Makin' Love (Smashes, Thrashes, And Hits era)

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Paul Stanley and the guys had just finished shooting a music video for the song Let's Put The X In Sex.

I was waiting for him outside the filming set.

When the frontman came out, he was all sweaty from singing and moving around onstage.

"Hi sweetie".

Paul said with his signature smile and we both shared a kiss on the lips.

Together, we walked off the set holding hands and then, Paul took us to back to our hotel room, and we wasted no time in getting there as soon as possible.

He shut the door behind him and locked it tight.

I bit my lip sexily, knowing full well what he wanted do with me.

"I can't believe we're finally doing this".

I smiled, broadly.

"Me either".

Paul grinned, nodding to me.

"Alright, let's go ahead and get your arms behind your back, sweetie."

He told me.

Of course, I complied, then I felt the smooth leather of his belt against my wrists.

Paul tightened the belt around them, binding my wrists behind my back.

It was just a little uncomfortable, but it wasn't painful.

It was just the way I liked it.

"This okay? This feel good so far"?

He asked, studying every reaction my body offered him.

I nodded, keeping my eyes fixed on him.

I was excited to try this.

The two of us had been looking forward to it for weeks, but it had been hard trying to find time to set aside for it during his touring.

Thankfully, he had a whole two days off, and I've begged long enough with puppy eyes to get him to try tonight.

I could barely wait until we both were done with dinner, and I was just too eager.

I loved Paul so much, and I trusted him even more.

And that fact opened up so many sexual possibilities that I could barely wrap my head around them.

I had never had sex that could've be considered 'kinky' before, and although this was honestly something of a vanilla beginning, it excited me greatly.

"It's perfect".

I breathed, gasping inaudibly as Paul tightened his binding just a little more.

"Do whatever you want to me, baby."

"Alrighty then".

Paul smirked, then took the chance to slide thick, soft fabric over my eyes, and all of a sudden I was in utter darkness.

"It's just a silk sash".

Paul spoke, even more softly this time.

"Is this... I mean, you're still okay?"

I had already told Paul to do what he wanted, there really was no need for all these persistent questions.

I knew it came from a place of love and caution, but I really just wanted him to get on with the show.

He was looking out for you, just like he always did.

I nodded again.

"Okay... Just relax then. Mellow out for me".

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