Chapter 17

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"Singing Singing Oo Lala he breaks my heart I know he thinks about her when he plays guitar"

What the absolute fuck is that

Guess that means it's time for me to get up
I sigh and get up from my bed unfortunately I walk to the crib where the girls are at crying but they stop once they see me
"Y'all did not just wake me up just to look at me" I say picking up Harley and then very carefully picking up Rylee too
The girls are 4 months and they crawl pretty good soon we'll start working on them walking

"And ooh lala my American boy"
"Let's go see what that awful music is" I say to them while they continue to just look at me I then start heading downstairs
I walk pass Sticky's room and kick his door
"Wake the fuck up" I say and continue walking downstairs this time stopping at Huey's room his door is open so I walk in and as I do he walks out of the bathroom
"Here" I say handing him Harley and then finally making it all the way downstairs
"My American boy
Merican boy
You know it's my American boy"

"Yoooo" Willow, Penny and Dijonay say they are in the kitchen making breakfast and listening to whatever the fuck this song is happily singing and dancing
"What are y'all listening to" Huey says from behind me motioning for me to get out the way I move out the way and put Rylee in her bouncer and Huey puts Harley in her swing
"Whatever it is turn that shit off" I say walking into the kitchen with Huey and now Sticky following behind me
"Shut up" Penny says
"It's a demo of a song I had wrote" Willow say
"Yeah it's for a British group and they sound great y'all just haters" Dijonay said while turning it off
"Finally" I say and they glare at me
The twins start to whine so I go in the living room where we left them and turned on something for them to watch on tv
I move Harley and her swing closer to the couch so I could watch her while she watch tv Rylee off instinct I guess moved closer to me and Harley even though she was already in range
I make a face at her and she copies it
The three of us watch tv for a while until Willow and Huey come get the girls Huey getting his obvious favorite Harley and Willow getting Rylee
I was about to follow them but it was a knock on the door I open it and see it's Ceaser and LaCienga and let them in
"Wassup y'all" I say
"Hey" LaCienga greets happily
"Wasgood" Ceaser says while dapping me up I close the door and we all go to the kitchen and eat acting as if we're a perfectly normal group of friends after we finish eating we talk while cleaning but there's another knock at the door
We all look at each other confused
"Who else we missing" I ask
"Nobody Zoey and my boy won't be back til next week" Sticky says
"I'll go see" Willow says handing me Harley who she had stolen from Huey
"Nah I got it" I say going to the door with Harley
I open the door and get instantly pissed and try to slam it closed but the person keeps it open
"What the fuck do you want" I say trying not to yell
"Come on man" The person says
And as I'm about to yell fuck you the others come to where I'm at
"Riley the hell wrong with you oh my fucking god why" Willow says
"Ashley get the fuck off my doorstep" I say
"Just let her see the babies" Ashton says
"Man hell no her ass supposed to be in fucking rehab" I say handing Harley to Willow
Ashley sees this and pushes past me and goes to Willow
"Give me my damn baby" She says
"Girl back up you not even supposed to be around them" Willow says
"So yo bitch can hold the babies but you won't even let Ashley see them those are her fucking kids" Ashton says to me
"Say one more goddamn thing to me and I will beat the fuck outta you" I say
"Everybody shut the fuck up im tired of this shit" Penny says loud enough to get our attention she then pulls Ashley by her hair into the kitchen and yells come on we follow her and sit down at the table while her and Willow stand up I get Harley once more and Huey has Rylee I told everybody else to stay in the living room so it's just me,Huey,Ashley,Ashton,Willow,and Penny plus the babies
"Ok first things first we can't have this arguing in front of the girls so y'all need to get this shit together" Penny says
"We wouldn't be arguing if I could just see them" Ashley says with an attitude
"Why can't you get it through yo fucking brain you can't be around them you psychotic ass bitch" I say to her
"Riley you cussing too much in front of them" Willow says I just huff
"See you can't even stop cussing around them" Ashton says
"At least he's not popping percs around them right Ashley" Huey says
Ashley blows a fuse
"Sit down" Penny says and she does
"Well this obviously ain going anywhere" I say rolling my eyes
"Yeah because y'all won't give her a chance" Ashton says
"A chance to do what introduce them to coke you damn straight" I say
Willow then hits me
"Stop cussing yo" she says
"It's time for y'all to go" Huey says
I nod my head and agree
"What no I'm not leaving unless the girls coming with me" She says
"Yeah you're fucking crazy they ain going no damn where with you" I say
"Those are my fucking daughters" She says
"Not anymore" I grunt out
"I swear to god I'll call CPS" she says getting louder
The girls start to whine but I'm too busy arguing to do anything about it
"And tell them fucking what that you was getting high while pregnant" I say matching her loudness
"FUCK YOU I HATE YOU I JUST FUCKING HATE YOU" she yells this time and stands up
I practically throw Harley to Willow
"SHUT UP" Willow yells interrupting us I now notice that both of the girls are crying and Willow and Penny are trying to calm them down when did Penny get Rylee I look at the seat Huey is sitting in and he's just glaring at Ashley and Ashton I sit back down and so does Ashley I try to get one of the girls both Willow and Penny just glare at me
"Listen up cause this is how this is finna go" Willow says once the girls have both calmed down
"The sole guardian of these children is Riley" Penny says Ashton is about to say something but they keep talking
"A restraining order will be filed the only way you or any of you're family will see them is if you successfully complete rehab" Willow says
"That's not fair my family doesn't have  anything to do with my problems" Ashley says
"That's true but we don't trust them they might try to kidnap the girls or let you see them" Penny says
"We wouldn't do that" Ashton says
"Well we wouldn't know that now this isn't up for debate this is what will happen" Willow says
"These girls won't grow up in a bad environment full of negative energy we've had the talk now if we have to have it again it'll be in a courtroom and my moms the best lawyer there is don't try me" Penny says
She then walks out of the kitchen and upstairs
"Huey show them out" Willow says and follows Penny
Huey shows them out and I head upstairs while Penny is on her way down but with no baby
I walk into my room and see both the girls asleep in their crib with Willow laying on the bed scrolling on her phone
"So are you mad"  I ask her
"Riley I'm beyond mad I'm pissed" she says not taking her attention away from her phone
I fucking knew it
"Ok I know I could've did way better with the cussing but it still take some time to get use to bare with me" I say going to the bed
She puts her phone down and stare at me with a blank face
"You think I'm mad because of the cussing" she says
"What else you gon be mad about" I say confused
Her blank face now shows all of her angry features
She sits up and runs her fingers through her hair and take a deep breath before talking
"Maybe at the fact you acted a fool in front of your kids"  She says slowly
"It still just sound like you mad about the cussing" I say
She stands up and gets in my face
"Are you fucking kidding me Riley it's not about the cussing I cuss what the fuck" she starts I know she has more to say so I keep quite and listen
"I'm pissed because of the yelling and screaming you basically threw Harley at me so you could yell at Ashley and you didn't even notice both of them were crying" She continues
"Ok I understand" I start but she cuts me off
"No shut up you did enough talking downstairs Riley you are a father and the sole caretaker of these children what if you would've hit her I know you wouldn't but anything could happen they won't remember anything right now but when their older if something like this happens again they will you need to get control over your temper and set a good example for them" she finishes letting out a breath after her rant
I stand up and she backs up from me I grab her hand and kiss it
"You are completely right I need to do better and I promise I will" I say to her
"Words don't mean anything without the actions" she says snatching her hand away
"Guess I'll just show you then"
I say giving her a big smile putting my face in hers
"You better" she says kissing me
I kiss back and soon we're making out that is until Dijonay walks in and sees us
"Yeah I was right run me my money Huey" she yells
"D shutup they sleep" Willow says angrily
Dijonay laughs and says my bad while closing the door
"Yo mommy mode is so sexy" I say kissing her again and putting us both on the bed with her on top of me
"Hell no Riley the girls are literally right here" she says and I roll my eyes
"So they sleep"  I say
"And we bout to join them" she says says getting off of me and getting on her side of the bed and getting under the cover
"Are you serious" I say
"As a fucking heart attack" she replies I sigh and follow suit
"You do realize it's the middle of the day" I say pulling her close to me
"It's called a nap Riley" she says snuggling into my chest
"But" I start
"Just go to sleep man" she says
"Whatever" I mumbled to myself while slowly falling asleep
Huey POV
I roll my eyes and give Dijonay her money
"Where is Penny" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders
"She went to the room" LaCienga says as her and Ceaser are leaving
I go up to our shared room and see her at the desk rolling up a blunt
"What are you doing" I ask her
"What does it look like I'm doing Huey" She responds
"I can see what you're doing" I start but she cuts me off
"So why ask" she says
I roll my eyes
"What's the problem" I ask
"You want the long or short answer" She says as she finishes rolling up
"Any answer instead of a question would be nice" I say to get as I start to get irritated
"Heh" she laughs and lights her blunt and takes a puff
She does this repeatedly before I snatch it away from her
"HUEY WHAT THE FUCK" she yells
"You don't even fucking smoke what is your problem" I say through  gritted teeth
She stares at me with a look she's never given me before I can't quite tell what it is
"My problem you wanna know what my problem is where do I even fucking start Huey" She says angrily
"Get. To. The. Point." I say very irritated
"You don't get to be mad at me Huey this is you're fault" she says turning her back on me
Alright now I'm pissed
I turn her around aggressively so she's facing me again
"Just tell me what THE FUCK YO PROBLEM IS" I yell without meaning to she flinched hard and I realize I still had a tight grip on her I immediately let go
"Penny" I start
"No" She starts and I see she has tears in her eyes
I fucked up
"This is what my problem is Huey you've been so angry and hostile and I don't know how to help you,you make me feel like I'm a bad girlfriend" she says tears now streaming down her face
"And that's not even it I can barely recognize who you are anymore I'm scared of you Huey IM FUCKING SCARED you're not supposed to be scared if someone you love but everyday I wake up thinking is today going to be the day he loses it" She says
My heart drops she's scared of me
"Penny why didn't you say anything" I ask
Her eyes shoot up at me and she glared at me with disgust
"Why didn't I say anything you try telling the love of your life you can't look them in eye because your afraid they might slap you it's not that fucking easy Huey" She says through gritted teeth holding her arm she's still crying
Why is she holding her arm wait that's the spot I grabbed I try to touch her but she jerks away
"Penny calm down I promise I won't hurt you" I say as soothingly as I can she stays where she is and doesn't look at me
"Penny look I me" I say
She slowly raises her eyes towards me when our eyes finally meet I softly take her arm I look at it to see she has a bruise from when I grabbed her I instantly pull her in for a hug she finally stops crying
"I didn't mean to do that I'm sorry" I whisper to her
How did I do that what the hell is wrong with me
"Huey" Penny says softly I let go of her and sit on my bed and put my face in my hands
I hurt her how many times have I done that without noticing have I been hurting her this whole time no wonder she's scared of me
The wetness of my hands make me realize I'm the one crying now pathetic
"Huey" Penny says again
"How long" I ask
"How long what" she replies
"How long have you been scared of me? How long have I been hurting you?" I say
"It's been about 3 months now" she says
I stand up and get in her face
"Penny if someone is hurting you speak up I don't care who it is mom,dad,brother,sister it doesn't matter don't let anyone just hurt you especially me" I say and sit back down on the bed
She slowly sits beside me
"Do you think we can work this out" She questions me
"Do you want to" I ask
She looks at me bewildered
"Of course I want to Huey I love you and I want to be with you for a long time" She says I don't say anything so she continues
"Huey you're a quite person by nature but you've been blowing up so much lately it just worried me but I never said anything I wish I did cause it only escalated from there" she finishes
"Penny I would never hit you" I say
"I know Huey but when you're angry,yelling,and you're fist are balled up it's easy to forget" she says
I sigh
"Maybe we should take a break" she says and I look at her
"I thought you wanted to make this work" I say I realize I stopped crying a while ago
"I do I do and I'm not saying break up I just think it's best if I go home for a bit for like a week we can start fresh when I get back" she says
I nod my head understanding she stands up and I grab her hand
" I love you Penny just don't forget" I say
She looks at me softly
" I love you too Huey I won't I promise" she says kissing my forehead and leaving the room

Can this day get any worse

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