Photoshoot (End Of The Road Tour era)

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"Okay, guys. Come on in".

Doc McGhee called out to the band.

I was sitting on an amplifier while the four of them were getting their picture taken.

They now had brand-new outfits for the End Of The Road tour, which was about to start in about a few days.

Paul was the first one to walk into the room and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hi sweetheart".

He waved at me and I waved back.

"Good luck, Starchild".

I grinned, and giggled happily.

Gene and Tommy came in next, along with Eric Singer.

The guys all looked so handsome in their new outfits.

"Alright KISS, let's get together now".

The cameraman prepared to get his camera ready.

He adjusted it so the lenses were pointing at the band.

I watched as they posed for the camera, and with a flash, the image was taken.

"Okay, I'm gonna get an individual picture from each of you guys. So, let's have Paul Stanley stand in the middle over there".

Doc McGhee offered to help the frontman out, but Paul laughed and said that he didn't need any help.

"You could've just said no thank you".

I told him, causing the Starchild to chuckle.

"I'm just messing with him".

He whispered to me, and I giggled.

"I know ya were".

We both exchanged a bit of flirting with each other before Paul had to go back to focusing on the camera.

Paul Stanley KISS Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now