Chapter 12

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LaCienga POV
8 months a lot can happen during 8 months to some it's a short time to others it's too long I guess it really depends on the person
To me it's not long enough
It's been 8 months since that day at granddad's house
That's when all my problems started
Me and Ceaser broke up we weren't together for 3 months and it physically broke me not just my heart I just wasn't the same neither was Ceaser and it was all Willow's fault
I defended her and choose her over Ceaser a mistake I will never make again
Me and Ceaser are back together now and speaking of Willow she was pregnant but had a miscarriage at exactly 5 months she hasn't been the same since then
Riley didn't take it to well he hasn't been the same either he blamed her and she blamed him all they do is argue now they broke up and Riley got some other girl pregnant she was supposed to be a one night stand but that didn't go as planned Willow was going to forgive him till she found out the girl is 3 months so that mean Riley cheated on her
She told everybody the truth about Cairo and other things that I didn't even know I confronted her about the things I didn't know and it didn't go well ever since then we don't talk anymore it seems Penny has taken my spot but I could care less
Huey thought Penny was pregnant but she was just sick
We all still hang out and live in the same house it's just kinda awkward sometimes
Zoey and Max mainly stick to themselves anything doing with any drama they are out of it
Dijonay and Sticky are officially together they were together before but they acted like nobody knew when we all did
Helga and Arnold still aren't together which is lame if you ask me
Arnold is being a punk and won't ask her to be his girlfriend if he waits any longer she gonna get snatched up but he won't listen to us
Gerald and Phoebe are the perfect couple of course they have had no problems and sometimes act like there aren't any problems in the house I assume they are tired of our Shìt I mean who can blame them they didn't sign up for this
Man it's like one day we were living a normal life then all this shit had to happen I wish we could just rewind and go back to the start
"Man where are you going" Riley says entering my room behind Willow and I Roll my eyes here they go
Yes we still share the room yes it is very very awkward
"To get pregnant" She says with no emotion
"Man don't start that shit where you going" He says
"Riley I'm not your girlfriend how about you go ask that bitch where she at" She says grabbing a suitcase and started to pack
Riley huffs
"She not a bitch she the mother of my child" He says seriously
I shake my head like come on Riley that's cold hearted
Willow froze at his words before quickly continuing her actions and he realized what he said
"Low I'm sorry" He says rubbing the back of his neck
I shake my head again he used the nick name she loved he just making it worse for himself
"Sorry for what" She speaks
"Defending yo babymomma that's what's you supposed to do" She says as she finished packing
"Can we just talk about it please" He pleads but she just ignores him and leaves
I lift my eyebrow up at his words
"Y'all haven't talked about what happened?" I ask
He lets out a breath and shakes his head
"Never she said she don't want to" He says crossing his arms
"That's yo problem you always doing what she want to do" I say also crossing my arms
He slightly laughs at me
"So what I'm supposed to do abandon her when she need me the most like you did" He says bluntly
I gasp and narrow my eyes at him
"First of all I didn't abandon her and secondly you already did Riley or did you forget about the new baby momma" I say glaring at him
He dry laughs
"I'll be damned" He says looking me dead in my eyes
"Riley if you got something to say then say it" I say standing up and going to him
"Do you even know why she told all that shit" He says and I roll my eyes And go back to my bed
"She cried hard as hell when you stopped rocking with her" she says
"And I care why she the one who kept all them secrets" I say not taking him seriously
"Because she knew you would look at her differently you think she woulda told you if she didn't have to" He says seriously
"What you mean she had to?" I ask lifting my eyebrows
He sighed and rolled his eyes
"Nigga you was acting like you couldn't live without Ceaser and she ain like seeing you all heartbroken and shit so she did something she knew that would get you to stop defending her and arguing with Ceaser" He says like I'm supposed to just know that
"I don't believe it" I say in disbelief
And he just rolls his eyes at me
"Well what about you nigga huh" I say getting off my bed and shoving him
"Get yo hands off me girl and what about me" He says
"You went and had sex with another and got her pregnant girl days after you found out your GIRLFRIEND had a miscarriage" I say spitting it out at him
"I didn't mean to get the damn girl pregnant I met her at the club and I was drunk" He says throwing his arms up
"Exactly Riley you were at the club THE DAMN CLUB while she was here mourning the loss of her baby oh and let's not forget you said it was her fault" I say copying his actions
He just hangs his head
"Looks like I'm not the only one who needs to rethink things" I say crossing my arms and turning away from him
He stays silent but the roar of an engine takes his attention and he runs out of the room I follow him walking like a normal he made it to the front door and I sat in the living room with Huey and Penny
"SHIT" He yells punching the wall he keeps punching it over and over again as he yells in frustration soon there is a hole and his hand is bleeding Huey goes to him and makes him stop
"What is wrong with you" Huey says
Ceaser ran to us then to Riley when he saw what he had done
"Riley man you gotta chill" Ceaser says
Riley scoffs and both Huey and Ceaser
"What's wrong with me? I'm fucking stressed and chill I'll chill when ion gotta deal with this bullshit" He says angrily
Huey narrows his eyes
"You taking your anger out on everybody else except the person whose fault it is" Huey says
"And just whose fault is it Huey" Riley says glaring at him
"Yours Riley" Huey says glaring back at him
"Riley you've been through a lot we get that but you gotta take some responsibility" Ceaser says
Me and Penny go over to Riley and lead him to the nearest bathroom to clean his hand Huey and Ceaser follow
We finish cleaning his hand and wrap it
Huey and Ceaser send us a look and we leave and go back to the living room
"Penny" I say as we both sit down
"Hmm" She hums
And I start playing with my fingers
"Nothing nevermind it's stupid" I say
She smiles at me
"You miss her don't you" She says
"Sooooo what do you want to eat are you hungry because I am famished" I say trying to change the topic
"It's ok misses you too" She starts off
"She's not doing to well pretty soon she's gonna lose it right now she really needs her bestfriend and boyfriend" She frowns
I unknowingly frown too
"She has this wall up now she won't let anybody in" She continues
"She's always had one" I say still frowning
"She's so broken you gotta fix LaCienga she needs you" Penny says
And my frown gets deeper
"If she's as bad as you say I won't be able to do anything it won't be affective" I say
"Not true" She says
"What do you mean?" I ask
"The only thing that can fix her is the thing that broke her" She says like the know it all she is
"You think I broke her" I ask in disbelief
"No I know you broke her Riley too you two were the people she counted on and leaned on and you both abandoned her now she has no one to go to she doesn't know who she can trust so she won't open up to me or anybody else" Penny says
As the guys come back Riley eyes are red like he has been crying and Penny instantly jumps up and hugs him
"Omggg Riley don't cry" she says and I just laugh at her
Huey pulled her off of Riley
And Riley just sat on the couch
I send a look to Ceaser and he just shakes his head
The others soon sit down and we all sit in silence for a while everyone's mind thinking about the one and only Willow
For me and Riley she was the one who made us smile when no one else could she was the light of our lives and in a matter of 8 months we fucked it up
Penny was right we were her rock
Willow kept a smile on her face and no one has seen that smile in 8 months we broke her the two people she would give her life for are the ones that broke her
My bestfriend Nah fuck that she was my sister and she sacrificed our friendship so I could be happy and I turn around and treat her like shit
What is wrong with me
"She's live" Penny speaks breaking the silence
"What" I say
"Willow is live" She says looking directly at Riley
Riley looks back at her but doesn't say anything
"Well show us shit" Ceaser says
Huey rolls his eyes and connects Penny's phone to the tv so we can all see and I see what I never thought I would
Cuts,bruises,scars, and burn marks all over her
She didn't try to cover them up so she is showing them on purpose
"Oh My God" I speak out covering my mouth
Tears threaten to spill out my eyes
I look at Riley and he has tears but is still silent
"Hi guys" Willow speaks her voice not having any emotion in it
"You guys are probably wondering what's wrong with me or why I haven't been performing or something else well I'm gonna tell you" She says this time she has some emotion but not much
"Well as you know I was pregnant but I had a miscarriage at 5 months and it put a strain on my relationship I'm not gonna bash Riley because we both were very emotional and said things we didn't mean" She continues
At this Riley frowns probably remembering the argument
"I love Riley and I always will but some things just aren't meant to be" She says
And everybody eyes widen she's never said that to him or to me or Penny and she just admitted it on live with her millions of fans watching
I turn to Riley and he looks shocked but happy but his mood slowly changed as he heard the last part she said
"Overall things just haven't been well for me these last 8 months have been complete hell if I'm being honest" She says laughing as her eyes slowly start to water
Her fans have never seen her cry she rarely does it and she never wanted them to see she doesn't want them thinking she's weak
"It's like everything I do is wrong and just when I start actually enjoying my life and living it for myself everything blows up reminding me that I don't get to be happy" She says as her tears have now fallen
Her words make me cry how could she think that she deserves the world
"But enough of all that sad stuff that's not what we're here for" She says wiping her eyes and putting on a fake smile to please her fans
The fans comment nice things trying to cheer her up and telling her things like
"Don't feel that way we love you"
"You mean the world to us"
"The world doesn't deserve you"

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