Conversing With Elijah

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A few minute's after Elena left, me and Elijah made our way back inside. After sitting down the room was immediately filled with an awkward silence. Elijah was standing by the fire place, and me taking my previous position on the couch facing him. Another few minutes went by until Elijah decided to end the silence. "I don't believe you have ever told me your name." I took a quick breath and replied. "Isabella, Isabella Rose Gilbert." He then came walking over to the couch and sat down beside me.

He turned his head from looking at his hand's and said "your Elena's sister." I turned my gaze to look him in the eye and Replied with a slight chuckle. "Yeah that's me." He didn't move his gaze at all when he continued. "Forgive me, but for siblings you don't look very alike." I thought for a second before replying to his comment. "Well that's because where not actually related," I took a pause before continuing. "I was adopted when I was a month or two old."

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." Looking at him he seemed genuinely sorry and honestly it was a little funny so I couldn't hold back the slight laugh that came from my mouth. His face seemed to quickly change to confusion so I started to explain my self. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it. The fact is I couldn't be more happy with my family, even if it means I have to deal with all this drama on the side." A smile seemed to come to his face with what I had said. "May I ask, why is it I hadn't met you till now."

I replied with a bit of a frustrated demeanour. "My sister wanted to keep me out of all this, but Damon and her boyfriend thought it best for me to know." He paused for a moment and then asked. "How did you find out about what was happening in your sister's life." I had to think for a second to remember the event's of the past two days. "In my opinion I don't think it played out exactly how they wanted it to." I stopped for a quick second to take in Elijah's demeanour. He was sitting as if expecting me to carry on, so I did.

 "After school I had to go 'round to the boarding house, but once I got there Elena was arguing with Damon because she didn't think it was safe for me to know, but Damon and Stefan disagreed. Any way long story short Stefan showed me he was a vampire and well I kind of past out just after that and had like a vision, but it was actually a memory." Elijah's face morphed into one of confusion, he then asked "what do you mean memory?" 

I took in an unneeded breath and replied "It was the first time I met Damon and the first time I was compelled. He compelled me to forget about us ever meeting, but it obviously didn't last long." Elijah stood up and walked back to the fire place then turned to look at me again. "Are you saying the compulsion brook when Stefan showed you vampires where real." I nodded my head and then he went on to ask, "can you be compelled?" 

Honestly I was shocked by this. I hadn't given much thought to it, but it would make sense if I couldn't because my previous compulsion wore off without Damon having to tell me to remember or dying. "I don't know, I haven't been compelled since I first met Damon." He sighed and started walking back over to me. "Would you mind if I wear to, to test a theory?" I shook my head and Elijah crouched down in front of me and looked into my eyes as I looked into his. "Do you care for my brother?" 

I starred at him, plain confusion written on my face. "Why would you ask me that?" He sat back down across from me and said "you haven't once talked about wether you wish him gone like your sister has, and when I spoke of wanting him dead you seemed very fazed and may I say, upset about the idea." I didn't know what to say, I surely didn't care for him, but I couldn't stop this weird feeling that I didn't want him dead, no matter what he's done in the past.

"Well it seems you can't be compelled, which is very odd seeing as you don't drink vervain and I can tell your not wearing any." He had a look of thought on his face before continuing. "Unless, witch's and werewolves can not be compelled by any vampire not even an original and vampires can't compel other vampires unless you are an original." My look of confusion just grew. "What are you saying that I'm a vampire." 

I knew for a fact I wasn't a vampire or a which and I don't think I have the temper to be a werewolf, so what was he trying to suggest. "I'm not saying that, but what I can say for certain is that you are not human Isabella Gilbert."

A/N Hi guy's hope you enjoyed the chapter. It took me a while to finish this chapter, but her it is.            

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