Traveling Together With The Band (End Of The Road tour era)

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It was time to leave so the band could get on their private jet.

I was just about to put my tortoiseshell cat into her traveling cage.

The feline meowed, obviously knowing that she did not want to be there.

"Sweetheart, are you almost ready"?

Paul called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes, I just have to put Cinnamon in her cage".

I answered back, and then placed a pitcher of water and some food next to Cinnamon.

Then, I put her favorite toys inside my purse.

Once I was ready, I grabbed my belongings and carried them in one hand, and then used the other one to carry the traveling cage.

Paul was waiting for me by the front door, and he smiled when he saw me coming down the stairs.

We both walked to his car and I got in once I put Cinnamon's traveling cage in the back seat.

The cat started to meow again about wanting to be let out.

But I knew that I'd be able to let her out once we took off on KISS's private jet.

"Are you excited about going to Australia, hon"?

Paul asked, as he used one hand to drive and the other was resting on mine.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see all the sights".

I smiled, and then looked back behind me to see that Cinnamon had finally calmed down.

After about 30 minutes, we made it the airport.

Gene, Tommy, and Eric were already there waiting for us.

"Hey guys! Are you ready to have some good ole' time in Australia"?

I grinned, and the three of them laughed.

"I can see that you got your cat with you".

Eric waved at Cinnamon when he saw her moving around inside the traveling cage.

The cat sniffed his scent when he stuck his finger through the holes to pet her.

"Alright, guys. We better get going".

Doc McGhee led us to the private jet after we grabbed our suitcases.

I took Cinnamon with me so she wouldn't be scared during the flight.

And once we were finally flying in the air, I opened the little door to let her out.

The cat was happy to be roaming free inside the private jet.

She went around to check everything out, which included rubbing her scent glands on my seat, and gently pawing at Gene's blanket while he was asleep, which made us all laugh.

Paul reached out and picked her up and Cinnamon curled up in his lap and started to purr as he petted her.

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