Chapter 8

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Penny POV
After all the stuff from this morning everything has died down it's around 3 o'clock in the afternoon and everyone is doing some type of school work
I'm in my room for first time since we got here I'm doing work for my Woman's History class it can be pretty easy to forget about the work with all the things going on but Huey always makes sure I'm caught up speaking of Huey he just walked in with a sandwich
He sits at the head of my bed and pulls me from my spot at the end to in between his legs
I make my self comfortable and continue working
I have my hair in a bun and my reading glasses on my laptop is on my lap and my notebook on my side but close enough for me to start writing when necessary
Huey starts eating his sandwich and we sit in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other presence
"Here" He says trying to give me the other half of his sandwich
"Not hungry" I say keeping my focus on my work
"I know for a fact you haven't eaten all day" He says trying again
"I'm fine" I say now writing notes
"You can't be all work and no play take a break" He says catching my attention
"That's not something you would say" I say raising my eyebrow at him
"It's something somebody told me" He says finishing his half
"Who?" I question
"You" He says offering the other half again
I take and boy I'm glad I did a BLT with extra mayo is my favorite something tells me he didn't just randomly get this kind but I'm not complaining
I finished my half rather quickly I didn't realize how hungry I actually was until I tasted the sandwich
I look at Huey only to find he was already looking at me
I send him a smile and he sends one back
"What are you working on?" He asks
"A paper on any woman's right activist" I say
"Who did you pick" He says
I scoff as if he even had to ask
"Sojourner Truth Obviously" I say
"Obviously" He says mocking me
I roll my eyes and get back to work he already knows I love everything about Sojourner Truth I wonder if he had any work
"Do you have any work" I say closing my laptop and moving in to my notebook
"Yes give me your laptop" He says
I hand it to him and he instantly starts working I stop what I was doing and watch him because I was interested he catches me looking at him and I go back to work
"Staring at me is not a good thing" He says
"Why not?" I question while slightly laughing
He looks up from the laptop leans over and kisses me nice and slow
I kiss him back instantly loving how his lips feel on mine but he stops
"Because it makes me do things like that and it's distracting" He says going back to his work
I roll my eyes while smiling and going back to my work
Sticky POV
I walk out of my bathroom and into my room only to find Dijonay stressing out about whatever she is working on I know she is stressing because she has her hair in a messy bun,a pen in her mouth, and is angrily typing away on her laptop
I laugh and she glares at me
She just reminded me I have my own work to do
"What you working on" I say going up to her and pecking her lips before preceding to head to my desk with my computer
I power on my computer and get to work on my music ClassWork
I hear D grunt in frustration so I give her my attention
"My accounting class got me doing like 3 of these long ass 3-4 page spreadsheets and I'm stuck on this first one" She says not taking her eyes off her laptop
"Come here" I say swinging my chair around to face her
She just looks at me
"Man come here girl and bring the laptop" I say again
She comes to me and sits on my lap
I showed her where she was messing up at and how to fix it after she started understanding she got right to work she had made herself comfortable in my lap so I knew she wasn't getting up anytime soon so I moved her to where I could still work
She finished pretty fast but I was still working she got up and put her laptop away but came back to sit on me but facing the opposite of me
I stop working and look at her
She pecks my lips but I pull her back for a real kiss she pulls back and smiles at me
"I love you Sticky" She says happiness laced in her voice
"I love you too baby" I say and I kiss her one more time and get back to work she lays her head on my chest and closes her eyes just listening to my heart beat
I really do love this girl
Ceaser POV
I'm in my room chilling by myself sense Huey and Riley aren't in here but I get bored and head to LaCienga's room
She has on her as she like to call it comfy clothes and she is practicing a dance she stops once she hears me come in
"Don't stop cause of me keep going" I say not wanting to interrupt her and sitting on her bed
"No it's fine I was just practicing besides I need to do some real work anyway"
She gets her notebook out of her bag for school stuff before she comes sits on my lap
She opens her notebook which is full of nothing but science notes and equations
She gets her assignment from off her nightstand and gets to work
"Any work you have to do" She asks me before she starts
I think but nothing comes to mind
"Nope I have all physical classes" I say
She nods her head and starts working
I watch her and she obviously needs help but is too stubborn to ask for it
I chuckle as she does wrong
She glares at me and I just smile
"If you need help all you have to do is ask" I say
She doesn't say anything but she continues to do things wrong I laugh at her again
"If you just gon laugh at me you can get out" She says glaring at me
"You know that don't work on me anymore I'll stop laughing once yo I ask for help and stop being so damn stubborn" I say
She sighs and runs her fingers through her hair
"Ceaser can you please help me" She finally says
"There we go baby" I say wrapping my arms around her
"That's all you had to do" I say kissing her jawline slowly traveling to her neck
"Ceaserrrr" She whines
I smirk and suck on her neck
"Mmmm" She moans out
"Your gonna leave a hickey" She then complains
I stop sucking on her neck once I felt the hickey was big enough I look at it very pleased with my work
"So this lets niggas know you taken" I say responding to her
"Even if they didn't know only one person has my heart" She says smiling at me
"I wonder who" I say smirking
"You asshole" She says leaning in for a kiss
I kiss her for a while then break away
"Ok Science work" I say smiling
She smiles back and shows me the first question
This girl right here has the key to my heart I'd die if anything happened to her
Zoey POV
I finished my math work a little while ago but Max is still asleep and I want to make sure his work is done so I wake him up
"Max get up don't you have work to do" I say waking him up
"Oh yeah I Do" He says getting up and stretching he goes to the bathroom and comes out shirtless and in basketball shorts on he grabs his camera and laptop from off his night stand and comes back to the bed
He plugs up his camera to his laptop and gets to doing his videography ClassWork he had to put together a 10 minute video of about 25 random videos to show how good his editing skills were
I decide to take a shower and put on the shirt he took off and a pair of shorts when I come out the bathroom he looks at me and laughs
"What?" I say
"Nothing my shirt just looks good on you" He says going back to his laptop
I smile but it quickly fades
I like being around Max and he fits in well with the others and he makes me extremely happy but I still don't know where we stand I don't just want to be his fuck buddy but I'm scared to ask him I'm afraid what he's gonna say will break my heart
He noticed my facial expression
"What's wrong Zoey?" He asks but not looking at me
"Nothing" I lie
He looks up from his computer and walks to me he eventually backed me up to a wall
"What is going on in that pretty little head of yours" He says
I take a good look at his body he is perfectly shaped his six pack would put others to shame and the tattoos he had on his well toned arms went with it well his look all together I've seen him completely naked plenty of times but he always manages to take my breath away
I finally look at him in his eyes and gather some courage
"What are we?" I ask sternly yet hesitate
"What" Is all he says
I gather more courage and press on
"What are we" I repeat
"I mean I know we act like a couple and do couple things but are we together,are we friends,are we fuck buddies" I ramble
He stops my rambling by kissing me and I melt into the kiss
He stops it and looks me in my eyes
"We are anything but friends we are not fuck buddies you are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend we are together and I plan on being with you for a long time" He says smiling
It feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders
I let out a breath I don't know I was holding and wrap my arms around him laying my head on his chest
"I'm sorry that was a stupid question" I say into his chest
"It wasn't stupid you just didn't know I should've have made you feel like you had to ask" He say leading me back to the bed we both sit down and he continues working while I just watch him laying on his chest
Max is so mature and that's what draws me to him but he still has fun I know people probably thinks he is crazy for hanging around me and my friends I mean what 21 year old hangs around 18 and 19 year olds
Oh yeah Max is 21 and I'm 18
I met him last year and we became friends but we both started developing feelings and that led us to now he didn't want to do anything with me until I was legal but he was always there when I needed him the girls weren't so sure about him because of the age difference but they warmed up to him as he did too
I know I might sound a little crazy but I'm in love with this man and I think he loves me too
"Your overthinking again" He says
"No I'm not" I scoff
"You so are you have that thinking face" He says trying to intimidate me
I laugh and be laughs
I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes he kisses my forehead and I drift off to sleep
Gerald POV
I hate homework I hate hate hate homework it's taking all of my sweet lady attention plus it's now 7:00 why is she even doing work this late
"Gerald do you not have any work to do" Phoebe says from my lap not looking away from her computer
We're in her room at her computer desk
"Nope all Physical classes baby" I say
"You really should take actual classes your very good at English" She says
"Physical classes are actual classes" I say not meaning to come off rude
She looks up at me
"I'm sorry Gerald I didn't mean it in a bad way I wasn't trying to offend you" She says
I smile down at her she's so tiny
"It's ok baby I'm not offended" I say bending down to kiss her
She kisses back but ends it quickly
"You really should take an English class" She says going back to her work
"Will it make you happy?" I ask
"It doesn't matter what matters is if you want to take it If you don't want to then don't. Don't do it because it makes me happy" She says
"So it would make you happy" I say
"Gerald" She says seriously
I laugh
"It's fine I mean English isn't a completely horrible subject plus it wouldn't hurt to get one more class" I say shrugging my shoulders
"We should double date again" She says out the blue
"With Helga and Arnold?" I ask
"No with everyone I think we could all use a total drama free day" She says
"Other than the stuff from this morning today has been fine"  I say
"Can you believe that this is our life" I say putting my hands behind my head
"I know we've come a long way from when we were kids" She said smiling
"We're around so many black people I love it" I say happily
She laughs at me
"Are you almost done" I ask
"Gerald you know you hate when I do my work but you always insist in being with me" She says laughing
"Because I want to be with all the time" I say wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek
She smiles and leans into my embrace still focusing on her work
I decide to just watch her and stay silent I set my head on top of hers and just smile
As long as she's in my arms I have nothing to complain about
Arnold POV
I'm in Helga's room Phoebe needed to use the computer in me and Gerald's room and Gerald basically kicked me out I don't mind though just more time to spend with Helga who is in her bathroom
She soon comes out and smiles at me
"Your still here" She says coming to where I am which was the standing in the middle of the room looking at pictures all around the room
"I can always leave" I say opening my arms for her as she made it to me
"Yeah right Gerald will just kick you out again" She says grabbing my hand and leading me to her bed instead of hugging me
I roll my eyes at how she basically ignored my gesture
"Don't you have something you have to do" She asks as we make it to her bed and laying down
"I gotta read Shakespeare" I say laying right beside her
"Which one" She asks interested in the topic
"Hamlet" I say rolling my eyes
Her eyes lights ups and I send her a questioning look but she doesn't say anything all she does is get up and looks through her stuff and comes back with a book
"Hamlet is my absolute favorite Shakespeare" She says handing me the book
"I'm guessing yo want me to read this" I say looking at her
"Uh Doh Football Head it's Hamlet and you said you had to read it" She says flicking my nose
I smile at her and open up the book somethings never change
She lays her head on my chest and I start reading out loud
(Definitely not In order let's just pretend)
" Tis bitter cold and i am sick at heart." I say
"So have I heard and do in part believe it. But look, the morn in russet mantle clad Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward hill. Break we our watch up, and by my advice Let us impart what we have seen tonight Unto young Hamlet; for, upon my life, this spirit, dumb to us, will speak to him. Do you consent we shall acquaint him with it as needful in our loves, fitting our duty" She says without even looking at the book
I close it and she looks at me
"Well since you know it so well I'm sure you can recite it for me" I say smiling and looking at me
She rolls her eyes but continues and I pull her body closer to me and kiss her forehead while listening
Helga G Pataki somehow managed to steal my heart and I love it
I noticed she stopped talking when her words were replaced with soft snores I chuckle to myself and snuggle closer to her if possible while drifting off to sleep as well
Riley POV
So things are very awkward between me and Willow right now and it doesn't help that everyone is all booed up we're not even around each other and I can still feel the tension
I was in the living room but I got bored and decided to go to my room
Huey and Ceaser aren't in here must be with the girls I know they said they were going to do some work today maybe I should too the only class I would really have work for is my Art class I just need something to draw
I grab my sketchbook sit on my bed and start just drawing anything but of course anything ended up being Willow how can this girl fuck me up so bad so I take a shower to get my mind off of things
I come out shirtless in shorts and towel around my neck because my hair is wet and I see Willow sitting on my bed in I guess her pajamas some booty shorts and a sports bra her hair in two puffs with her arms crossed and my sketchbook right in front of her
Her eyes are locked on mine and we just stare at each other before she speaks up
"Come here" She says moving to the edge of the bed
I go to her and she opens her legs gesturing for me to sit down so I do she moves the towel from my neck to my hair and starts drying it then proceeding to take my braids out and redo them
It's silent for the most part but the tension is still heavy
"So we gon talk" I say breaking the silence
She stays quiet and keeps braiding my hair
"Willow" I say wanting her to respond
But she stays quite again
I just let her finish braiding my hair before trying to talk to her again
"I'm sorry but at the same time I ain't" She says standing up I don't say anything so she keeps talking
"I really don't like confrontation and drama but again I ain finna let somebody bitch me" She says as a stand in front of her
By we're both facing each other I nod letting her continue
"I have a short temper obviously but I try not to let things get to me because ion like making a scene and I know you don't want me to make a scene but you can't put all the blame on me when it's your friends purposely trying to get me to my point" She finishes turning her head so she wasn't looking at me
"You right" I say
"What" She says bring her eyes back to me
"You right if you doing yo best I can't be mad at you especially when it's my people causing a problem" I say shrugging my shoulders
"And you couldn't see this earlier" She says rolling her eyes and crossing her arms
I grab her and sit her on the bed as I do she lays back and pulls me down with her
"Ight look imma just be honest this my first real relationship ion know how this shit work I just know you make me feel like I'm doing things right" I say
"You make a Sap Bitch" She says covering her eyes
I laugh and put one hand behind my head
"But since when was this a relationship" She says smirking and sitting on top of me
"You a damn fool if you think I was messing with you just to fuck" I say making a face
"So I'm yo girlfriend?" She asks
Hmm I was thinking more like she just my girl but they basically the same thing
"Yup your my girlfriend" I say smiling
Something about her being around me makes me smile all the time
She smiles and has a white girl moment and she start clapping excitedly
"Please don't do that again" I say
She rolls her eyes and bends down to give me a kiss but then proceeds to get up off of me
"Where you going" I say whining and grabbing her hand
"To shower Riley" She says moving her hand away from mine and going to the bathroom
She gon come out in one of my shirts probably a pair of my shorts too
I grab my sketchbook and draw some more but this time I color as well

The Suite Life of Willow KellyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon