He Comes Home Late At Night (Love Gun era)

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I was waiting for Paul to come home from the show and it was already a few minutes before midnight.

We were both together, but I was still very shy about sex.

Paul kindly respected that, but I could always see that he really wanted to be more intimate with me by having sexual intercourse.

Meanwhile, the band were just finishing up and then the Starchild asked Ace if he could give me a call to make sure that I was alright.

After that, Ace walked off to find a twenty five cent telephone.

"Why isn't she sexually active like we are"?

Paul picked up his guitar and put it over his shoulder.

"She's just really shy. But sometimes I wish I could please her every night when I come home".

I was just walking to the kitchen to get a coke from the refrigerator when the telephone rang.

I quickly grabbed a coke and ran to the living room to answer the call.

"Hi curly"!

Ace's humorous voice always put a smile on my face when I wasn't feeling like myself.

"Hi Ace"!

I laughed.

"Paul just wanted me to check on ya, you know? Make sure that you was okay".

I smiled as I sat down on the couch.

"Well, that's very sweet of him. Are ya'll on your way home"?


Ace chuckled playfully at my country accent.



I could hear Paul, Gene, and Peter talking to one another in the background.

"Can I talk to the Starchild"?

But Paul wanted to surprise me when he got home to me.

"He's busy at the moment".

Peter took the phone from Ace so that the SpaceMan could find everyone a fast food place that was open late at night.

"Catman, What a nice surprise".

Peter nearly blushed softly and Ace was laughing at him.

"Keep her distracted until we find a place that sells food".

Gene told the drummer in a whispered tone.

I talked to Peter and Ace as they both took turns.

And when KISS finally found a McDonald's, they went inside to get something to eat.

I had already told them goodbye and then they hung up.

It was almost 12:30 when the door opened.

"Hey sweetheart, guess who's home"?

Paul grinned as he shut the front door behind him.

"Hi Paul"!

I cheerfully and excitedly ran to the greet the frontman.

Paul lifted me up in his arms as I was still shorter than his own height.

He kissed my cheek and forehead several times in a gentle way.

"I've missed you so much Starchild".

I inhaled his scent that had cologne mixed with sweat as it went through my nostrils.

"Aww, did you really"?

Paul looked at me and I giggled playfully as he put me into a sitting position.

He carried me upstairs to the bedroom.

"I'm not tired yet. Can't we stay up all night since the weekend is almost here"?

I waited for him patiently to answer my question.

"Of course we can, baby. I love you so much that I can't even refuse that opportunity".

Paul carefully sat me down on the edge of the bed.

He opened the closet, pulling out a pair of black sweat pants and a purple KISS tank top.

"I was going to ask you something. But let's get settled in first, okay"?

I nodded my head up and down.

The Starchild chuckled playfully and then he booped me on the nose with his finger.

I let out a laugh and pushed my hair out of my face.

Paul walked to the bathroom and turned on the sink faucet to wash the sweat off his beautiful face.

He then took out a bottle of cologne and sprayed some on his hairy chest.

I was excited to be spending time with Paul.

We both had the entire weekend off to spend more quality time with each other.

Paul shut the bedroom light off and I was confused.

"I really want to know why you don't like having sex".

My happy smile turned into a nervous and frowny facial expression.

"Please...tell me why won't you be sexually active"?

I took a deep breath and then exhaled it out.

"It's because I'm nervous about about the feeling of having too much pain, and about catching a sexually transmitted disease".

I felt his gentle fingers moving down my stomach.

"So, you're scared about one of us getting a disease that can hurt me or you"?

I nodded my head and scooted over closer to him for comfort.

Paul smiled sweetly.

"Which one are you nervous about, doll"?


I felt a shiver going down my spine at the thought of it.

Paul was surprised.

The disease is fatal.

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