The Tale Of Desperate Love

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Okay, this contains mention of suicide so if you're not comfortable reading that stuff please skip this out. And please do not be offended by anything written, I write to please people, not to upset or offend them. If I do upset you, I apologise sincerely.

The Tale Of Desperate Love

The boy loved the girl very much. He had loved her since they had first met, and now they had known each other for 18 years. So, on the girls 23rd birthday, the boy went round to her house and proposed. He got down on one knee and offered her a diamond ring, but the girl refused.

The bit was a bit was sad at this, but it made him more determined. Over the next two years he asked her time and time again, and each time the girl said no.

The girl started to get annoyed with the love struck boy, and so when he proposed again on her 25th birthday she was quite rude to him.

"Uhhhh..... Let me think about that. No. You've been asking me for the last two years, do you think I'm really going to change my mind now?" She's said, sneering at the boy who was down on one knee.

"Please-" the boy began, but he was cut off by the girl.

"Talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening." She said, then walked off.

The boy was so heartbroken it drove him crazy. After months of an internal battle, the heartbroken boy decided on a solution: he would take his life.

So one stormy day, he took himself to the highest building in the city and climbed up the stairs and onto the roof.

As he stood on the ledge at the edge he heart footsteps. 'It will just be the police' he thought to himself. 'Just trying to stop me. Better get it over with.'

But as he leant over the edge of the building, some part of him deep inside didn't want to die. So he waited as the footsteps got louder, and louder, and louder.......

Then the girl burst out onto the roof.

"No! Stop!" She cried. Her makeup ran down her face, and in her hand she held the diamond ring that the boy had dropped on her doorstep earlier.

The boy smiled.

"Goodbye, Alice." He said as he took a step backwards.

But the boy stopped himself as he heard the girls next words.

"Yes, I will marry you! I love you, Alec, I love you."

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