One Day Off (1)

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This story was inspired by joecool123 's story: No capes.

It was written with Chasiewasie8 , we worked together on this.

One Day Off

Why in the world would my parents think NYC was the city to be?

Walking home in the day is scary enough, let alone at night.

I mean, walking anywhere at night is scary. Come on, people. Have you seen school? Bullies literally fly out of nowhere.

In the movies, too.

So I was just taking a casual stroll (no, I wasn't. I was practically running for my life) down 7th street when the footsteps started.

I'm not gonna lie, these footsteps made my mind scream BIG FOOT.

I turned round, and there behind me were a gang of black clad thugs running at me.

That creeped me out. I may be stupid, but one thing I knew: a load of thugs dressed in black running after you on a dark night wasn't good.

So I ran. Seriously though, where was Tundra Orb?

Oh yeah, by the way, our city has superheroes.

Real life superheroes.

Like, they aren't fake. Real real life superheroes.

No, I'm not high. Or drunk. I'm not that old yet.

I'm not pulling your leg, I'm deadly serious.

Thinking back, running away wasn't my smartest decision. Now the gang was suspicious.

Tundra Orb, get your mind reading boot box over here!

**Tundra Orb's POV**

One day. One day off was all it took. My sidekick, Storm Warning, and I had decided to take a day off being super. Believe me, it's hard work.

Anyway, that one day was all it took.

We feel in with a bad crowd, that's it.

We were hanging down an alleyway when they appeared out if nowhere and threaten to attack us.

We couldn't use our powers, it would blow our secret identity.

So Storm Warning made us up an excellent cover story.

That we wanted to join them.

And somehow, it's saved us.

But it landed us chasing a teenage girl through the streets of New York.

"Give is the money, shanks." The voice was muffled, but Storm and I heard it all the same.

"What money?" I tried to act tough. I failed.

"The money in your bag, pretty." Oh gosh. Pet names?

Storm didn't like that. "Hey, dude. Back off."

The gang leader glared at Storm, but with my sidekicks threatening grey eyes, he backed off.

"What about a proposition?"

I'd given Storm a questioning look.

"We want to join you." He'd lied smoothly, and just like that the gang welcomed us and began to tell us their plans.

Later, when we were running through the streets to the place where we planned to attack, I hissed at Storm:

"You idiot, we're meant to be superheroes, not street gang members!"

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