Bestfriend (2/2)

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The next day taekook got ready and left for uni. One side tae is excited for his proposal whereas jungkookie is sad but didn't show it.

Asusual they greeted yoonmin and went to their classes. In the whole time tae is nervous about proposing Aria. As soon as his class got over he went to the cafeteria where he met his friends waiting for him.

He sat with them full of nervousness. Tapping his legs while his hands are rubbing his thighs. He was looking at the entrance time to time. Suddenly he felt a hand on his thighs.

"Don't be nervous taetae. Everything will be fine" Jungkookie whispered to tae while caressing his hands with a smile. Tae nodded with a same smile.

And soon the waited moment came. Aria entered the cafeteria with her friends and took a seat on the middle of cafeteria.

Tae's nervousness increased seeing her. He held kookie's hand tightly which was caressing his hand. "Kookie will she accept me?? Am i looking good??" Tae asked sweat taking place on his forehead.

"You are looking good taetae. She'll surely accept you." Kookie said ruffling his hair.

"Tae just propose already." Yoongi said laying his head on his bf's shoulder going back to his slumber.

"Shut up. Taetae don't be nervous. If she loves you she will accept you." Jimin said with a assuring smile while looking at Jungkookie. Taehyung took a deep breath and stood up.

"I'm going." Tae said receiving a rub on his hand. He looked at Jungkookie and saw her smiling he smiled back and went near Aria.

As he left. Yoongi shut opened his eyes. "Jungie why are you doing this?? It'll break your heart and his too. Then why??"

"Yes kookie. Anyways she is gonna reject him. Then why you gave him false hope." Jimin asked with a concerned look.

"If we say he won't understand. So only I'm proving him practically." She sighed. And soon a sound of loud laugh was heard. The trio turned to their side and saw a laughing Aria and her friends.

Meanwhile with Taehyung,

Tae got up from his seat and went towards Aria and her friends' table. While yoonminkook was busy chatting.

He went near the table and cleared his throat. "Ahm!!". Aria turned around and saw tae standing with his one hand on his back. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion seeing the nerd.

"What do you want??" Aria asked now her one eyebrow raised.

"Uhm..Aria t-that I-I I love you. Be my g-girlfriend!" Taehyung said now extending the hand which was on the back that time.

Aria's friends stood in shock but soon the whole cafeteria's attention turned to Aria's table due to her loud laughing

"What do you think? I'll accept a nerd like you?! NEVER!!" Aria stopped her laugh now being angry. Tae cried and touched her hand.

"Aria--" his hands got yanked by her and a slap landed on his cheeks.

"YOU UGLY NERD. HOW DARE YOU ME. UGH!!" She bursted and looked down at tae.

Aria was about to hit him. "STOP IT!!" A loud voice interrupted her. She looked straight and saw a furious Jungkookie.

With Jungkookie

I was talking with Yoongi and Jimin oppa about tae. Coz I'm not ready for the heartbreak. As we were into the talks we heard laughing side from our right side. As I turned my head the scene made my blood boil. Aria was about to hit tae. I went to them an said loudly to stop her.

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