A Cat And A Mystery (End Of The Road Tour era)

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It was just after 2:00 when Paul noticed that there was a funny smell in the house.

"I know it's coming from somewhere..."

He said to himself out loud while looking through the kitchen cabinets to see if there was any food that had gotten bad.

After giving up, Paul decided to try and ignore the smell.

But which each passing hour, the odor became worse.

Paul called Gene, Tommy, and Eric to ask them to come over and help out.

When they got there, they were all puzzled by the smell.

As they searched for the source, my cat Cinnamon wandered into the house.

Then, I came in soon after.

"Hi guys! Whatcha doin? Playing a game of hide and seek"?

I asked with a cheerful grin.

"No, we're trying to find where the disgusting smell is coming from".

Eric replied, as he climbed up onto one of the shelves.

Then, I noticed small red stains on the carpet that led to the bedroom.

When I followed the trail, I soon made a ghastly discovery.

Underneath the bed, was a dead animal that had been rotting for days.

"Oh God...oh no".

I said, and pinched my nose at the nasty stench.


Paul asked, and then when he walked closer towards me, he instantly could smell the odor.

"Guys, I think we found what it was".

I called out to the guys, and they came into the bedroom.

Tommy grabbed a paper towel and then after putting on some yellow cleaning gloves, he got down on his knees and looked underneath the bed.

"Yeah...this is it".

He said, holding back the urge to vomit.

There were maggots crawling all around the dead animal.

"I'm calling the landlord to get rid of it".

Paul said, and then walked out of the bedroom.

After making that important phone call, a car pulled up in the driveway.

The landlord followed us to the bedroom to the spot where the dead animal was located.

"I think Cinnamon must've hid it underneath the bed last night".

I told the Starchild, while the landlord removed the carcass from underneath the bed.

"Guess you'll have to get a new carpet".

Eric said while shrugging his shoulders.

Then, I heard Cinnamon meowing and we all watched as she wandered over the bed.

She crawled underneath there and sensed that her prey was gone.

After crawling back out again, I picked her up in my arms.

"You and I are gonna have a talk".

I said to her, walking out of the bedroom and into the living room.

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