The truth💚

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The Alphas are all sitting in the living room wondering how to tell the Omega that he had his first heat yesterday and that Mark was his first time.

They didn't even notice how time passed. Only when Jisung suddenly, with red eyes and pain all over the lower part of his body, sneaks into the living room and falls onto the sofa, while a groan sounding full of pain escapes from his lips.

They all look at the boy with a caring look. "Sungie baby what is hurting you?" asks Jaemin gently and carefully, although he can guess the answer. But he wants to know what is going on in the head of the 16 year old boy.

"My ass hurts so much! But I don't know why and I have so many questions," says the minor desperately. "For example, which ones?", Renjun now hesitates asks.

"Why was I naked in MARK's room and where are all these bite marks and purple-red spots from?" The boy grumbles.

Jisung has always been the somewhat snappier Omega. He doesn't like to be ordered around  by others. He always calls his members by their first name without the 'Hyung', even with the oldest, Taeil, he is like that.

The boy also hates skinship and therefore prefers to keep his distance from his members.

Mark doesn't look at the boy, but he starts talking quietly. "Well, Jisung. We have to tell you something."

"And that would be?" Jisung says, a little annoyed.

"You are an Omega and you had your first heat yesterday and also ... your first time with Mark-hyung," says Chenle in a low voice.

But Jisung listened carefully and understood every single word exactly. Jisung looks at the Alphas with a look of disbelief. Then suddenly he starts laughing. The alphas do not understand the sudden mood swings and first look at each other and then at Jisung in confusion.

"Haha ... That was a good joke, Chenle. Me and an Omega? Haha! And then I should have had sex with Mark. Oh man, it just keeps getting better."

Jisung holds his stomach laughing and lets his head fall back. But the alphas only look at the ground. Mark knew it would end like this, but the boy needs to know the truth. Jisung wipes away the tears he has from laughing and then looks at his hyungs who are still staring at the floor. Only then does he notice that it was not a joke from Chenle.

"N-No, that's not true," the boy calls a little louder and gets up abruptly. Jaemin tries to calm the boy down. "Jisung please, you weren't yourself yesterday and we had to help. You can only cool a heat if you satisfy the Omega."

Jisung looks scared at Jaemin and can't believe his ears. He's an Omega and had sex last night ... with Mark. Jisung takes a few steps back. Mark gets up immediately and tries to talk to Jisung.

"Sungie, I'm sorry, but you woke my alpha. I just wanted to help you, but we both lost our temper." Jisung just shakes his head.

"Y-You ... I-I ... how? I always thought I was an alpha." Jeno now stands up and speaks gently to the boy. "You're a bloomer, but that doesn't matter. There are many of your kind."

Tears form again in the omega's eyes. Haechan gets up immediately and takes the boy in his arms and gently strokes his hair. "Don't worry baby, your hyungs are there for you and we love you. It doesn't matter if you are an Omega or Alpha."

"B-But what if I have a heat again? I can't sleep with my members. That's not right," said Jisung, a little tired.

"We will always help you Sungie and it does not matter if we are your members. We are a big family and will always help you," assures Renjun.

Then Jisung thinks of something and opens his eyes. "What about 127 Hyungs and WayV Hyungs?" The others look at each other and then nod.

"We'll have to tell you."



Haha, I hope it's okay.

Just write if you have comments.

~ chichi

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