Rejected and Forgotten (Chapter 5)

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This chapter contains semi-mature content

Jayne quickly got dressed and wheeled herself out of her room. Sitting on a plush velvet sofa was Aiden, his hair ruffled. He looked as if he hadn't got a moments sleep last night. And he hadn't, the massive bags under his eyes gave it away. He looked up when Jayne entered the room, but his eyes were dull. Jayne wheeled over and picked up his hands in hers.
"I love you." She whispered, and he smiled.
"I love you too." He replied. Jayne leant closer to him. They were so close she could feel his breath on her skin. Then suddenly Aiden smashed his lips against hers, pulling her out the wheelchair and onto the sofa with him, all the time kissing her passionately.

Jayne responded to his kiss, wanting more, sliding her hands up his shirt.

Aiden made a murmuring sound. Her cold hands cooled his warm skin and he pulled her over so she lay on top of him. Their lips never parted. She ran her hands down his spine: he made a low grunt of pleasure. She ran her hands over his taught stomach: this time it was her making the noises of pleasure. He gently pulled away and looked into her emerald green eyes while she looked into his ocean blue ones.
"Will you marry me?" He asked tenderly.

She shook her head and became lost in his eyes "heck yeah!" She pulled off his top, " I want an engagement gift... Aswell as the ring." He understood her and they proceeded with her wish.

***2 hours later***

Aiden and Jayne lay on Aiden's bed, smiling at each other. They had been for the last hour or so. Not talking, just smiling. A knock came at the door of Aiden's flat and they both had a mad scramble to get decent, sneaking peeks at each other as they did.

There was another knock at the door and the couple answered hand in hand. Sara stood there, recently released from prison and sent on an errand.
"You are needed at a meeting, in ten minutes. We need to leave now. Alone" she glared at Jayne, but Aiden kept hold of her hand.
"She comes with me." They had decided to keep their engagement a secret for now, so didn't tell Sara.

Sara glared at Jayne and stalked off, shutting the doors to the lift quickly so the happy couple couldn't get in. Instead, they walked hand in hand down the 37 flights of stairs. Sara was waiting impatiently for them at the bottom, tapping her foot in annoyance.
She led them through the streets in a stony silence, giving Jayne a full tour of what she began to have though of as 'the city of disrepair'. Soon they reached a marble building, only one story tall, unlike the rest, which towered above it. A bronze plaque above the door read 'town hall'. Before they followed Sara in through the grand, oak double doors, Aiden turned to Jayne.
"I don't want to sound rude." He said gently. "But, when we get in, do not say anything. Just stay silent. Can you do that for me?" His eyes were pleading. Jayne gave a silent nod and Aiden gave a small chuckle before holding the door open for her then following her in.

They walked inside. It was surprisingly bare, but in an expensive feeling way. The floor was sanded down bare floorboards, the walls a duck egg blue. There was one round room, with a large oak table in the centre. Jayne had fallen in love with the style of the place. Aiden led her to the table, where they sat down amongst the vampires and the werewolves.

Jayne glanced around the table. There were Sara, Aiden, the alpha, two old, male wolves, a young female and an older, tougher looking female, and an empty seat next to the alpha. There was also three vampires tied up with chains to their chairs. Two blonde men sat on either side of a ginger woman. None of them looked to pleased, and were trying to escape and attack the werewolves (due to their vampire instinct) but they had agreed to being tied up before the meeting, and understood the importance. The alpha have Jayne a dirty look but let her sit in her seat and made no comment. He cleared his throat.
"We are here today to discuss the prophecy made by our oracle, about the world being destroyed." He cleared his throat again then beckoned to a guard by the doors. The guard opened them and an old lady tottered in. She looked like an aged version of Edna from the Incredible's. She walked slowly over to the empty seat next to the alpha and sat down.
"Sister Kaaren, we all know about the prophecy that you have made. But what can you say about it? Can it be stopped?"
The oracle, Sister Kaaren, nodded her head slightly.
"The one with the vampire blood." She raised a shaking hand and pointed and wrinkled finger at Jayne.
"The werewolf with the vampire blood will be our downfall." She suddenly started to scream. "SHE WILL DESTROY US! DESTROY HER BEFORE SHE CAN!"

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