Chapter 6

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Helga POV
I absolutely love it here not just the school but the suite Willow,Penny and the others are so much fun but the best part is of course Arnold we y'all all day everyday most of others are never here so we chill and relax all the time we keep getting closer and closer
I still like him but I'm not like obsessed with him like I was when I was a kid
I talked to Dijonay and she told me she went through the same thing with Sticky she told me all she did was grow up and stop chasing him me and her are actually alike I've never realized it till now
Well I'm by myself right now because Phoebe is on a date with Gerald and Zoey is with Max,Sticky,and Dijonay
I decide to start writing a new poem
(Poem being used is Hope is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson)
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
I reread it after I finished I'm interrupted when there is a knock on the door
I open the door to see Arnold I invite him in
"Hey Arnold what's up" I say getting back on my bed closing my poem book
"Nothing just bored" He says laying on my bed
I laugh
"You wouldn't bored if your best friend didn't steal mine" I say
"Yours stole mine first" He says laughing and picking up my book reading it
"Hey this is a new one" He says
"Arnold I find it weird you notice when I add new poems" I say laughing
"Well when you know them by heart it's easy to notice a new one" He says still reading the new poem
"You know them by heart?" I ask
"Yeah sorry I don't mean to creep you out" He says putting the book down
"I don't think it's creepy I think it's cute" I say gently
He smiles
"Ok I lied it's a little creepy" I say smirking
He rolls his eyes
"I like the new one by the way it's great" He says
"Thanks its nothing really just an in the moment type of thing" I say hiding my face and blushing
"Helga" He says
"Yes Arnold" I say still hiding my face
"You always blush when I compliment your poems but not you why is that" He says
I look at him and my face gets even redder
"I- I- I um I don't know" I say barely getting the words out
He laughs
"Your cute when your flustered" He says
I shake my head and calm myself
"So um the beach party last night" I say changing the subject
"That was way fun we should do it again" He says playing with my hair
"Yeah" I say agreeing
"But" He says causing me to look at him
"It should just be us two next time" He smiles
My face gets red again and I swallow hard
"Like A Date?" I ask fumbling with my fingers
He grabs my hands
"Not like a date nope" He says seriously
My heart drops I should've known I'm about to speak but he beats me to it
"It is a date" He says smirking
I punch him in the arm
"Arnold Don't Do That" I say flustered once more
"Helga I'd be a cool if I didn't take you out on a date" He says dropping my hands and resuming playing with my hair
I didn't say anything I just grabbed my book I have a feeling I'm going to be writing another poem tonight
There is a comfortable silence between us he plays with my hair while I just sit and think
"Ok we're going to an arcade tonight" He says looking at me
"Gerald and Phoebe?" I say looking at him
"They can come we'll give the house to Riley and the others tonight they always leave it to us now it's our turn" He says
"Cool" I say nodding and agreeing
Phoebe and Gerald walk in and stare at us
"We're going to the arcade tonight so no nerdy stuff Phoebe" I say playing with Arnold's hair but he moves so I can't continue
He goes to Gerald and does their little handshake
"So Arcade?" Gerald says looking at all of us
"Come on" Arnold laughs and leaves the room with him
"How was the date Pheebs" I say tossing her my poem book
"It was most enjoyable we went shopping at the mall" She says catching the book and reading the new poem
"And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm" She reads out loud
"I like it what were you thinking about?" She asks
I shrug my shoulders
"Nothing really just life" I say
She nods her head and hands me the book back
We chill for a couple hours until Phoebe decided it's time to get ready for the arcade
"So what are we wearing to the arcade?" She asks with hope in her eyes
"Um what I have on" I say plainly
"No this is your first date with Arnold it must be perfect" She says sternly
"Phoebe me and Arnold have been on dates before" I say slightly blushing
"That was when we were kids that doesn't count- Oh No This Won't Do" She says going through my clothes
I roll my eyes
"Don't judge my clothes Phoebe" I say
"Where are your good clothes you know some like you wore when we went to the party with Penny and the others" She says looking at me
I shrug my shoulders
"I don't even know where I got those clothes honestly it was like someone already had it picked out for me" I say laughing
She makes a thinking face then leaves and returns with bags and Dijonay
"Phoebe??" I say
"I went to the mall Dijonay will pick out our date clothes" She says proudly
"Helga you finally going on a date with Arnold yesss good for you alright let's get to it" She says going through the bags
"Ight here" She says handing me and Phoebe clothes we went to the bathroom and put them on and come back in the room
"Yay cute my work here is done bye y'all have fun" She says leaving the same time Arnold and Gerald arrive
Ok Dijonay is about to pick out all my outfits because I love it
It's so simple but cute and comfortable she really gets me
"Ready Helga?" Arnold asks me holding his hand out as Phoebe and Gerald look at me
"Yeah" I say  grabbing his hand
On our way out we pass Willow,Riley,Ceaser,and LaCienga in the living room playing 2K it looks like Riley and Willow are winning while Ceaser and LaCienga are losing
"Come on bae you gotta do better than that" Ceaser Yells
"Yessssss I did it" LaCienga says happy she did something right
"Get the ball nigga" Willow yells to Riley
"Don't be yelling at me" He says doing what she says
"Bye guys" I say leaving the house
"Bye" I hear them say
"Arnold can I drive your car?" I ask
He looks at me like Im crazy
"No way" He says
"Pleaseeeeeee" I say giving him my best puppy dog eyes
"Fine here" He says shaking his head and handing me the keys
"Let's go Pheebs" I say getting in the drivers seat
Phoebe gets in the passenger seat plugs up her phone and plays my favorite song
Oh yeah she messed up
I pull out of the parking space and hit the gas hard
I start speeding and having fun
I look in the review mirror and see Arnold and Gerald scared for their life I laugh and go faster
Phoebe being used to my driving also laughs at them
The arcade was about an hour away but we got there in about 30 minutes
I park the car,turn it off and get out
Arnold gets out and snatched the keys from me
"Never Again" He says
"How are you so calm" Gerald says to Phoebe who was laughing
I shake my head and go inside
We split up Gerald with Phoebe of course and Arnold with me
First thing Arnold takes me to is a cheesy photo booth we do goofy faces,serious faces and he kissed my cheek for one
I take him to a basketball game
"Really?" He says laughing
"What scared I'm going to beat you" I say smirking
He smirks and we start the game
We go tit for tat but in the end I won and we got a bunch of tickets
"Ha" I say triumphantly
He rolls his eyes playfully
"Come on" He says grabbing my hand and the tickets
This is what we do the whole time take turns taking each other to games and we were having a great time Key Word WERE everything was fine until Lila showed up
Now I didn't hate Lila I actually like her I just don't know if Arnold still has feelings for her so her presence is making me a little agitated and I'm pretty sure Arnold can see that
"Helga you ok?" He asked me
"Huh yeah I'm fine hey let's go get something to eat" I suggest
"Ok" He says
After he says that I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the first food place I saw he ordered our food and things got quiet
"Hey Helga" He says smirking
Why is he smirking
"Yes Arnold" I say
"You know you could hide your jealousy I little better I mean it's totally obvious" He says still smirking
My face turns red
"Wh- what I'm so not jealous" I say trying to sound believable
He laughs and and grabs my hand
"The only girl I like is sitting right in front of me no need to not be jealous" He says sweetly and putting air quotations around not
I just smile and our food comes we eat and spend the rest of the night smiling and laughing
We decided to leave he didn't let me drive back so it took an hour to get back because he drives the speed limit like who does that
But once we got back and walked in it was nothing but yelling and screaming and I was quite entertained Willow was on top of this girl and she was whooping her ass
Riley's fried Cindy was trying to get her off and Riley was helping while the rest were laughing well everyone except Huey
I decide to make our presence known
"Um Hi guys" I say chuckling
Willow stops beating the girl and got up
"Hey Helga how was the date?" She asks like she wasn't doing anything
"Ight y'all gotta go" Riley says to Cindy and the other girl pushing them out the door
"I ain even do nothing this time" Cindy says
"Ion care" He says  slamming the door in her face
"The date was great" Arnold says after all that I'm doing my best to hold my laughing in but it is so hard
"Ight now you come on" Riley says to Willow
"Hell no all you bout to do is fuss at me and I think not" She says to him with an attitude
Riley just looks at her before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder
"Night y'all" He says waking away
The others shake their heads while I laugh
"I absolutely love you guys" I say happy
LaCienga smiles and laughs with me
"So what did we miss" Gerald says
"Basically" Penny starts but is interrupted by Huey starting to drag her to his room
"Goodnight" He says leaving with her
"Basically Cindy came on some bullshit and Willow set it straight" LaCienga says
I look at Arnold and he looks at me
"We need more detail" I say
Zoey laughs
"We'll fell you in the morning we all need to get some sleep" Max says
The others nod their head Zoey heads to Max room so I guess she won't be sleeping in our room tonight
I shrug my shoulders and head to my room I wait for Phoebe to come and to close the door
Phoebe goes straight to the shower and I sit on my bed and grab my poem book when Arnold walks in
He comes to my bed and sits on it
"Yes" I say
"I want you to know I was serious your the only girl I like and probably the only girl who could laugh at the chaos in this house" He says slightly laughing
I smile and grab his hand
"I believe you" I say
He gives me the pictures that we took in the picture booth and kisses my forehead before leaving
I smile and grab my book once again I wrote one more poem before went to sleep
(Poem being used is From My Heart by Mrs. Creeves)
A million stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter - I can't deny.
A love so precious, a love so true,
a love that comes from me to you.
The angels sing when you are near.
Within your arms I have nothing to fear.
You always know just what to say.
Just talking to you makes my day.
I love you, honey, with all of my heart.
Together forever and never to part.

I smile at the poem before I put the book away I wait my turn for the bathroom take a shower look at the poem one more time smiling once again and the falling into a deep slumber

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