Chapter 15

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"What's that got to do with our teacher?" Kirishima asked hesitantly. To everyone's surprise it was Kouda who spoke up again.

"Parents are getting worried about the students, they don't know if the school can keep them safe. The majority of the students walk to and from school alone, parents are saying that it's the school's responsibility to keep us safe the moment we leave the house. It's unfair but if the school continuous to ignore them then parents are threatening to pull their kids out of UA." There was a minutes silence before Izuku asked shakily.

"So...d...does that mean that there are...o...other Shifters in the school?" The entire class once again looked down on him, pitifully.

"No, the parents are pointing out that basically all of the Shifters were underage, they're saying it's just coincidence that they were all Shifters, and that really it's just kids getting taken. Others are just reporters who just want to destroy UA's reputation by saying that it's not protecting it's students. I doubt any of them know for sure if there are any Shifters in the school anyway." Izuku looked down at the floor again. He felt Todoroki rub his back, trying to comfort him. Izuku looked up and offered a weak smile in return.

"So what are they going to do about it?" Momo spoke up, the class waited for Kouda to answer.

"Stop looking at me!" Kouda put his hands over his eyes.

"It's okay Kouda," Jiro patted his shoulder, "We're no judging you or anything. It's just that you're the one who heard it all and we need to know as well. You don't have to look at us, just tell us the rest of what you heard." Kouda took a deep breath and said quickly.

"So to put the parent's minds at rest, prevent the unenrolment of multiple students and stop the press from spreading rumours, the teachers are thinking of putting the dorm system into early play." The class murmured in excitement.

"Woah, that's so cool!"

"It's literally the first day!"

"The reporters were probably posting stuff before the school year so that they had enough 'evidence' to attack the school the moment it was relevant."

"Remember he said 'thinking about it' it's not definite that it will happen."

I don't know," Sero had pulled out his phone and was scrolling through some articles. The titles 'UA's Not Safe?', 'Are Our Children In Danger?' and 'Who's The Target, Shifters or Children?" popped up on the screen, "It'd be pretty dumb of them if they didn't do something."

"It's so stupid how people are trying to say that it's a coincidence that they're Shifters. Hello! Shifters are, more likely than not, children! We all know how being a Shifter works, you are born one until you get a Form! So of course they're children! Twelve Shifters got taken, that's no coincidence." Uraraka jumped up and down on the spot in anger, suddenly her feet didn't touch tha ground and she began to float. Iida grabbed her shoulders and tried to pull her back to the ground, but Uraraka was to angry to release herself so Iida just held on to her ankle as she pouted in the air. 

"Someone's coming." Todoroki said monotonously. The entire class scrambled to their desks and sat down quietly, Iida looked at all of them.

"This pains me to say, but all of us being on our best behaviour is one of the most suspicious thing I have ever seen." Bakugo sneered and lent back on his chair, Kirishima ran up to him and sat on his desk. Sero, Denki and Mina all followed Kirishima and started a debate about why Mina is pink. Iida walked over to Izuku, Uraraka in hand, and started going over their battle techniques. Todoroki, to everyone's surprise, put down his book and pulled his chair next to Izuku. The rest of the girls clustered around Momo, and the rest of the boys just kind of stood together, talking about Todoroki's win. Everyone strained their ears, listening for movement outside the door. Momo glanced at Todoroki.

"Todoroki are you sure you heard-" The door burst open.

"I AM HERE!" All Might crashed into the room, his smile catching the light and blinding the class. Izuku couldn't help a little squeak of excitement escape his lips as his secret quirk trainer surveyed the room.

"Woah, All Might's here?"

"So cool!"

"Are you are new teacher?"

"Where's Mr Aizawa?" All Might's smile faltered slightly at the onslaught of comments and questions.

"Settle down! Mr Aizawa is still in a meeting with Principle Nezu and the other teachers, I am in charge of you until he is able to return. Any questions?" There was silence, the entire class had questions, they just weren't allowed to ask.

"Are we getting moved into dorms?" Denki asked.

"DENKI!" Everyone exclaimed in exasperation, Mina whacked him over the head. All Might, was visibly nervous now, he had obviously been hoping his fame and charm would have made the class easy to control.

"Er, well...That is the plan, yes." The class stared at him, ravenous for information.

"So...we are getting moved into dorms?" Tsu asked slowly.

"It isn't definite but it is most likely." All Might glanced around nervously, "Right, I'm here to teach about..." He checked his notes, "Oh wait I'm giving you an assignment". Izuku felt a mixture of delight and dread, 'An assignment on the first day?', "Over the next few lessons you will be taught the history of Forms, Quirks and also briefed on the statistics of Pros with and without Forms. You have an assignment coming up, it's a debate, I am warning you that it is a very controversial topic but Mr Aizawa wants to asses your literary talents. It doesn't matter if you are for or against the topic, your challenge is to support your side either way. I will be assigning your side, everyone back in your seats." Everyone sat back in their seats. He then began to walk along the rows, assigning the students the number one or two. He pointed at Bakugo,

"Two," He pointed at Bakugou

But when he reached Izuku, he froze. He checked his notes and Izuku thought he turned a little pale.

"One?" Izuku asked. All Might though for a second before quickly saying.

"Two, Midoriya you are two." He then made both Mineta and Momo one's to even it out and then continued as normal along the rest of the rows. 'Why'd he change my number?' Izuku wondered.

"Alright, one's on the right side of the room, two's on the left."

Group 1
Tooru Hagakure
Minoru Mineta
Momo Yaoyorozu
Fumikage Tokoyami
Kyouka Jirou
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijirou Kirishima
Rikidou Satou
Tenya Iida
Mina Ashido

Group 2
Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Midoriya
Shouto Todoroki
Hanta Sero
Mezou Shouji
Denki Kaminari
Kouji Kouda
Ochako Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Yuuga Aoyama

"Group two if for, group one is against." All Might was still reading Aizawa's notes.

"What's the debate actually on?" All Might glanced up.

"Shifters are equals to The Formed."

Okay it was kind of a coincidence that Todoroki, Bakugou and Izuku all ended up in the same group. I was already planning on making All Might change Izuku's number, I wasn't planning on it to be the same number as Bakugou and Todoroki. Shinsou will be introduced SOOON! Like in a few chapters. I know it's a little suspicious that all the stuff is happening to Shifters in real life and now Aizawa's making them debate about it but Aizawa would not change his student assessment outline because a dozen Shifters got taken.



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