Chapter 5

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Izuku's Point of View

Izuku slowly let his smile shrink until his mouth was set in a wonky line, he bowed his head as he felt the familiar fist of fear tighten around his heart.

"Hey!" Uraraka tapped him on the shoulder, "You okay? I know I can be a little intense, I'm very passionate about equality between Shifters and The Formed. Shouldn't you be happy about somebody saying you're just as good if not better than those with Forms? You are a Shifter after all." He nodded solemnly, staring intently at the floor.

"It really does make me happy that somebody cares, and you really did make an excellent point." Iida and Uraraka listened carefully to Izuku's quiet words.

"Then, Midoriya, why do you seem so upset?" Iida put his hand on Izuku's shoulder, his finger landing on some of the bruises around his neck. Izuku winced and moved back slightly, letting Iida's hand drop back to his side.

"I'm not upset, I'm fine. Just tired." Izuku fearfully glanced back at Bakugou who was fiddling with his pencil. Bakugou must have felt himself being watched because his gaze shot up, he glared back at Izuku, snapping his pencil, "It was nice meeting you two." Izuku mumbled as he hurriedly pushed past them and shuffled towards a seat. He looked around and saw that all the front row seats were taken. All of the second row desks had people sitting on them along with people standing in between two desks, blocking the way past. The only way to get to an empty seat was to walk past Bakugou's desk, or ask someone to move out the way and Izuku definitely wasn't going to do that. Bakugou must have noticed this too because he was grinning. Due to his Form being a wolf Bakugou's canines were a little bit bigger and sharper than the average human. Izuku remembered how scared he was of him when they had first grown in with his ears and tail. Bakugou had used Izuku's fear of his teeth to his advantage during his frequent bullying sessions. Now in the light of the classroom he couldn't help but feel that they looked just a little bigger than they used to.

"I'll just wait outside until a teacher comes in. Kacchan won't be able to do anything whilst a teacher's in the room, and by then maybe some people would have moved so I can get to a seat without going near him." Unaware that he was muttering out loud, he made his way back out the classroom. He heard the scrape of a chair being pushed roughly back, Bakugou was behind him in seconds. He stood so he was next to Izuku, his hand pushed firmly against his back, leading him out of the classroom. Izuku stiffened and tried to turn around, Bakugou let out a low growl and bent down to whisper in his ear.

"Don't want to make a scene in front of your new classmates, do you Deku?" Izuku stayed frozen, Bakugou's breath was hot on his ear. He managed to stifle a tremble of fear as he shook his head, "Didn't think so, now walk." Bakugou pushed Izuku forward and they walked into the corridor.

"What are you boys doing out of Homeroom?" Class 1 B's teacher glared at them as if they were villains. Izuku squeaked in fear and excitement, it was the Blood Hero Vlad King!

"Sorry if we disrupted your class Mr Sekijiro, sir. De-Izuku here forgot his backpack and his mum just dropped it off for him at the front desk. We were just going to go pick it up." Bakugou pointed his ears and stood up straight, giving Mr Sekijiro full eye contact.

"Hmmmm." Mr Sekijiro eyed Bakugou suspiciously, his bulldog ears twitched slightly. He turned to Izuku, "What's wrong with him?" Izuku's mouth was hanging open in shock, his eyes wide as he stared at the hero. Bakugou put his arm around his shoulder and squeezed, like good friends would do.

'We were good friends.' He thought sadly.

"He's a bit of a fanboy when it comes to Heroes. He still can't quite believe he's in a school taught by his biggest idols." Mr Sekijiro smiled at Izuku, satisfied that there was nothing strange about two boys heading to the front desk to pick up a backpack.

"Very well, make sure you get back quickly though. Mr Aizawa may not be on time himself but he is very strict when it comes to students missing his classes." Bakugou nodded and led Izuku away.

"Don't worry sir, we'll be there and back as quickly as we can." He hurried Izuku through the doors that signalled the end to the first year classrooms. He continued walking past the second and third year classroom, every now and then glancing inside them.

"I HATE talking to teachers." Bakugou grumbled as he pulled him along, "There must be an empty classroom SOMEWHERE in this stupid school!" Finally he found an empty third year classroom. He threw Izuku inside and closed the door. Izuku backed up against a desk, his fear overwhelming him once again.

" won't be able to hurt...hurt me this time, K...Kacchan." Deku cursed his stuttering mouth, he tried to stand up taller. He had a quirk now, he wasn't to be pushed around, "M...Mr Aizawa will get to class soon. He'll wonder whe...where we are, people in class know we were there, they probably...saw...saw us leave. And Mr Sekijiro saw us walk down the corridor, my backpack's in the classroom. They'll know yo-"

"Guess I better make this quick then." Bakugou bolted forward, aiming a fist at Izuku's black eye. Izuku squeezed his eyes shut, preparing for the pain. It didn't come. He slowly opened his eyes to find Bakugou's fist inches from his face. Bakugou was growling ferociously, but not at Izuku. He peered over Bakugou's quivering fist to find the red and white boy, Todoroki, stopping Bakugou from punching him. Both boys had their teeth bared and their ears pinned back, growling at each other.

"If I were you," Bakugou spat menacingly, "I would turn around and walk out. Right. Now."

OOOOOOH! Stuff is about go GO DOWN! Fox VS Wolf! I couldn't remember if they referred to their teachers by Mr or Sensei. If you know please tell me.


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