Chapter 1

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"Stop it!" Bakugou took another menacing step forward, trapping Izuku further into the alleyway corner. He just smirked and opened his hands, setting off mini explosions and causing Izuku to flinch. His two followers smirked and blocked the exit.

"Please Kacchan, what did I do? Why do you want to hurt me?" Bakugou growled, his spiky, blonde, wolf ears pressed flat against his head. He set off a bigger explosion.

"Don't call me that! I was meant to be the only kid from this stupid school to get into UA! I have the strongest quirk, stronger than all of these losers. But you, you just had to get in too didn't you, stupid Deku." Izuku trembled and pressed his back against the wall, wishing he could just fall through it and disappear, "You're just a quirk-less nobody! I told you not to apply, but you did anyway. So now I just gotta beat you up so bad that you aren't able to walk through the front gate!" Roaring like a wild animal Bakugou charged forward, his explosions echoing off the alleyway walls. Izuku squeaked and jumped into the air, shifting into a rabbit. His clothes fell to the ground in a heap as he leapt over Bakugou and dodged around the legs of the other boys.

"Coward!" Bakugou yelled as he threw off his shirt and trousers before turning into a big, blonde wolf. His friends following suit, transforming into a bat and German shepherd. Bakugou threw his head back in a howl and bounded out the alleyway, hot on Izuku's bunny tail.

'Why the heck did I pick a rabbit?!' His claws skittered on the concrete pathway as he dodged through people's legs and jumped over low hanging bags.

'Why not a lion, or a wolf or something that could help me defend myself?' Casting a fearful look backwards he saw Bakugou charging towards him, ignoring the complaints of the pedestrians he bumped into. Izuku glanced around but couldn't see the bat or dog anywhere, fearing a sneak attack he veered towards the park.

'I'll hide near a tree or something.' He nimbly leapt over the park fence and towards the nearest tree. At the foot of the tree was a hole, frantically Izuku tore at the ground, burrowing into the dark earth. Finally, when he was two metres underground, he stopped and held his breath, ears pricked for any hint that Bakugou and his goons were in the park.

Sure enough Izuku heard the angry growls of a wolf stomping on the grass above, followed by the terrifying screech of a bat and nervous whine of a dog. The snuffling came closer as Bakugo followed Izuku's scent to the tree, his head blocked out the sun as he watched him sniff the branches of the tree tentatively. Izuku was certain he would be found out, he shivered as he imagined what Bakugou would do to him. Not just for applying for UA, but for running away and trying to escape. He squeezed his eyes shut and waited for Bakugou to start digging up his hole.

With a final snort Izuku heard Bakugou trot away, the thuds of his paws grew fainter and fainter until he was left with nothing but the occasional tweet of a bird. Twitching his nose, Izuku cautiously smelt the air.

'Would he really have just given up?' He strained his ears but couldn't hear anything. He quietly took a step towards the head of the tunnel, then another, and another. He continued to slowly step forward until a slight breeze was able to ruffle his dark green fur. He poked his ears out the hole, nothing. Next came his nose, nothing. Finally, unable to stall any longer, Izuku slowly peaked his head out the hole. His eyes darted around the park wildly, expecting to see a furious blonde wolf thundering towards him. But Izuku found himself alone. Still cautious, he took a slow hop forward, he had now completely emerged from the hole. He looked up in the trees, expecting to see the bat waiting to give the signal. Only a lone songbird was perched on a low branch. Izuku began to hop back towards the alleyway, he needed his uniform. If he came home without it his mum would ask what happened, and then he would have to tell her about Bakugou, and then Bakugou would hurt him. Again.

Eventually, Izuku shook his fear free and hopped back over the park fence, towards the alleyway. He bounded excitedly down the street, he loved being a rabbit, small, nimble and fast. He'd always tried to imagine what his final Form would be, there had been no scientific proof that being quirk-less effected your final Form but everybody in Izuku's class had already taken theirs, all except for him. He was the only one in his year to have not found his Form, he was also the only one in the year to not have a quirk.

Panting slightly, Izuku turned onto the alleyway and saw his clothes lying in the heap he had left them in. Bakugou and the other's clothes were gone.

'Good. They probably went home.' Izuku hopped next to his pile of clothes and began rifling through it, looking for his trousers. He didn't like shifting back into a human because it left him stark naked, so he always made sure he was ready to put on at least his trousers before he shifted. Something moved under Izuku's clothes, he eyed them warily. He slowly lifted up his trousers, a bat burst out from under them, screeching and swooping at Izuku, nipping his rabbit ears. He squeaked and turned to bolt backwards but was stopped by a hand lifting him roughly by the scruff of his neck. He kicked out his legs and tried to scratch at the hand but was whacked painfully on the nose.

"Make one more move and I'll snap your tiny rabbit neck, got it?" Izuku's blood ran cold as Bakugou gathered his legs in one hand and held him upside-down. He heard someone sneer and guessed that Bakugou's friends were also behind him.

"Oi, Fingers!"

"Bakugou I've told you a thousand times! My name's -"

"Did I ask your name extra?! Get the thing." Izuku heard an exaggerated sigh followed by the sound of someone rustling through a backpack. Eventually he found what he was looking for and handed it to Bakugou who held it in front of Izuku's face. He gulped, it was a choke chain.

Hello, it's the author. So this was..interesting. I am going to try and keep every chapter at least around 1000 words. I know this wasn't very good but please give me a chance, it'll get better. Also I have NO IDEA what Bakugo's old 'friend's' names are. So that's my excuse for this and the next chapter being horrible.


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