A normal morning💚

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Jisung has been awake in his bed for two hours, staring at the ceiling. He had another nightmare and couldn't sleep afterwards. He takes a deep breath in and out again. He thinks about his dream, but as soon as he gets the pictures, his body starts to cramp and ache. It's like a sting that won't stop.

Jisung looks at his cell phone and reads the time ... 5:36 a.m. He won't fall asleep anyway, so why lie around here, so he decides to get up and get dressed. He puts on a white sweater with light-colored jeans.

When he's finally finished, he opens the door to the hallway and puts one foot on the soft hallway carpet. He still has to be quiet because his hyungs are still sleeping and he doesn't feel like explaining to them why he's already awake. Jisung runs quietly and carefully into the kitchen and makes himself a cup of tea.

He's actually not a tea drinker, but otherwise he doesn't know what to do. He takes his favorite cup that he got from his mother and makes himself a lemon tea.

When he has sat down on a chair at the counter and has a hot cup of tea in front of him, he takes out his cell phone and scrolls a little through his social media. But after a while he gets bored and the cup is empty, so he cleans up his cup and sits down in the living room.

Or rather, he lies down on the sofa. And after a few minutes he fell asleep on the sofa. About 3 hours later the first of his hyungs wakes up ... Mark. (We just pretend that Mark, Chenle and Haechan sleep in the NCT Dream Dorm) He doesn't notice the boy on the sofa, but goes straight to the kitchen.

There he notices the used cup, but he thinks nothing of it. 'Somebody forgot to put them away yesterday.' Mark goes straight to work. Because he's preparing breakfast today. He wants to make rice omlettes and a freshly squeezed orange juice with it.

While Mark prepares breakfast, the others gradually come into the kitchen, but nobody notices the peacefully sleeping boy on the sofa. Jeno and Jaemin sit on the chairs and help Mark with the orange juice. Renjun and Chenle are still a bit sleepy and just stare at their cell phones. And Haechan hasn't shown up yet. Mark is finally done. "Chenle, can you get Haechan and Jisung please ?!" Marks speaking in a calm tone.

Chenle gets up a little annoyed, but then sets off. He goes to Haechan first. He opens the door and sees his Hyung lying peacefully in bed, when a devilish plan occurs to him.

Chenle, who now has a big grin on his face, runs into the bathroom and fetches a cup and fills it with ice-cold water. Then he goes back to Haechan's room and stands next to the bed. "YAH Haechan Hyung get up!" But as expected, nothing happens. He just turns his back to Chenle.

"You didn't want it any other way." Then he pours the cup once across Haechan's whole body. Haechan screams and sits upright in his bed, while Chenle can't help but laugh.

"YAH CHENLE !!" But before Haechan gets hold of Chenle, he runs out in the direction of Jaemin's and Jisung's rooms. He opens the door and sees the double bed, but instead of seeing the boy upstairs at his bed, the whole room is empty. He also checks the adjoining bathroom, but there is no sign of Jisung.

He shrugs his shoulders and runs back into the kitchen, where Haechan is now, who only throws him a deathly look. "Where's Jisung?" Asks Jaemin, who has already finished with the juice. "Breakfast is ready now!" Calls out Mark. "Isn't Jisung here? He wasn't in his bed," replies Chenle.

He thought Jisung had woken up by himself in the meantime and is here now. As soon as Chenle says that, chaos breaks out in Jaemin and Haechan. The two are like mothers to the boy. "What do you mean, Jisung isn't in his bed?" Jaemin bursts out. "I even checked the bathroom, and it wasn't there either," replies an overwhelmed Chenle.

Mark looks around the kitchen. The Cup comes to his mind again. "Let's look in the living room," suggests the Canadian. They all run straight into the living room, led by Haechan and Jaemin, of course.

When they enter the room, they all exhale with relief. "But why is he sleeping here?" Asks Renjun now. "Let's wake him up and then ask himself," says Haechan, who was already kneeling next to the sleeping boy.

He gently puts his hand on Jisung's shoulder and gently shakes it. The boy makes soft noises, but does not wake up. Then Jeno has the idea. He quickly disappears from the room and comes back after a few seconds. He is holding a chicken toy in his hand. He lifts the toy next to Jisung's ears, then presses the chicken's belly.

Then there is a high-pitched noise, which means that  Jisung sits straight as a bolt, but still dazed, on the sofa. "Jeno", whines Jisung, who now looks at Jeno with glassy eyes. He looks very sleepy. You can still see some drooling on the mouth wrap, but he wipes it off immediately.

"Jisungie, why did you sleep here?", Mark now says. Jisung looks around and thinks back. He had this nightmare. "I don't know anymore," he lies and smiles sweetly. "Aigoo, Come on. Breakfast is getting cold." And then all Mark follow back into the kitchen and they start to eat.



I know the first chapter is very boring, but I needed an introduction to the story. Don't worry, the next chapter will be more exciting.

~ chichi

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