Meet Paul Stanley! (Destroyer era)

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I was on my way to a record store to get my Destroyer Kiss record signed by the one and only Paul Stanley.

He was the glamorous man known as the Starchild.

As I opened the door, many teenage girls were screaming and crying as they waited excitedly for Paul Stanley to come out.

Paul was just making some finishing touches to his hair.

He gave a smile to all the girls who were eager to meet him.

I remained calm while waiting for my turn.

Out of nowhere, the crowd started to get bigger and I found myself struggling to keep from getting trampled.

I was pushed out of the way by another girl who looked to be about thirteen.

"Hey! There's no need for that".

Paul called out to the girls as the security guard rounded them up so that there was plenty of room.

I had a bruise on my cheek and my ankle was sprained.

The Starchild could see how hurt I was.

He walked over to me and offered to help me.

I took his hand and Paul lifted me up and carried me bridal style to his dressing room.

"You poor thing. I'll make sure that you're healed completely, you can't even walk properly".

He carefully sat me down in a chair.

After walking out to meet the girls, Paul signed autographs and then he came back to me.

"Where are you taking me"?

I asked, as he carried me once again because I couldn't walk due to my sprained ankle.

"Somewhere safe away from those crazy fangirls".

He said, and then chuckled at my confused facial expression.

Paul gently laid me down on the back seat and then climbed into the limo.

The girls continued to run after the limo.

I looked out the window and then Paul closed it.

"I love you Paul"!

A girl cried out.

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