Chapter 29

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Izuku's Point of View

Izuku sprinted away from UA, almost unable to keep up with the speed of his cheetah legs. His blood was boiling and his adrenaline was on an all time high.

'I just stormed out of class, disobeying Mr Aizawa and possibly signed away my enrolment at UA.' Akuri's face flashed in Izuku's mind, driving him to run faster, 'Well none of that matters. I'll go to a different school and learn how to be a policeman or something if it means Akuri is safe.' Izuku ran across four roads without bothering to check for cars, breaks screeched, horns blared and people shouted but Izuku didn't care. Akuri's laugh was playing over and over in his head, drowning out all other sound. Finally he reach Akuri's house, cutting what was normally a fifteen minute run down to five. Izuku shifted and quickly threw on his uniform.

"Hana!? I'm here!" Izuku ran around the house, yelling and banging on the door.

"Izuku?" Hana opened the door a crack and peeped through, "Oh thank goodness!" She threw open the door and hugged Izuku tightly. Izuku hugged her back, he could feel her shake as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"I came as soon as I could." Hana smiled at him, eyes filled with tears.

"It's all my fault, if I had just agreed to take her to the park she would still be here, safe. If I had just stopped working for one hour, I could have played with her and she'd be happy. But I said no, and now she's gone." Izuku hugged her again.

"It's not your fault, it's mine. Hana and I'm so sorry, I've been taking Akuri to the park after school. I told her not to go on her own but I put the idea in her head. We'll find her, okay?" Hana smiled and nodded.

"A few of the parents from her class are searching as well as some of the neighbours, I'm staying her in case case she comes home." Izuku nodded and ran off towards the park. When he arrived he saw a lone policeman walking in the opposite direction.

"Excuse me officer, shouldn't there be a few of you investigating the park and interviewing people? To look for the girl who was announced missing a few hours ago?" Izuku knew he should be more respectful but the police were meant to be trying to bring Akuri home, and it didn't look like they were doing much. The officer surveyed him, sneering slightly. Izuku saw two German shepherd ears peeking out from under his hat.

"The file has been added to the pile." He said stiffly and went to move past Izuku. Izuku stepped in front of him.

"Added to the pile? This is a five year old girl who's gone missing. Shouldn't that be a bit of a top priority?" The officer knocked Izuku's knee and pushed him to the ground. His face hit the pavement with a crunch and the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth.

"I would watch your tone, Shifter." The officer spat out the word, "I could have you arrested for insulting a commanding officer. The case is being handled and is none of your concern, now if I were you I would go home and stay quiet, or you might just find out where all the Shifters are being taken." Izuku growled but stayed still, the officer sneered and kicked him in the leg as he walked off. Izuku got up and brushed himself off.

"Jerk." He muttered under his breath, he saw the officers ear twitch and Izuku hurried away. He couldn't help anyone if he was arrested.

"He got no right to treat you that way." Izuku turned and saw an elderly women making her way along the same street, "Life ain't fair for you Shifters, heck we were all one at some point. You just gotta make piece with the fact that if you want something done quick and proper, you gotta do it yourself. The police ain't in no rush I can tell you that much." Izuku smiled, the women smiled back. Her horse ears rested neatly either side of her velvet hat, "You lookin' for the Akuri?" Izuku nodded, "Lovely girl, always smilin' and chatting away in class. And so determined about everything she does." Izuku smiled.

"How do you know her?" The women smiled fondly.

"I'm her teacher," Ixuku must have seemed shocked because the women laughed, "I know, most oldies like me hide in their houses and keep out the way of things. Not me, I don't want to be cut off. You know I only found my Form when I was fifty-five, and I was in a bad way before then. The day I woke up with these big ol' fly swatters and a ponytail on my butt was one of the most wonderful, most awful days of my life." Izuku walked next to the women, eager to here more from an older ex-Shifter.

"See I was overjoyed, as everyone should be, late Former or not. But then I noticed just how segregated our society was. People looked and smiled at me, whereas before they would avoid looking at me at all costs, some would even scowl. I was invited to three different drinking nights by my co-workers, I found out they did it every month. I had been working there for twenty-eight years and had never even known they were excluding me. On the streets I saw Shifters either gazing longingly at other's Forms or glancing around nervously, as if they were about to be called out for doing something wrong. Anyway, my point is don't be ashamed to stand up for yourself. Alright?" Izuku nodded.

"Thank you." The women waved him off.

"Don't thank me, I'm just an old hag who gave you a bunch of words. It's you who decides what meaning they hold." Izuku smiled.

"Deku!" Izuku turned around as Bakugou almost crashed into him.

"Kacchan? What are you doing here?" Bakugou's fur was shiny with sweat and hit tongue lolled from his mouth as he panted heavily.

"I came to help...can't have you doing something stupid now can I? I mean anything more stupid than walking out on Aizawa." Izuku groaned.

"Don't remind me. Aizawa let you take a collar off school grounds?" Bakugou tilted his head.

"He didn't let you off school grounds and you're here, why should the collar be any different? Besides if we're going to look for someone do you not think it would be useful if I could actually talk to you?" Izuku nodded.

"True." The women patted Izuku's shoulder.

"It seems you boys have this area covered, I'll go look around the school." Izuku waved goodbye and started walking around the park.

"Akuri! Akuri!" Bakugou and Izuku both yelled as loudly as they could. They walked around the park three times and then around the woods thrice more. Bakugou searched for tracks or scents but couldn't find anything.

"It rained all of yesterday afternoon and night. There'll be no scent." Izuku said quietly.

Short and kind of anti climatic I know. Sorry.

Human Out.

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