Welcome to the Glade (2)

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The man stands and watches as the small girl is wheeled out of the operation theatre. Over her face is a white mask, it is lifted and the man sees the red lines that mark her face from the weight. He nods to a guard by the door, who lifts the girl up and carries her out of the room. The man follows.

The girls limp body is carried through the white washed corridors until they reach what looks like a lift. What is a lift. The man presses a note into her hand then the guard throws her onto the cold, metal floor of the box.

The man presses a button by the doors and they start to creek shut. Then, once they have closed completely, there is a ding then a whirring sound.

The man turns to the guard and demands his gun. Once the guard has passed it over, the man orders him to stand still. He raises the gun, and shoots.

The bullet sinks deep into the guards skull, and he slumps to the ground, lifeless.

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