Chapter 20

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Willow POV
We are now back home and Riley stayed true to his word and rolled up for us when we got here he technically rolled up in the car while driving but that's neither here nor there we got some time before granddad drops the girls back off to us so we decided to do a group smoke session minus Huey and Zoey
Zoey doesn't smoke at all and Huey is iffy sometimes he does sometimes he doesn't
"If y'all matching me y'all better have that gas I'm telling you" Riley says
"Boy you know I got that shit stop playing" Sticky said joining us in me and Riley's room where we decided to smoke with his own blunt rolled
"Ion think y'all got nothing on me" Max says coming in with Zoey right behind him with his aswell
I give her a look and she just looks at me sheepishly
"I don't want to miss bonding time I just don't wanna smoke" she says
She's so precious it's adorable
"You good girl" Penny says as her and Dijonay come in they are soon followed by LaCienga and Ceaser
"You still gon get high" I say and she looks at me blankly she looks at max and then walks out
We all burst out laughing
"Stay this way forever Zoey" I call out to her while still laughing
I guess Huey changed his mind because he came in with his own blunt I look at Penny and she just shrugs her shoulders I told y'all he iffy
Riley lights up his blunt first and takes a few hits then passing it to me I do the same and pass it to Huey and it goes on like this until the first one is gone
"We gon be high as hell when the girls come" I say
"That's what's Zoey is for" Max says light up his blunt our second
"When was the last time we've done this" Dijonay asks and we all start thinking
"I don't think we've ever done this" LaCienga says taking a hit as the blunt was now passed to her
"Wow that's crazy" I say I honestly already started feeling it I wouldn't say I'm a lightweight but when you smoke that gas you smoke that gas it don't take long to kick in
I grabbed Riley's hand and started playing with it
"What you doing girl" He says
"Nothing" I say laughing to myself
"Let's do a shot gun" He says now that it was his turn with the blunt
"Hell yeah" I say excitedly
He takes a long hit of the blunt and signals he's ready for me I get in his lap getting as close to him as I can we put both our hands in position and she slowly blows the smoke into my mouth I didn't realize how long it was until I started coughing he laughs
"Goddamn Riley" I say still coughing
"My bad" he says smiling the others laugh 
We finish Max's blunt and Ceaser lights his up
"This where it gets real" he says
"It's been real for me" Dijonay says
"Facts" Me,Penny and LaCienga says and then we all laugh
"Don't start that shit" Huey says taking a hit of Ceaser's blunt
"Y'all just some lightweights" Riley says wrapping his arms around me I forgot I was in his lap but I stay because it's comfortable
"Oh please yall feeling it too" Penny says scoffing
"Exactly Sticky hasn't said anything literally" LaCienga says
"Aye man I'm chilling" he says as he stretches out and lays his head in Dijonay's lap we were all sitting on the floor but the room is pretty big so it's room for everybody to stretch out if they wanted to
The blunt comes to me again and I hit it a few time feeling more and more relaxed as I let the smoke go out of my mouth and into my nose only to come back out of my mouth everybody was looking at me and I just smile
"That's exactly why you be so high" Huey says
I look at Huey and at first glance you would think he's normal but I can tell he's definitely feeling it Huey is one of those people who can smoke all day and never look high you have to actually know him to tell the difference Huey is extremely chill when he's high  now don't get me wrong he's still him but just way chiller like he'll want to stay in the house chill in pajamas and sleep type of chill something the normal Huey would never do but honestly it's the same for me except I'll laugh a lot more
Ceaser's blunt is finished and Sticky lights up our final one
"Aye I just peeped while y'all talking bout me Max ass ain't said shit either" Sticky says
"Chill on me" Max says and it scares the shit out of me
"Aye I dead forgot he was here" Ceaser says laughing and that makes us all laugh even Huey
"Nah cause same" I say wiping my eye as some tears had feel from me laughing so hard
We continue to just chill and talk about random things as we finish our last blunt I had grabbed my phone and started taking pictures of myself because I thought it was cool you could see the smoke in the picture
"Aye yall this would be a hard ass album cover" I say showing them the picture
"Hell yeah that hard" Sticky says
"Do me do me" Dijonay says as she stands up and starts posing I start taking pictures of her and eventually LaCienga and Penny join her I started to feel left out so I throw the phone to Riley and make him take pictures of all of us he rolls his eyes but does it anyway the boys laugh at him and he gives them the finger
"I don't know about y'all but I'm feeling real active" I say Dijonay hugs me and agrees
"Right ohh I know let's dance" She says connecting to the speaker in the room and starts putting on some music she lets it play for a little bit but then pauses it I give her a confused look
"Hold on ZOEYYYYYY" she yells for Zoey
"Ight now y'all doing too much"
Ceaser says
"Oh hush" LaCienga says pulling him up off the floor so he can dance with her
Zoey comes in but as she opens the door all the smoke from our hot box is let out
"Awe man" I pout
Riley laughs at me
Dijonay puts the music back on and starts dancing I immediately join her and pretty soon everybody else does
Things like this make me so happy not necessarily the smoking but it does play a part but just being a family it's so crazy to me how months ago I barely knew most of them and now I love them with my whole heart crazy the way things change
"Omg this is my song" I say turning it up
"Okay let's switch the subject notice notice that both of my wrist is flooded" I sing along to the lyrics point at Dijonay
"I been grinding so hard getting to this money Monday to Monday Sunday to Sunday" She sings pointing to Penny
"You know I'm street running" Penny sings along happily pointing at LaCienga
"Okay my daddy was a gangsta what the fuck that make me niggas claiming that it's love dawg but it can't be" LaCienga sings her part and points to Zoey
"Know I fell in love with guns by tbe age of 13 and my pocket rocket on me homie don't reach" Zoey sings the boys nod their heads to the song we all just vibe out
"Fuck dying in my Cuban link I'm living in my Richard Millie" Max joins in surprising me
"I just finished my tour a wonderful feeling" Sticky continues
"I got inside my bag and got out my feelings" Ceaser keeps it going
"IM OUT MY FEELINGS" we all yell/sing and start laughing
We let the song finish and just chill to the other songs being played until there's a knock on the door at least I think it is I can't tell with the music
"Yo D turn it down" I say
She turns it down and I was right it was somebody knocking I open the door and see grandad with the girls I smile widely and grab Harley and tickle her immediately making her laugh Riley came behind me and grabbed Rylee
"Granddad how you get in" Riley questions
I look at the time and see how late it is damn I guess time does fly when your having fun
"Boy I bought this house you don't think I got a key" he says pushing past Riley and coming into the room and sniffing the air
"Y'all been in here smoking that shit" he says directing his words to Huey and Riley and hitting them they both rolls their eyes and just blow their breathe
"Y'all boys go get the groceries out the car except for you two heathens" he says max,Ceaser,and sticky do as he says
"Y'all think y'all too old to get ya ass beat huh blowing ya breathe at me" granddad says and I laugh at his actions and he looks at me and smiles
"Hey there sweetie how rude of me how are you and these lovely ladies" he says to the girls
"We're find granddad how are you" I say
He just smiles
"I'll be fine once these two get they're act together" he says rolling his eyes and I laugh again
"Granddad your favoritism toward the girls is especially high today" Huey says
"Whatever boy yall help me down the stairs y'all know I'm too old to be going up and down this shit" he say
"Granddad you didn't have to come up I woulda came down" Riley says
"Shutup damn it's always nothing but back talk with you too you'd think y'all be a little more grateful" he says walking out the room
Riley and Huey just shake their heads and laugh they love granddad and I love the relationship they have with him I was about to say something to them but granddad beat me to it
"Hurry up and help me down damnit I ain't got all day I got hunny's that need tending to" he says and I once again burst out laughing granddad is so hilarious
Riley hard Rylee to Penny and him and Huey go to help granddad
"Bye Granddad" all the girls says
"Bye sweeties" he says back
I look at Harley and just smile at her
"Did you have fun with granddad" I ask her she replies back in her baby talk but she moves around excitedly so I'll take that as a yes
"Y'all we should have a girls day like go shopping and get our nails and stuff done" LaCienga suggests looking at her nails
Dijonay eyes light up
"Yesssss we should and we should bring the babies" she says taking Harley from me and spinning her around causing her to laugh
I look at Penny and she's hugging Rylee who is patting her back and smiling
"That's a great idea I'm down" I say
"Me too" Zoey says
"When should we go" Penny asks
"How about tomorrow we need to get ready for that show this weekend anyways" I say
"I totally forgot about that" Zoey says
"Me too" Penny says
"So tomorrow" LaCienga asks
"Tomorrow" I confirm
The boys finally made they way back upstairs
"Ok so going up and down the stairs is trippy" Sticky says sitting down
"Really" Dijonay asks
"Yes" Huey says and we laugh
"So tomorrow is girl are having a girl day" LaCienga says
"Twins included" Me and Penny says holding up Rylee and Harley
"Well guess we'll have a guys night then" Ceaser says and we all send him a look
"If y'all cool with that of course" Max says and we smile
"Of course it's only fair we'll keep the twins while y'all gone so have fun" Penny says
"But not too much fun" Dijonay says cracking her knuckles and we all share one more laugh we all chill a little longer in the room but soon everyone started going to there own rooms me and Riley decided to give the girls a bath well technically Riley I decided to lay on the bed which was a bad decision because now I feel like I'm spinning I sit up quickly and calm myself
"Trippy" I say
Riley comes out of the bathroom with two clean babies I grab one and we go downstairs and feed and burp them careful not going make a mess because they just took a bath we go back upstairs and slowly rock them to sleep Riley puts down Harley who he had beside me and goes to take a shower he finishes and puts his pajamas on and I do the same shower and then my pajamas when I'm done we grab the girls and try to put them in their cribs but the moment they left our hands they started crying we try to get them to lay in the cribs a few more times only to get the same results so we decided go just let them sleep on the bed with us I mean what's one night we make sure the girls are in comfortable positions then we lay down and get comfortable
"Good night Riley" I say to him
He kisses my forehead and then does the same to the girls
"Good night to the three girls I love the most" I smile and give him a peck on the cheek and with that we drift off to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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