Scaring Him Onstage (Sonic Boom era)

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Tonight, the KISS guys were going up onstage to perform another one of their concerts and I was excited.

Because, I planned on scaring Paul Stanley with a Jason Vorrhees costume

I also had a hidden camera installed on my costume so the KISS army can see it after I upload the video to YouTube.

After putting on the scary costume, I grabbed my machete and then borrowed some of Gene's fake blood and put it all over my machete.

The crowd was cheering and screaming with excitement.

I hand gestured for them to not bring any attention to me so the guys wouldn't get suspicious.

Paul had his back turned on me and then I sneaked up on him, raising my machete up at his head as if I was gonna strike him with it.

When the Starchild turned his head, I shouted out:


He jumped with a fright and accidentally slapped me across the face, knocking my Jason mask off.


Once he finally comprehended on what just happened, I could tell that the KISS frontman knew that I was just joking around, and also wasn't mad at me.

"You scared me half to death..."

He said to me.

Paul could see that Tommy and Eric were snickering to themselves became of how funny it was.

And Gene was laughing, too.

I snickered at their reactions.

"Holy cow..."

Paul didn't expect me to do anything like that, especially onstage during a KISS concert.

"Whatever you say, sissy Starchild".

I giggled and turned around to walk away.

And before I left, I reached out and slapped Paul's ass.

Several fans were laughing like crazy.

"Oooh...she got you good".

Eric smirked playfully.

Tommy looked over at Paul, who just shook his head with a smile.

"She's really gonna get it bad once the show is over with with".

Paul thought to himself with a mischievous smirk, and then he and the rest of the band continued the concert for their diehard KISS fans.

Paul Stanley KISS Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now