Chapter 19

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Willow POVMy head is literally killing me I have no idea where my phone is I just need to shower so that's what I decide to do I shower get dressed and head downstairs I don't remember much from last night but some Riley involved memories came to ...

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Willow POV
My head is literally killing me I have no idea where my phone is I just need to shower so that's what I decide to do I shower get dressed and head downstairs I don't remember much from last night but some Riley involved memories came to me while I was in the shower so I know the night was successful I make it all the way downstairs and see the other girls dressed but I can tell they're just as hungover as me I join them in the living room and lay on the floor while they are on the couch
"Y'all look miserable" Sticky says joining us in the living room but we all groan at the same time
"Too louddd" Dijonay whines
"Ughhhh" Zoey moans
"Come on Sticky" LaCienga says
"Please shutup" I say rubbing my head
"You don't even have to yell" Penny says Sticky laughs at us causing us to once again groan
"That's what y'all get" Ceaser says from his spot in the kitchen
"Nobody told y'all to go that crazy" Sticky says
"Y'all come in here I got Tylenol and water" Max calls from the kitchen me and the girls plus Sticky go to the kitchen
I take my water and Tylenol and can already feel it starting to work
"I literally love you Max" I say
"Facts" the girls chime in
"Aye why Max get all the love" Ceaser says
"Cause he not annoying like the rest of y'all" Dijonay says
"Annoying damn that's messed up" Riley says coming into the kitchen with Harley and Huey right behind him with Rylee
"Where you been" I ask as he comes to stand beside me
"Had to get these two rascals" he says referring to the kids
"Huey went with me" he says I nod my head and start playing with Harley
"I don't remember being too annoying last night" Sticky says responding to Dijonay and she just rolls her eyes
"Come to think of it neither do I" Ceaser says dapping him up
I chuckle as my memories of my shower with Riley flood my head again I can tell we're thinking the same thing because he has a grin on his face
" I think it's safe to say we all got some action last night" Penny points out and Zoey high fives her while laughing
"Gotta love these soundproof rooms " LaCienga says
"Yeah granddad the goat for that" I say and everyone agrees
"I wonder how much he spent on this house" Zoey says and we all look at Riley and Huey and they both shrug their shoulders
"Don't look at us" Riley says
"We don't know he won't even tell us" Huey says
"Is anyone hungry" Dijonay asks
"Hell yeah I'm starving" I say and everybody laughs
"Why it's ok when you cuss around them but I can't" Riley says to me
"Cause you the daddy and you don't listen to me anyways" I say he rolls his eyes at me
"Oh here" he says giving me my phone
"Where was it" I ask
"In the car" he says
"Y'all what we eating" Dijonay says
"We could order some pizza" Ceaser suggests
"Now y'all can stay but don't forget y'all niggas don't live here" Riley says handing me Harley and taking Rylee from Huey to put her in a high chair I do the same with Harley
"Yes we know Riley" LaCienga rolls her eyes while max and Zoey laugh
"Pizza does sound good though" Penny says Dijonay nods her head
"So Sticky and Ceaser order the pizza" Zoey says pulling max with her to go into the living room and I laugh
"Fine"they say
Huey and Penny go upstairs to his room I'm assuming Dijonay goes upstairs and LaCienga joins Zoey and Max
Ceaser and Sticky argue about what to get but the eventually get it and leave the kitchen me and Riley are still here feeding the girls
"You know you real childish when drunk" Riley says out of nowhere
"That was random but I couldn't of been too bad" I say giving Harley a spoonful of baby food that she happily takes while clapping her hands and I smile at her
"You obviously haven't met you" Riley says laughing giving Rylee a spoonful of the food but she's not as excited as Harley she taste a lil and spits the rest out and stares blankly at Riley
" I swear she do this on purpose" he says and I do a horrible job at hiding my laugh
"Oh you think that's funny" He says flicking some of the food that had got on him onto me
"Rileyyyy" I say wiping my face where it had landed him and the girls laugh at the same time
"I can definitely tell these yo kids" I say he laughs again as the door bell rings
"I got it" I say to everyone as I get up to get it
I open the door expecting it to be the pizza man but instead I see a boy and girl that I have never seen before
"Who are you" The boy says
"Who are you" I say back
"We're looking for Riley Freeman" the girl says
I narrow my eyes
"For what" I ask
"Maybe if you was Riley we'd tell but you ain't so you don't need to know" the boy says
I wonder if I'd go to jail for punching the shit outta him
"How old are y'all" I ask
"Damn you nosey is Riley here or not" the girl says irritated
"I ought to shove my foot up yall little as-" I start to say but I'm interrupted by Riley who had came up behind me
"Calm down girl" he says to me
"Who these little ass kids" I say to him
" I don't know" he says
"We're 16" the boy says
"I don't give a damn" I say
"You gon let us in or what" the girl says to Riley and he gives her a look
"Hell no I don't know y'all" he says but they just roll they eyes and come in anyway and walk into the living room Riley follows them
"Now when I go to jail for beating on some minors ion wanna hear it" I say closing the door and following them into the living room seeing that everybody is now in it and Huey and Penny have the girls
"Who are y'all" Huey says
"And why are y'all looking for Riley" I say
"And how y'all even know where I live" Riley says
"You ain't that hard to find" the girl says
"Drop the tude and tell us why y'all here" Dijonay says irritated and they just look at each other without saying anything
"Today would be nice" Penny says
"I'm Carlos and this is Cherry" Carlos says
"We are Ashley and Ashton's siblings" Cherry says once they say those names the mood quickly sours
"Goddamn how many of y'all is it" Max says and I laugh
"Why are y'all here" Penny says
"We wanted to see the babies" Carlos says
"Yeah those are our nieces and it isn't fair how you guys just act like Ashley's side of the family doesn't exist" Cherry says
Riley laughs but not a haha funny laugh it was more of an you've got to be kidding me laugh
"I can't never catch a break with that girl" he says
The doorbell rings again and Dijonay rushes to get it and this time it was the pizza man Sticky goes over to help her with the food while the rest of ya stay in the living room
"So how did y'all know Riley lived here cause y'all didn't answer that"
Zoey says
"Damn how many questions are y'all gon ask" Cherry says
"Y'all realize y'all in our shit" I say
"It's time for y'all to go" Riley says I can tell he's angry but he's keeping himself in check
"We not leaving" Carlos says
"I mean can we at least hold them" Cherry says looking at the girl in Huey and Penny's arms
"No" Riley and Huey quickly say at the same time
"We already don't know they names at least let us hold them damn" Carlos says angrily
"Y'all come into our house and think you can demand us to give them to you" Huey says
"I can definitely tell y'all are related to Ashley" LaCienga and I laugh again
Carlos and Cherry literally turn red
"Leave her out of this" Cherry says
"If only we could I regret meeting that girl every day of my life Rylee and Harley are the only good thing out of it" Riley says
"Rylee and Harley" Carlos and Cherry both repeat
"Now you know they names bye bye" Dijonay says
"Look we already told Ashley and Ashton that y'all could see them after rehab so y'all shouldn't even be here" Penny says
"We want to hold them" Carlos and Cherry say standing their ground and I roll my eyes this is giving me a headache
"Y'all just as annoying as that damn girl let me show y'all something" I say going to Huey and Penny pulling Riley with me
we take the girls I have Rylee and he has Harley I go up to Carlos and Riley sends me a look but follows my lead and goes up to Cherry we give the babies to them which was a bit hard because they cling onto us tightly signaling the didn't want to go with them but as soon as they left our hands and went into the hands of Carlos and Cherry they start screaming and crying at the top of their lungs while reaching out for us it hurts my heart seeing them so upset
Carlos and Cherry try their best to calm them but it doesn't work and they keep crying so we take them back they were still crying but we started to shush them
"It's ok baby dada right here" Riley says to Harley as she calms down
And Rylee lays her down on my shoulder showing how comfortable she is with me but still quietly whining
"Do you understand now" I say rocking Rylee
"I can give them to anyone in this room and they wouldn't cry like that because we are the only family they know" I continue
Carlos and Cherry have a look of anger and hurt
"And as far as I'm concerned it'll stay that way" Riley says to them
"At least for now" Penny says
"It's time for y'all to go" Huey says restating Riley's words from early
"I don't know how you guys got here but it doesn't matter I'll take y'all home" I say trying to lighten their mood but they just look at me
"We got here on our own we can get back home on our own we don't need nor want your help" Carlos says as he grabs Cherry and they make they way out the door but not before slamming it shut those little shits
"This is why I'm not nice" I say
Dijonay goes to the door and opens it to yell at them
"Don't be shutting non of these goddamn doors y'all ain't pay for this" she yells and closes the door
I laugh I don't know if they heard her but it was definitely funny
"You don't pay either" Huey says to her
"Shut up Huey" Penny says while hitting him
"Ion know about y'all but I'm finna eat" LaCienga says getting up and going to the kitchen and the other follow her except me and Riley
"It's like they whole family know how to fuck up my mood" he says to me
"I just hope it ain't no more I can't take the, showing up everyday" I say and he laughs
"Come on" he says going to the kitchen so he can eat I follow him and we put the girls back in their high chairs so we can eat we all get our food and start eating everyone was quiet thinking about the conversation that was just had I'm sure the mood was dangerously low
"We should do something" Zoey says starting conversation
"Like what" LaCienga asks
"Skating" Dijonay says excitedly
"We haven't been to karaoke in a while" Penny says
" I actually know a place that has both" I say
"Letsss gooo" Dijonay says
" I'm down" Ceaser says
"Me too" Sticky agrees
"What about the girls" Max says
"Granddad actually just text me that the hoes love babies and he want me to drop them back off" Riley says making a disgusted face
Huey shakes his head while me and Penny laugh
"Well that worked out" LaCienga says smiling we all get our things and get ready to leave Riley got the girls diaper bag and put the girls in the car one by one
"I didn't agree to go to this" Huey says
I jump on his back and he catches me
"Don't be a party pooper" I say and he drops me on the ground so I trip his ass and he falls we both get up at the same time and square up he glares at me
"Don't look at me like that you started it" I say
"We don't have time for this" Penny says dragging Huey to the car
"Watch yo back" he says
"Whatever fuck nigga" I say while laughing and get in the car with Riley every couple took their own car so I send the drivers the directions and me and Riley drop the girls off and meet them at the place
"You know I ain't helping you if you fall" Riley says as we walk inside the building
"Boy fuck you I can skate" I say
He laughs and find the others once we're fully inside
"We bought y'all skates" Dijonay says handing me mine
"So how does this work" Riley asks while putting on his skates
"Well basically you just skate and if you wanna do karaoke you go to the middle of the rink and sing there" I say
"That's actually pretty cool" Ceaser says
I put on my skates and stand up to make sure I have balance but as soon as I stand up someone wraps their arms around me so I push them off and turn around ready to swing at them but I see it's Gerald
He smiles and hugs me again
"What's up girl" he says and I punch him
"You would know if text back Nigga" I say
"Ow ok ok you right" He says rubbing his arm where I punched him
"Hey Gerald" Penny says
"My bad what's up y'all" He says and daps up the boys
"Wassgood bro" Ceaser says
"Shit just chilling" Gerald says smiling
He gave all the girls a hug and gave Dijonay a kiss on the cheek and she gave him one back
"I missed you boy" She says
"I missed you too D" He says laughing
"Let's skate" Riley says while leaving and the others follow him but me and Gerald stay behind
We decided to find somewhere to sit and talk
"So wassup with you" He says to me
"Nothing really me and Dijonay had a party last night it was pretty fun" I say
"Oh yeah I seen that it was packed won't it" He says
"You could've been there I definitely invited you" I say giving him a look
"I know things just been weird" He says sighing
"Weird how" I say raising my eyebrow
"Gerald I've been looking for you" A voice says
Me and Gerald look up to see Phoebe I glare at her and look back at Gerald who was looking at me with an ashamed look
"You have got to be kidding me" I say to him
"I said the same thing" Another voice says but this time I'm happy to see who it is
"Hey Helga" I say to her
She smiles at me and sits beside me while pulling Arnold with her he sits beside Gerald
"Phoebe do us a favor and get lost" Helga says and I laugh Phoebe rolls her eyes but leaves
"Hi Willow" Arnold says
"Sup Arnold" I say
"Enough of that maybe you can knock some sense into him" Helga says to me but talking about Gerald
"I doubt it" Arnold says and I send him a look
"What do you mean" I say to him
"Well I mean Riley cheated on you and has children with someone else and you guys are still together OW" Arnold says but stops talking because Helga kicked him
Gerald sends me a look because I haven't really told him about everything
"That's different" She says
"How" Arnold asks but Helga kicks him again
"Yeah how" Gerald says finally saying something
I sigh I really don't want to do this
"Ok Gerald look me and Riley aren't perfect we never were but I know that without each other we are miserable and all of you know that" I start
"Neither are me and OW" Gerald says
"Don't even finish that" Helga says glaring at him and he glared back but gives his attention to me again
"We had a lot going on shit happens but at least he knew he was wrong acknowledged he was and tried to right his wrong had Phoebe done any of that" I say and we all look at him but he doesn't say anything
"I rest my case" I say
Phoebe came back at the same time Riley came back
"Wassup Arnold and Helga" He says
Phoebe looks him up and down
"Hi Riley" She says
"Right in ya face Gerald" I say while kicking him
Riley gives her a disgusted look
"Don't even disrespect me like that Willow bring yo ass" He says
Helga and Arnold let me and Gerald out
"Alright let's skate" I say to Riley
"I been skating you the one doing all this talking" He says
Im normally not this invested into other people lives but I really care about Gerald he's my boy Bestfriend and I know Riley hates it but I literally see him as a brother it's ridiculous
"Whatever Riley let's go" I say shaking my head and skating away with Riley,Helga,and Arnold behind me leaving Gerald alone with Phoebe
I huff as I make it to where I was going which was the girls
"What's wrong with you" Zoey says
"Gerald and Phoebe got back together" Helga who I forgot was behind me says
"Oh yeah she told me" Zoey says and I just look at her dumbfounded
"Hey Helga where's Arnold" Penny says hugging her
"He's with the guys" She says hugging her back and then going to hug the others
"Are they really back together" LaCienga says and I nod my head
"So you knew and didn't say anything" I say to Zoey
"Why would I it's not a big deal I mean look at us I think I'm the only one in a stable relationship" She says
"Damn girl tell us how you really feel" Dijonay says
"Ok first of all rude we're all in stable relationships and I didn't know you and Phoebe were cool like that" Penny says
Zoey shrugs her shoulders
"She talks I listen sometimes it's needed" she says
The guys have come over now to steal us and make us skate around the rink in with Riley but it's kind of awkward
"You gon say what's on your mind or what" I say to him as we're skating
"I'm telling you Gerald had a thing for you" he says and I roll my eyes
"Riley not this again" I say
"You asked a question I answered" he says
"Well I shouldn't have" I say back
"Funny how when it's about him you never wanna talk" he says
"Riley you can't be serious we're friends I've told you this multiple times hell y'all are friends" I say starting to get mad
"Exactly and I know when a nigga likes a girl damn you stay defending him" He says as he stops skating so I stop too people around us still enjoying there time and laying no mind to us
"What the hell you tryna say Riley" I say
"You must like him too" He says seriously
"Riley I promise to god if we won't in a public place I'd smack the shit outta you right now" I say just as seriously
"I must be right then" he says tryna skate away
Ok now he got me fucked up
I grab him and pull him with me as I skate off of the rink and back to where me and Gerald was talking with Gerald no longer being here
I sit down and he sits across from me
"What the fuck is yo problem" I say angrily because now I'm pissed off
"You just gon act like what I'm saying not making sense" he says
"Because it don't let me tell yo big headed ass something I just sat in this exact same spot and told Gerald that I was basically never leaving you and you have the nerve to say I like him" I start and keep talking with giving him a chance to respond
"I've liked you literally since we first met and I've been by and on yo side this entire time I was pregnant with yo child I miscarried I went through all that pain and suffering alone because when I needed you you was too busy drinking a fucking right or wrong and you even got the girl pregnant with not one but two kids so now at 19 I'm dealing with baby momma drama and the girl crazy ass family while also being step momma of the year oh and let's not forget yo Bestfriend who actually had feelings for you like this bitch shot me Riley I was fucking shot for you Riley and despite all that I'm still here because I'm in love with you but you don't care I guess that's not enough for you because you still out here accusing me of liking Gerald a Nigga I see as a brother" I say finishing my rant but now I'm even more mad thinking about all the shit he put me through
I should beat his fucking ass and I will
I reach across the table and just start slapping and punching him it doesn't phase him so I start doing it harder but he just grabs my hands
"I'm sorry ok I ain mean it like that" he says looking at me I kick him and he lets go of my hands
"You always fucking sorry" I say starting to get up but he grabs my hand again
"Seriously I'm sorry that whole thing from earlier still bothering me and I really miss the girls" he says
The fuck does he think this is
"No Riley I'm sick of the excuses I'm tired of all this back and forth shit this ain't love maybe I should get with Gerald at least he know real love" I say snatching my hand away but sitting back down stupid on my part I know but Riley has this hold on me when I see him sad something makes me want to stay with him he's so confusing
He leaves his side and joins me on mine
"Come here" he says opening his arms I don't go but he hugs me anyway my head is on his chest and I just started silently crying
"I don't want us to be like this Riley" I say
He rubs circles on my back and kisses my forehead
"I know and you right you don't deserve excuses you deserve the world you shouldn't have to put up with all my bullshit" he says and I stay quite
"I really do love you I wanna marry you one day I'll do better I promise" he says
"Words don't mean shit" I say
"I'll prove it" he assures
I've stopped crying so I sit up and Riley wipes my eyes and puts his forehead on mine and sighs
"Real talk I know Gerald better than me and probably would be a better boyfriend than me and I'd be lying if I say it didn't bother me" he says finally opening up
"He's not better than you he's different I don't want different I want you" I say
He takes his forehead off of mine and looks at me for a while then kisses my forehead and pecks my lips
"I want you too just don't give up on me yet ok" he says with pleading eyes
Those eyes god those eyes
"Ok but if this happens again I'm gone I'm serious Riley " I say
He smiles and pulls me on his lap and starts kissing on me and I just let him
"I need a shot" I say to myself really
"I can roll up after this" he says and I just nod my head this day is turning out to be real draining
"Come on y'all we doing karaoke now" LaCienga says as she pulls us away because she came to get us we make it to the others and regroup
"Dijonay and Penny are going" LaCienga fills us in and I nod my head
Dijonay and Penny go to the middle and we all find spots to sit on the chairs the have on the inside of the rink
I decide to sit by myself I'm definitely not in the mood but Riley is just fine he's laughing it up with hush and Ceaser
Gerald skates up to me and sits beside me
"You okay?" He asks
"Just peachy" I say I'm not mad or anything anymore I just now would rather go home
"Yeah cause you looked real peachy when you was putting the paws on Riley earlier" he says and I giggle
"No way you say that" I say
"Yup and I think I was the only one" He says laughing
"Damn you stalking me or sum" I say laughing back
"Nah I just pay attention especially when it's worth paying attention" He says sending me a pearly white smile
Now that I think about it Gerald kind of cute I still would never go for it but I can see the appeal
"So what happened with Phoebe seemed like y'all were talking after our convo" I ask and his mood sours
"You don't see her do you" He says
"Well excuse me them damn" I say laughing again
"Hehe shutup it's not funny" He says
"Whatever stop being a baby you're a nice looking fellow I'm sure you'll find a girl soon" I say
"Nice looking fellow who are you" He says and this time we both laugh
Everyone else decided to join us Riley sat behind me and Huey sat on the other side of me with the others surrounding us
"Hit Riley more whatever he did I know it was his fault" Huey says to me and I smile
"Heads up your not my only stalker" I say nudging Gerald and he just waves me off
"Look they're starting" Arnold says
"This will be nice it's been a while since I heated any of you sing" Helga says from her spot on Arnold's lap
I lean back into Riley and he smiles at me showing me his teeth
Oh My God Gerald is nice looking but he's got nothing on Riley he's just so fine his jawline,his hair,his skin everything is just so perfect how could I want anyone else
I pinch his leg because I still can't he said that dumb shit to me
"Ow girl stop" he says
"Helga you follow us how haven't you heard us sing in a while" LaCienga says
"When have you seen Helga on her phone" Arnold says
"No real shit I've never seen it" I say
"Woah men neither" Max says
"Shhhhh look" Zoey says to us all
My mood has lifted a bit since when I had first sat down let's see what Dijonay and Penny have up there sleeves

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