Chapter 25

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"Don't mess on your clothes, Akuri." Izuku got a napkin and tried to wipe Akuri's sticky mouth but she stuck out her tongue and move out of reach.

"I won't, I'll lick it all up!" Izuku smiled as she licked her chocolate and mint choc chip ice cream.

"Are you enjoying your ice cream?" Akuri nodded enthusiastically.

"Mummy never lets me have two scoops!" Izuku laughed.

"It can be our little secret." Akuri thought for a minute.

"Wasn't that money for you?" Izuku nodded.

"Your mum gave me money, that means it's my money so I can spend it on what I want, so I spent it on ice creams for us." Akuri processed this before shrugging and finishing her ice cream.

"Let's go do something fun? Do you know anywhere fun?" Izuku decided to take Akuri to the park. He knew it wasn't the best idea to take her into a dodgier neighbourhood but it was during the day and he was with her, so he figured it'd be fine.

"Look at me Izuku! I'm on top of the world!" Akuri was standing on top of the monkey bars, once again Izuku was waiting underneath her every step of the way. When Akuri was tired of the park they lay in the grass together, Izuku lying on his back with Akuri lying horizontally across him. She had already made herself a flower bracelet, necklace and tiara. Now she was fiddling with the grass, making it weave itself into a crown.

"What are you making?" Akuri stayed focused on her task.

"I'm the queen of the forest, I need a prince and a knight. This crown will make you my Prince Knight!" She tied of the last blade of grass and carefully put it on Izuku's head. He sat up and bowed his head theatrically.

"My queen, I am your humble servant." Akuri giggled. A few hours went by with Akuri ordering Izuku about, making him fight imaginary monsters and receive rewards for bravery.

"My hero!" Akuri cried every time Izuku completed a quest, "Are you in Hero school?" Izuku nodded, "That's so cool!! Are you going to be like All Might?"

"Hopefully one day, yeah." Akuri's eyes shone with excitement.

"I want to be a hero too!" Izuku laughed.

"One day you will be, Akuri. You have a really good quirk, if you keep practising you'll be better than All Might." Akuri smiled.

"Now you're a villain, and I'm the top pro hero." Izuku raised his arms and roared. Akuri ran up to him and punched him lightly on the arm. Izuku wailed loudly and collapsed into the grass, Akuri laughed and jumped on top of him.

The sun was starting to set, Akuri was asleep in Izuku's arms, worn out from a day of ice cream and running around. Izuku laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung to him whilst still asleep. Izuku hadn't meant to stay at the park for this long, he didn't want Akuri to be here in the dark. He glanced around and began walking quickly back to her house, watching every shadow and sticking to the street lights. At one point he heard some men talking and laughing, he spun around and took a different route.

Finally, he reached Akuri's house. He unlocked the door with his key and turned on the lights. He walked up the stairs and carefully tucked Akuri into her bed. Then he went back downstairs and did some school work until he heard Hana's car pull into the driveway.

"Thank you so much, Izuku. You're a great help." Hana whispered, Izuku smiled.

"Any time you need me, I'm happy to help. Tomorrow I can walk to her school, pick her up from there and then walk back here if you want? Instead of you rushing to drive her home and then go back to work." Hana smiled.

"You're a lovely young man, she would love that." Izuku smiled and walked out of the front door.

"Goodnight." Izuku waved goodbye and jogged home.

Every day after school, Izuku ran home to drop his stuff and then ran to Akuri's primary school. He always tried to get there a few minutes before her end bell went so he could be waiting outside for her. Every time she saw him Akuri would scream with excitement.

"IZUUUUU!!!" She ran up to him and he swooped her into a hug. Izuku knew how some of the parents responded to this, some smiled fondly at their bond but others only saw the lack of ears or scales and turned away in disgust. Izuku always bought Akuri a treat when they walked through town, an ice cream, sugar bun, lollipop, whatever she wanted.

"As long as you promise to eat your dinner." He said as she devoured the sugary treat eagerly.

"To the park!" Akuri had grown to love the park. The moment she had had her treat she would push Izuku to walk faster and sometimes make him give her a piggy back ride and run there. They played Hero games, Princess games, tag and sometimes they just lay in the grass watching the clouds.

"Can I come here on the weekend?" Akuri asked one afternoon. Izuku was sitting very still, Akuri had been learning how to braid and was currently attempting to braid a flowers into Izuku's hair.

"Not without me or your mum you can't." Akuri frowned.

"Why?" Izuku thought about making up a story, saying he was the protector of the queen so she needed him with her. But figured it would be easier to tell the truth.

"Sometimes, bad people like to hang out at this park." Akuri frowned again.

"What kind of bad people?" Izuku sighed.

"Bad people who do bad things. And sometimes bad people do bad things to little kids, so it's safer if you stick with your mum and I. Okay?" Akuri nodded.

"Is that why we leave before the sun sets? Because bad people are like monsters, and monsters like the dark?" Izuku nodded.

"Exactly." They were silent for a few minutes, Akuri was back to concentrating on Izuku's hair. Suddenly she gasped.

"I almost forgot! I got something for you!" Akuri scrambled to her feet and put her hands on the grass. At first nothing happened, Akuri scrunched up her face in concentration and eventually something began to grow. It was very slow, not like anything else that she had grown. The flower bloomed and Izuku smiled as Akuri stepped away to reveal a green rose.

"It was harder to grow because I only learnt about them yesterday." She picked the flower and put it in Izuku's hair.

"How do you know so much about flowers?" Akuri's quirk was growing and controlling plants, not having extensive knowledge on them

"Mummy teaches me, when she's home. She buys picture books with the scientific names of them and I learn them and grow them in the garden." Izuku nodded and he looked at the sun, it was close to setting.

"Come on, home time." Akuri pouted as Izuku took her hand.

"But I'm not tired." Izuku made her look both ways before crossing the road.

"You don't have to be tired, when we get home we can watch some tv. Just remember, we can't be at the park when it's dark." Akuri frowned but didn't complain.

When they got to Akuri's house, Akuri was fast asleep in Izuku's arms. He chuckled and tucked her into bed. Izuku waited for Hana to get home before saying goodnight and running home.

Kind of a filler chapter. I don't want to just say 'four weeks later' or whatever, I want you guys to read it and know that time has passed so I hope it's working. What'd you think of Akuri? I hope you're all okay with me adding my own characters.

See yA!


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