga grinned.

Hero's Point of View

Shigaraki was bored and tired, Dabi looked disinterested but his confident walk gave away that he had a destination planned. Hero didn't feel like walking, it was boring, the overwhelming new world had built up a ball of explosive tension inside him that he needed to get rid of. At least if Toga was here he could have expended some energy keeping off him.

"Toga?" He rasped, sounding as bad as Shigaraki. He had meant to say 'Where is Toga?' but the words had gotten lost on the way to his mouth. Dabi smirked.

"Don't worry about her Mutt, she has a job and she'll do it. All you need to do is listen to me and then you get to go back to your cell and the brat." Hero looked back down at the ground, the ball of tension grew.

Toga's Point of View

'File successfully downloaded' the screen declared proudly in blocky text. Toga pocketed the USB and ran her finger along a row of switches labelled 'showing screens', flicking them all on. Every smartboard, corridor television and digital notice board blinked to life, showing Izuku Midoriya's beaming face. Nezu didn't notice the change behind him, and the rest of the students assumed it was planned. After activating a few more buttons, Toga giggled and rested her finger on a switch labelled 'audio'.

Bakugou's Point of View

 Bakugou scowled at Izuku's picture as it appeared suddenly behind Nezu.

'Really layering it on thick aren't they.' He though angrily as he glanced at his classmates, they were all studying the floor or ceiling, avoiding the image as best they could. None of them were listening to Nezu, so they only realised his microphone had cut out after a piercing whine of feedback screeched through their ears.

"Enjoy the show!" A sickly sweet voice giggled over the speakers, everyone jumped and looked around. The teachers glanced at each other and ran towards the control room, only exiting several minutes later, all with alarmed expressions as they exchanged words angrily. In a matter of seconds the students at the back had relayed the message to everyone in the auditorium. 

"A video's been encrypted into the screening program, we can't stop it. It's being broadcasted across the entire school, and the doors are locked so we cannot move the students." After a few seconds of raised voiced, the sound of a microphone being rubbed against clothing silenced the room. Immediately every set of eyes was on the screen above, even the teachers stopped moving.

There was nothing to be done, so they watched.

Sorry this was really short, I need to describe the next part in a lot of detail and I'm really busy so I figured I'd get this part out at least. I am really sorry if this sucked, I'm running on literally no sleep. I will probably re-read this tomorrow and cringe before editing it again and trying to salvage this mess.

I hope the constant switching of perspective gave the right... ~vibe~ ... I don't know any synonyms for vibe other than feel or something so we're gonna go with that. I wanted it to have a climactic feel, like everything's happening at once. Anyways it won't be as all over the place next chapter, probably just be Bakugou and Hero's point of view, maybe Dabi's too, we'll see. 


Human, OUT.

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