Chapter 13

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Willow POV
Contrary to popular belief I'm used the to pain that comes with happiness
But for some reason I can't stay away from happiness it's like a drug and I need the constant high it gives me god when did my life get so damn depressing
My life is one big ass mess but hey it's always been that so why am I even complaining
"Willow hun you need to listen to me"
My mom says causing me to roll my eyes
"Ma no offense but all your saying is a load of shit he can't force me to sing he doesn't care about my well being" I say back to her
I had agreed to visit her at home while my dad was away but she wanted to talk about was getting me back to performing should've known my mom loves me but when it comes to me and my dad she's always on his side
"Watch yo mouth when you talking to me girl" She says ignoring everything else I said causing me to roll my eyes again
"I'll get back to performing when I'm ready" I say not really wanting to talk about the topic anymore
"Hun your making this hard on your dad how can you say your not ready to perform when you did on live" She says
"That's completely different I needed to do that" I say trying to keep my anger in check
"Hun no it's not your just being selfish right now" She says shaking her head
"Bye Ma I gotta go I'll text you" I say kissing her cheek and leave I can't deal with her right now or stay in this house for long it gives me bad vibes and I have enough of those on the daily
I make it back to my car and pull off as fast as I can I drive back to the suite but I pick up some food for me, Huey, Penny and Riley
I walk inside with some of the food and see everyone in the living room they were all talking but stop when I walk in they don't say anything and just look at me
Riley gets up and helps me with the food
"It's more in the car" I say to him
"Huey can you help" He says to Huey
He goes to the car while Riley goes to the kitchen
"Am I Interrupting something?" I ask
"Nah they just weren't expecting you" Penny says getting up and hugging me a bit too tight
"Penny air girl I need it" I say
"We missed your presence around" Phoebe says coming to me
I lift my eyebrow up at her
"I was gone for a day not even a day more like hours" I say
"It felt like forever" Gerald says backing Phoebe up
"So are any of you going to tell her the real reason or are you a bunch of wussies" Helga says
They all glare at her
"Hmm guess not so it looks like it's me" She says shrugging
I lift my eyebrow again they are all acting very strange
"My food is gon get cold" I say walking away
"Oh and Penny I got some for you and Huey" I say as I walk into the kitchen and see Riley and Huey eating
"Just won't gon tell nobody y'all was eating" I say
They both just grunt in response
I grab my food and go to the studio
"Y'all acting like weirdos and it's pissing me off" I yell out
I sit and start eating in silence
See my life is fucking depressing
"Willow dear we need to talk" Helga says
I don't say anything and just let her continue talking
"We all saw your live and there is something you should know" she says seriously
She goes on to tell me what happened apparently Riley and Ceaser fought about me Ceaser let it go that he influenced Riley to go to the club and shit and LaCienga wants to speak to me I just sigh at the revelation I just heard
"Never a dull moment with us around right" I say quoting what she once said to me
She smiles at me
"Willow I know we're not close but I'm really glad your ok only someone as tough as you could go through what you did and still be here" She says
"Strong?? Heh that's one way to put it" I say looking down
"Yes strong you are an amazing person and even though it hurts you,you can't stop loving" She says smiling
"What are you a preacher" I say not meaning to sound rude but it probably came off that way
"No I just understand you family issues never felt loved until that one boy came around and then he let you down but no matter what your still stuck on him" She says sighing
"Sounds a bit more personal" I say laughing
"What no way that was for you" She says starting to blush
Yeah that was totally believable Helga I have finished my food now might as well head back to the others get whatever the problem is fixed
"Well let's go" I say gathering my trash
"Go where" She says
"Into the lions den my dear child" I say patting her head
She rolls her eyes and follows me
We make it to the living room and it's now empty I throw my trash away and go get Ceaser and LaCienga
"Thanks for the talk Helga but do you mind" I say
"Nope Good Luck guys" She says and leaves
I take a deep breathe and we all sit down
Its silent neither of them saying anything so I guess it's up to me to do the talking shocker
"Your both pieces of shit" I say bluntly
LaCienga laughs and Ceaser goes wide eyed
"What you just say" He says
"Well that got him talking" I say straight faced
He starts to talk but I cut him off
"Ceaser I'm not mad at you what's done is done Ain no point in being pissed about it and I know that's real hypocritical coming from me but I'm serious I just don't understand" I say
"Understand?" He questions
"Yeah I Don't understand why do you hate me so much like seriously I've been nothing but friendly I honestly thought of you like a good friend what happened we was cool" I say still straight faced
"Cairo happened you could've told us and we could've helped but you didn't trust us enough how can you expect me to trust you when you didn't trust me" He says plainly
Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot
I can feel my anger slowly start to rise but I won't show it
"Ceaser I mean this in the nicest way possible but you a bitch for saying that" I say
LaCienga sends a confused look and Ceaser rolls his eyes
"Riley Shutup and mind yo damn business" I say back to him smiling to myself while looking the direction he yelled from
But it fades as I look back at Ceaser
"Anyways back to you Ceaser you won't ever know how hard it is to tell the people you care about how bad someone hurt you what if you didn't believe me that would've hurt worse than anything else I couldn't risk it I didn't want to" I say looking away from him this is still a hard topic to talk about can't believe I'm having this conversation again it's really starting to piss me off
"Willow" He starts
"Funny thing is you act like you never kept a secret" I start off
"I mean can you sit here and look me in the eye and say you've never kept an important secret from LaCienga,Riley or Huey" I say starting to let my anger get the best of me
LaCienga looks at him with a questioning look
"Nothing really that important" He starts to stammer under LaCienga's stare
I scoff
"If it's important enough to keep it a secret it's an important secret but that's besides the point Ceaser if your gonna keep being on my ass about my secrets how about you tell all yours" I say
He says nothing yeah like I thought
"I'm sorry" He says looking down
"They always are" I say bluntly
LaCienga looks at me surprised
"Willow could you tone it down he's trying to be better" She says
"So she speaks" I say sarcastically
"Seriously" She says glaring then frowning at me
"Goodbye Ceaser" I say
He and LaCienga look at each other before he gets up and leaves
"Great just great" She mumbles throwing her head back
"Well" She says to me
"Well what your the one who wanted to talk to me right" I say
She nods her head
"So talk" I say crossing my arms
"Well I um wanted to talk about what went down between us" She says
"What went down you mean when you decided to stop fucking with me" I say
She frowns
It's a whole lotta frowning going on
"Yeah" She says
I scoff
"What's to talk about" I say rolling my eyes
"We could talk about why you didn't tell me the reason you told all your secrets" She says softly but loud enough for me to hear
I laugh sarcastically
"See no we're not about to play games You know why I did what I did but what I don't know is how my so called bestfriend wouldn't even give me a chance to explain myself and just tossed me to the side in an instant like I was trash or some shit" I say
She has a sad look then an angry one then a sad one again
"That's not my fault you never told me any of that how else was I supposed to react" She says with a mix of anger and sadness in her voice
This girl really mad she did me wrong but she sad too so I guess she realize she did
"Oh I don't know be supportive of me like a bestfriend is supposed to" I say seriously
"You can't seriously put all the blame on me" She says
I stare at her intently
"I don't put all the blame on you if we're being honest I blame myself I just wish no want you to understand how I felt it won't exactly the best feeling" I say throwing my head back and sighing
"Can we just start over" She pleads
I send her a questioning look
"What made you want to talk to me again" I say
"Riley crazy right" She says chuckling
"Idiot" I say smiling to myself
LaCienga catches it and I quickly fix my face back to a smug look
"Ok we can start over but things will never be like they were and I mean it ight" I say
"Really?" She says happily
"Don't get too excited I'm just tired of things being awkward all the time" I say
She smiles and rushes over to me and wraps her arms around me
I reluctantly do the same but soon melt into the hug
It feels like home but I know it will never be and yet I don't want her to let go strange
I don't know how long we stayed like this but a flash of a camera makes me let her go
"It's about damn time definitely keeping this picture" Dijonay says
I roll my eyes at her
"What are you gonna do with one picture" I say
"And Send" She says ignoring my statement
I lift my eyebrow up and my phone buzzes and I saw that she sent the picture to a group chat with everybody in the house in it
"Was that necessary" LaCienga says smiling and shaking her head
"Really D" I say slightly laughing
She looks at me wide eyed and then jumps on top of me
"Girl get off of me" I say trying to push her off
The others soon come in and look at me and Dijonay with questioning eyes
"Y'all our little angel is back or at least coming back" She says falling on the floor after I successfully got her off of me
Now I send her a questioning look
"What are you talking about" Penny says to her
"She called me D" She says shedding  continuous tears and getting off the floor
We all just look at her
"Soooo we all good now the house won't be weird anymore" Riley says sitting beside me I nod and lay my head on his lap and the others look at us in surprise well everyone except Penny and Huey Penny is smiling widely and Huey has a slight look of acceptance
I ignore the looks and just relax
"Y'all gon sit down or just stare come on let's play the game" Riley says
Sticky,Ceaser,and Gerald rush to the game controllers and toss one to Riley as they start to play and the others just sat down and chilled
"Are you two back together" Helga managed to get out before Arnold covers her mouth
I blush at the question should've known I wouldn't get away with ignoring their looks
Riley looks down at me and sends a questioning look at my blush but I just wave him off
"No" Riley says simply going back to the game
"So why y'all like that" Zoey says
"This is the first time they have been around each other and not argued and you want to know why" Max says looking at her
"Uh duh we want to know what went down" Dijonay says
"Do it matter they not yelling at each other for once" Sticky says
"Never thought that would happen again" Ceaser says
"Right" LaCienga says agreeing with him
"Come on y'all act like they started off like that" Penny says
"It was only like this for a few months like maybe 3 possibly 4" Arnold says
"This actually reminds me of how they used to be" Phoebe says
Me and Riley both roll our eyes at the same time unintentionally
"Y'all could at least act like we're here" I say
"I know right she would lay on him all the time" Zoey says ignoring me
"Technically she would be laying down and Riley would pop up and lay with her" Penny says
"They were basically glued to each other" Phoebe says
"Are y'all having fun?" I ask annoyed they are still talking about us
"They are a Otp of mine I have no doubt they won't get back together" Helga says
I gape are her and she just laughs at me
"I mean when you think about it they are practically made for each other" LaCienga
"Hopefully the baby momma won't get in the way........oh shit oops" Dijonay says and her eyes widen at what she just said
They other girls glare at her
I just sigh I really don't feel like talking about that girl right now or anytime for that matter
"Are y'all ears broke or sum stop talking bout us like we ain here and mind yo damn business don't worry bout what we got going on" Riley snaps clearly angry and annoyed at them
They all flinch at the tone of his voice and I just smirk at him he ain have to do allat he just wanted to
"Look what y'all done did" Gerald says
"All that damn gossiping" Ceaser says
"Acting like they won't here and ignored the girl when she told y'all to stop" Sticky says
"It's annoying" Huey says
"And it ain't right" Arnold says
"Do better" Max says shaking his head
The girls all gasp at being told off by the boys
I let out a laugh
And the girls look at me then howl in delight
They surprised me so I fall off of Riley and onto the floor
"The hell wrong with y'all" I say annoyed after getting up
"We just missed you is all" Phoebe
"Man I been here bout all damn day" I say laying back on Riley
"Aye watch out" He says
"You shut the fuck up" I say
"Who you talkin to cause I know it ain me" He says
"Riley I'll beat the fuck outta you" I say
"Girl I'll drop yo ass" He retorts
"No you seem to misunderstand us" Penny says ignoring me and Riley's conversation
"We missed the old you girl" Dijonay say
"She seems to be coming back" LaCienga says
"And we're excited" Helga says sending me a toothy grin and thumbs up
"I agree with Huey y'all annoying" I say
Huey daps me up and the others laugh
We spend the rest of the night enjoying each other's company it looks like things are looking up for this little group of ours
Who knows maybe we'll all end up with happy ending or we'll all end up completely miserable not really leaning towards the miserable option so let's hope for the best

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