Talk with us 💚

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Mark and the others come back around 5 p.m. When Mark walks through the door, he thinks of Jeno again. 'I should remind Jeno of something', Mark thinks and walks into Jeno's room.

But when he doesn't see him in his room, he goes back into the living room. He was about to ask Haechan, who is sitting on the couch, where Jeno is when Jaemin screams in his room.

He runs to him and pulls the door open. "What happened?" But then Mark already sees what Jaemin's eyes are fixed on. It's Jeno and Jisung, naked in bed and cuddling.

So that's what Jeno meant by 'heated argument' Mark and the others feel a touch of anger because they are jealous. Jealous that Jeno is lying next to little Omega and not themself.

That becomes too much for Haechan and goes to the two sleepers and pushes Jeno off the bed. The named wakes up with a loud moan and looks around in amazement.

Jisung is woken up by the noise and also looks around. When the little one realizes what has happened and who is standing here at the moment, he quickly pulls the covers up and tries to hide.

Jaemin goes over to the boy and pulls the covers down slightly. Then he gently brushes his face. "Did he hurt you?" But Jisung just shakes his head.

"Yah! Haechan what was that supposed to mean?" Jeno yells at his friend. "You fucked Jisung even though we were having training." Haechan yells back.

"QUIET!" Renjun then calls and tries to calm the situation down. "We're all going into the living room now. And you two get dressed and come after." He points to Jisubg and Jeno, who only nod.

Then all Renjun follow into the living room, where they wait for Jeno and Jisung. After a few minutes the two join them and also sit down on the couch.

"So now I want to know what happened? Why didn't you show up for training and why were you naked and cuddling in bed?" Now ask Renjun calmly and calmly. Jeno looks at the Omega, who is just sitting there nervously.

Jeno sighs and then takes the floor.
"Well Jisung was lying in bed and sleeping. I wanted to wake him up, but he didn't want to and well ... I had to punish him for making me wait and then we did it."

Mark and the others look at Jeno in disbelief and then at Jisung. Jisung get nervous from the looks.

"Do you remember the sex, Jisungie?" Then it comes from Mark. Jeno immediately looks at the boy expectantly. Jisung just nods. He still knows every detail and every touch.

Jeno was happy and smiled proudly. For this he was hit on the back of the head by Renjun. Mark was angry. But he didn't show it. Jisung remembered sex with Jeno, but not the one with him. Unfair...

"And? ... how was it?", Asked Chenle, who looked at the boys expectantly. Jisung said ... "Nice..." The others look puzzled at the boy.

"Did you like it?" Haechan asked now. "Yes." "Do you ... maybe ... wanna do it again?" Jaemin asked a little hesitantly. Jisung didn't look at them, he just kept staring at the floor.

"Yes ... No ... Maybe ... I don't know." He said desperately. He doesn't know how to feel about sex with his members. Is it right or should he not do it? But it was so beautiful and felt so good.

"But what I'm just thinking of. Jeno, you said I should remind you of something ?!" Says Mark out of the blue.

"Ahhh! Exactly. Jisung we have to talk, all of us." Jeno looks at the boy now. Jisung swallows. He thinks he knows where there is going.

"Jisungie, can you tell me what those scars are on your thigh?" Then there was silence for now. The others try to process what Jeno has just said, while Jisung would like to just dig himself in.

"Wait what? Jisung has scars on his thigh?", Jaemin says, overreacting a bit. "Yeah, I saw them while having sex yesterday, but I was too busy fucking that kid in the ass." For this he received another blow from Renjun.

"Sungie baby, what does Jeno mean by that?" A worried Haechan asks the Omega. Jisung bites his lip nervously.

"Park Jisung tell us what Jeno means immediately." said Mark a little more seriousm Jisung swallows once and then begins to tell.

"I-I started scratching myself. T-The reason is ... I-I makes me feel better, but now it's become an addiction." He finishes the sentence quietly. His hyungs look at him worried, hurt, but also disappointed.

"Jisung you could always have talked to us." Says Jaemin. "We're always there for you Sungie," says Chenle. Jisung smiled slightly at his hyungs. "Well. Renjun go into the bathroom and also search his room. Take away all sharp objects. Jaemin and Jeno will now sleep with Jisung in the same room. He must be watched the whole time. He is not allowed to be longer than for 5 minutes alone in the bathroom ."
Mark finally decides.

On the one hand, Jisung is happy that the hyungs want to help him, but on the other hand, he's also scared. Afraid of feeling the pain again that he always had before the self-harming.

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ HEY !!!

First of all thanks for 100 views.


The end is already near ....

Finally!!! Haha

~ chichi

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