Would You Rather (Destroyer era)

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"Hey baby, what's that you're making"?

I hear the Starchild ask me, and then blushed when he moved his hands underneath my pajama shirt and he could feel my nipples.

"I'm making up cards so we can all play a game called Would You Rather".

I answered him.

Paul presses a few kisses to the side my neck, making me moan a little bit.

He smiled and then began to twist my hair around his finger.

Soon, the doorbell rang and Ace, Peter, and Gene came inside.

By then, I was already finished with the would you rather cards, so now we could play the game.

Ace winked at me, and I giggled.

Ace Frehley Would You Rather:

Drink an entire bottle of vinegar


Eat left over food from somebody's garbage can

We all snickered at what it said.

And then Ace confessed that he actually did eat out of garbage can.

"Remember when the power went out at Gene's house and all the food in his refrigerator went bad? I was so hungry that I went through the garbage can and ate the leftover fish sticks that Peter didn't eat".

I made a funny face that made it look like I was disgusted, and the guys laughed.

"I guess I'll go next".

Peter choose a card randomly and he frowned when he read the card in his head.

Peter Criss Would You Rather:

Eat undercooked fish meat for a week


Sell your entire drum set and become a real estate agent?

Ace was laughing out loud and Peter glared at him with a little kitty cat hiss.

"I ain't never gonna be a real estate agent. They're always boring and never think about anything but work".

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