The Fault In Our Divergent Maze Games (Chapter 2)

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When Hazel guided Isaac into the basketball stadium, Augustus was surrounded by a group of boys, and one girl. Hazel immediately felt jealous, angry, irritated and protective at the sight of her, until she saw the girl had intertwined her fingers with one of the boys. So Hazel relaxed.

Augustus came bounding over and guided Isaac to the group. He then proceeded to introduce these other people.

"This is Minho." He said, pointing to a tall boy next to him. "He's the best in the track team."

"That's Alby, Newt, Chuck and Aris." He said, pointing at 4 of the other boys.

"And finally," Augustus grinned. "These are Thomas and Teresa." He pointed to the girl and the boy who were holding hands.
"No!" Teresa suddenly shouted at Thomas, then covered her mouth and looked guilty, before glaring at Thomas.
"They're..... A bit weird." Augustus whispered to Isaac and Hazel. "It's like they're talking inside their heads. But other than that, they're cool."

Soon enough, Augustus and Minho had sorted all of them into two teams and they were playing a game of basketball. Team Red consisted of Augustus, Hazel, Chuck and Newt. Team Blue consisted of Teresa, Thomas, Aris and Alby. Isaac sat on the side and Minho was what they called 'the helper'. Basically, his job was to be on whatever team passed the ball to him. So if Team Red passed to him, he would pass to Team Red. If Team Blue passed to him, he would pass to Team Blue.

After 15-20 minutes of enjoyment and fun, the game ended. Team Red had won 5-2. Just as they all collapsed onto the spectators seats, laughing and shouting, two other girls and two other boys walked in. Hazel glanced at Augustus, he was staring open mouthed at one with brown hair tied back in a simple braid, and a gold pin with a bird on her green stained t-shirt. She had a violin case slung over her back, but the case was shaped to look like a quiver of arrows.

She was talking to another girl, who had long blonde hair and was dressed entirely in black: black t-shirt, black jacket, black jeans and a pair of sturdy black boots. Peeking out of her collar was a tattoo, it looked like some sort of bird. Around her wrist she had inked some pictures inside circles: a flame, two hands linked together, some scales, a tree and an eye.

The blonde girl was holding hands with a boy who looked about 2 years older than her. He had blonde hair and also wore entirely black clothes, which were tight fitting. He had muscly arms and legs and strode in confident, talking to the boy next to him.

This boy had browny-blonde hair and was average height. His face was covered in face paint, it looked like he had a tree growing out of his chin and up into his face, weaving around his eyes, mouth and nose. He wore a short sleeved t-shirt, covered in green stains, and a pair of loose fitting brown trousers which were caked in mud. His left arm was covered in more face paint: a meadow of bright pink flowers which disappear up his sleeve and tapered out at his wrist. Around his right write a bracelet made of daffodils had been painted. All the plants looked realistic.

The four strode over and introduced themselves. The blonde girl was called Beatrice, but preferred to be called Tris. The boy she was holding hands with said his name was Four. At this point Minho asked if that was his real name, and Four said no, but why should he tell Minho his real name? Minho was about to give a snarky remark back, but Augustus stopped him. The brown haired girl was called Katniss and se introduced her boyfirned: the other boy, called Peeta.

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