Chapter 22

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Bakugou's Point of View

Are you okay?

Yeah, why do you ask?

You're really quiet, I didn't want to ask in front of people. I didn't want anyone to suspect anything because I know  you are unsure of how you feel about me and the added pressure of our peers would definitely not help you figure it out. You just sat there and didn't really add to the debate at all. Was it Shinsou? Bakugou? Or was it just the debate?

Thanks for your thoughtfulness, I would rather not have anyone asking questions until I'm absolutely certain about how I feel. I'm sorry I made you worry, I guess just with everything added together I was a little down.

If Bakugou ever says anything like that to you again I will see to it that his feet remain frozen to the floor for as long as Aizawa naps. And if Shinsou even comes near you I will punch him, hard.

Don't get involved Todoroki, I'll just try to stay away from them. Shinsou's in a whole different course from us and Bakugou tries his best to have nothing to do with me anyway. And even is he does try something, promise me you won't hurt him?

Why are you so protective over him? He has basically tortured you your entire life, he deserves to get beaten up for once. 

Shoto, promise me.

Shoto I will never talk to you again if you do not promise!

Alright fine, I promise not beat him up without probable cause.

I can't stop thinking about kissing you.

You should be focusing on the quiz. Mr Aizawa could walk around and see that you haven't even started.

Why would I focus on a quiz that has no relevance to my life what so ever when I could be re-living the memory of your lips on mine...?


Izu! Mr Aizawa could walk around and see that you're impersonating my hair.

Seriously though if  you don't stop giggling Aizawa will murder you and I would rather have you alive for our date.

I am trying, you're the one who just said I was impersonating your hair. Also where are we going?

I have everything sorted meet me at that cafe that opened up a few months ago.

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