Harry Potter and the Awkward Romione Situation

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I don't even know what happened here.....

Harry Potter and the Awkward Romione Situation

Harry smiled as Ginny leant against him on the sofa in the hotel room. It was dark outside, and she was half asleep, so he lifted her up and carried her through to the bedroom. Ginny, Hermione, Ron and himself were on a joint honeymoon. It had been 2 weeks since Harry and Ginny's wedding, and 5 since Hermione and Ron's.

The hotel room was quite basic: one sitting room / kitchen and two bedrooms leading off it. Each bedroom also had it's own bathroom. Harry carried Ginny through the door into their room, and settled her on the bed, then tucked her in and kissed her goodnight on her forehead. By now she was asleep.

Harry crept back out and shut the door quietly, so as not to wake her. His ears pricked up on some strange noises coming from Ron and Hermione's room, and he decided to investigate. He-who-must-not-be-named had disappeared before without a trace, now Harry was paranoid that he wasn't dead, but lurking out there somewhere, waiting to strike. Ginny told him that You-know-who was dead, but nothing could stop Harry's paranoia.

The strange noises got louder, grunting and wheezing and creaking. Harry knocked politely then barged in, to find himself in an awkward situation.

Hermione and Ron lay on the bed together, engrossed in a passionate kiss. Ron had his hands intertwined in Hermione's hair while she held him close. Their lips seemed to be superglued together, and they didn't realise Harry had come in.

Harry stood, unsure one what to do. He didn't want to intrude on their privacy, but he needed to find out where those noises were come from. What should he do?

Suddenly, his problem was solved. The strange grunting noise came from Ron, and the wheezing noise came from Hermione. Then, as Hermione rolled on top of Ron, the bedsprings creaked.

Harry made a quick exit, before things got dodgy.

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