Chapter 11

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Huey Pov
I always felt like I was a killer and some days I would actually think about how I would affect people's families but today is not that day
Let me tell you what happened
Still Huey Pov
"Hey Huey" Penny says giggling waking me up out of my sleep
I open one eye and see that she is extremely too happy for my liking and close it again
"Shutup" I say
"Get upppppp" She says whining while getting on top of me and sitting there
"What are you six stop whining" I say still keeping my eyes closed
"Nooooo Get Up pleaseeee" She says still whining
I finally open my eyes and she is still smiling too hard
"What do you want and why are you so happy" I say slightly irritated
"You told me we're going to see granddad I'm ready to see him that's all" She says
I raise my eyebrow up at her she says nothing and she looks at me goofily
"Get off me" I say pushing her off me and getting up
"Damn why you in a bad mood" She says jokingly
"Why did you get up last night" I ask ignoring her joke
"Oh um I had to throw up something I ate was messing with my stomach" She say shrugging her shoulders
Something was telling me that wasn't the reason but I ignore it and notice Riley's and Ceaser's beds are empty I stare at their beds before Penny pulls me into the bathroom and we wash then get ready for the day I leave the bathroom and Penny stays to do her hair I go to put on my shoes and Ceaser and LaCienga are walking in
"Cool y'all ready we should get ready to leave in a few" Ceaser says smiling
I raise my eyebrow at him like I did Penny why is he smiling
" So yeah he can't even walk no mo- Move dammit blocking the door way" Riley says to Ceaser stopping his conversation with Willow
Ceaser's smile falls and an irritated look replaces it he moves out the way and Riley and Willow come in
"Riley one day imma knock yo ass out" Ceaser says and LaCienga giggles she giggling too just like Penny was
"That's the day you gon be in yo grave fuck nigga" Riley says
I mentally roll my eyes obviously he's having a bad day
Penny finally comes out of the bathroom
"Ok I'm ready let's go" She says
I nod my head and stand beside her waiting for the others to leave the room first
Nobody moves and just stares at each other
"Let's Fucking Go Y'all Just Gon Stare At Each Other All Day" Riley snaps Willow laughs at him and Ceaser and LaCienga roll their eyes
I glare at him and move ready to punch him but Penny just grabs me and pulls me out
We take two cars the girls in one the boys in the other
Ceaser is driving and the start of the ride is quiet but of course it had to be ruined
"So y'all gon tell me why your so damn moody" Ceaser asks
"I'm not moody" I say
Ceaser rolls his eyes and looks at Riley
"Man what" Riley says
"What's yo fucking problem" Ceaser says
"Willow is pregnant" He says bluntly
"NIGGA WHAT" Ceaser says letting go of the wheel causing the car to swerve
Riley grabs the wheel since he is in the front seat and steadies the car
"Man chillout" He says
"How do you know she is pregnant?" Ceaser asks
"She keep throwing up and she say her stomach hurt a lot" He says
"Ok but what that got to do with you being moody and shit" Ceaser says
"Cause she ain gon tell me probably gon try to get rid of it" He says pouting like a child I roll my eyes
"Did she say she was pregnant idiot" I say
"No" He mumbles
"Then she not pregnant" I say sitting up and smacking him on the back of his head
"Or she don't know" Ceaser chimes in
"Either way stop acting like a child I doubt she would keep it a secret or get rid of it" I say sitting back again
"Man OW how I'm supposed to know that" He says holding the back of his head
"I hope Penny never have yo demon spawn" He mumbles
I go to smack him again but Ceaser words stop me
"LaCienga been having some stomach issues and hasn't Penny been throwing up too" He says
Then I starts thinking
"When was the last time you had sex" I ask both of them
"The day you sung for Penny" They say at the same time then both of their eyes widen
"SHIT" Ceaser says
"FUCK" Riley says
I rub my temples
"Idiots" I say
"Did you at least use protection" I ask
Riley narrows his eyes at my eyes
"Nigga did you use protection" He says
I think back to that day and realize I didn't
"God Damn" I mumble to myself
"We are all screwed" Ceaser says shaking his head and laughing
The rest of the ride is quiet and we finally make it to granddad's house
Before we get out the car Riley speaks
"Look we don't know anything ight" He says me and Ceaser both nod our heads
We get out the same time as the girls and they come meet us at the door
I was going to knock but Riley walks right in and of course granddad is in the living room on his couch in his underwear I instantly cover Penny's eyes
"Come on granddad" Riley says covering Willow's eyes
"Ah man" Ceaser says covering LaCienga eyes
"Boy this my house and don't be walking up in here like you pay some bills" He says fussing at Riley
"Granddad can you put some clothes on as you see we brought guest" I say gesturing to the girls
He's about to protest but changes his mind and goes to get dressed or at least decent we all uncover the girls eyes and me and Riley clean the couch before we let them sit on it  ain't no telling what granddad has been up to
Granddad finally comes back and sits in his rocking chair but not before giving the LaCienga and Penny a hug
"Hey girls how y'all doing" He says
"Hey granddad" Penny says happily hugging him back
"Hey Granddad we doing fine how about you" LaCienga says kissing his check and hugging him back
"I'm fine you know I'm tough nut to crack" He says replying to LaCienga
"And who might you be miss lady" He says to Willow
"I'm Willow nice to meet you" She says laughing
"Well Miss Willow I'm Robert Freeman you can call me granddad what brings you by this little ole house of mine" Granddad says and I roll my eyes he only this nice to females
"Granddad she's my girlfriend I just wanted you to meet her" Riley says
Granddad frowns
"I'm so sorry I know he a pain in the ass" He says to Willow
Willows laughs at him a lot along with LaCienga and Penny
I nod my head agreeing with granddad Riley glares at me and him
"GRANDDAD" Riley exclaims
"Hush boy don't be yelling in my house" Granddad said getting up and smacking him on the back of the head
"Man OW why everybody keep hitting me" He says rubbing his head Willow goes and hugs him while he does this
"Ceaser are you ok?" LaCienga asks going to his side
He doesn't say anything and just keeps looking out the window
We all bring our attention to him and his stare hardened
"This car been sitting out here since we got here" He says
I narrow my eyes
"Y'all relax I'm sure it just a random car" Granddad says
"Now Willow come tell me bout yourself" Granddad says sitting back down on his chair
Willow and Riley had moved to the window
"Y'all this is that same car" She says to Penny and LaCienga
Riley narrows his eyes as well as me and Ceaser
"What same car" I say
"It was following us we thought we had lost it but I guess not" Penny says
Me and the boys look at each other
"Ight y'all go talk to granddad" Ceaser says to the girls
Penny and LaCienga follow directions but Willow did not she just raised her eyebrow
"And what y'all bout to do" She says crossing her arms she was talking to all of us but she directed it at Riley
I let Riley deal with that and pull Ceaser upstairs Riley soon joins us and we open up our weapon closet
"Who do you think it is"  Ceaser says grabbing his weapons he prefers handknifes and things of that nature
"Somebody who want something to do with the girls obviously" Riley says grabbing his favorite gun and two pistols then smiles Riley may have grown up but he still get excited to wield a gun and it worries me
"They know what their dealing with" I say grabbing my own gun
We go back downstairs and I notice granddad is gone
"Where is granddad" Riley says looking around for him
"He left" Willow says from the window
I join her and see the car is still there but I glare at it something isn't right it too still
"DUCK" Riley yells running over to me and Willow pushing us to the ground
"Riley what the hell" Willow says but stops talking once she notices the bullet whole that barely missed us
"Where the hell did that come from" I say angrily
Penny,LaCienga,and Ceaser come to us and then the power goes out
"Fuck" Riley curses
"Their in the GahDamn house" Ceaser says
"How the fuck did they get in" Willow says
I shush them all and nod to Riley and Ceaser
I give Penny one of my guns and she rolls her eyes but still takes it
She doesn't like that I forced her to learn hand to hand combat and how to kill but I knew it would come in handy
LaCienga takes one of Riley's pistols and Willow takes the other
"Whoever did this is an idiot" LaCienga whispers
"Cutting the power off would've been a smart idea but it's during the day we can still see" Willow whispers
We then hear movement and all look at each other
"Ceaser and Riley check the kitchen,LaCienga and Willow upstairs, Me and Penny will check down here on the count of three we break" I say in a hushed tone
They all nod their heads Riley and Ceaser are hesitant but don't say anything
"One,two,three" I mouth while counting it out on my fingers we all break moving quickly and silently
Me and Penny check the whole living room
"Anything" She whispers to me
I shake my head no
There is noise upstairs Penny tried to head towards the stairs but I tell her no
Riley and Ceaser come back from the kitchen
"Nothing nobody is there" Ceaser whispers towards
There is more noise upstairs but this time louder and there were gunshots a few thuds and Willow screams
Riley and Ceaser instantly go upstairs me and Penny follow them I make sure penny is in front of me just in case someone tries to sneak up behind us
Once we are all the way upstairs the faces I see confuses me
Cairo and Cindy have a beaten LaCienga and a bloody Willow
It looks like one of them shot Willow and the other beat LaCienga
Willow has a look of anger and pain mixed but she doesn't care how much pain she is in she head butts the person holding her which is Cairo and spits in his face he falls to the ground and tries to get her again but Riley's gun pointing at his head stops him
Ceaser has his gun pointed at Cindy and she smirks
"You really gon shoot me Ceaser what type of friend are you" She says
Ceaser angrily shoots his gun at the wall
"I will shoot you bitch let her go" she says
The smirk has now fallen of her face and she gets angry
"Y'all gon always pick these hoes over me huh"  She says
Willow has now fallen to the ground she was shot in the thigh so she was using all of her strength to stand
"Piece of shit,piece of shit, PIECE OF SHIT" Cindy says while laughing crazily
"All this for that piece of shit" She says referring to Willow
"Please... FUCKK... Kill this bitch" Willow says struggling to talk
Riley quickly looks at her then back at Cairo he gets angry and I can tell he's about to shoot him
"Riley don't we don't need you in jail over some bullshit" Penny speaks
He grabs Cairo and shoved him toward Cindy making her fall I go to them and quickly kick the weapons out of their hands Cindy had a knife and Cairo had a gun
"Ceaser take them to the hospital and Penny you go with him" I say
"No" She says sternly
"Riley go with Ceaser to take them to the hospital" She says Riley does argue and carefully picks up Willow
"Her dumbass shot me imma kill this bitch" Willow says while laughing in pain
"Shhh don't worry baby we gon deal with her" Riley says to her taking her downstairs
"Ceaser he couldn't even beat me had to grab a bat or sum pussy bitch" LaCienga says while also laughing in pain
"Don't even worry about imma handle it" Ceaser says back to her following Riley
End of Flashback
Penny Pov
So Cindy and Cairo are tied up and Huey is talking to them and I just finished cleaning up all the blood
Granddad isn't back or has been back
Huey has been sitting in a chair in front of the two just staring at them
"Huey" I say pulling him out of his thoughts and standing beside him
Cindy rolls her eyes I'm assuming at the sound of my voice
"Something you want to say?" I ask glaring at her
"Feeling bold aren't we" She says smirking
I'm about to say something back but Huey talks instead
"Cindy what did you think you were doing" He says
"You grew up here just like me,Riley, and Ceaser this was like a second home for you. What if Granddad was here what would you have did then huh shoot him too" Huey spits out at her
Her smirk falls and she hangs her head
"I would've never really cared for the old man" Cairo speaks up first thing he said since the others left
I roll my eyes at him
"Don't worry Pretty I wouldn't of hurt you" He says winking at me and I stare at him in disgust but the look is soon replaced with one of surprise because Huey gets up out of his chair and smacks Cairo with his gun hard
"Oh shit" Cindy says laughing but stops as soon as me and Huey send her a glare
"Why the fuck are you here" Huey says still in his face
Cairo just spits in his face and Huey wipes his face and cocks his gun and shoves it in his mouth
"Do that shit again I Dare You" Huey says calmly
That scares me but not only me Cairo and Cindy have a frightened look on their face Cairo I understand but not Cindy she was just laughing at him
"HUEY LEAVE HIM ALONE" Cindy yells out
Huey only raises his eyebrow at her
"Bitch why you yelling" I say
She glares at me
"Who you talking to?" He asks slightly laughing
He is teasing her
"Not you I know that for a fact" I say playing along with him I walk near them and get closer to Huey's side
"You a real bitch" Cindy spits out at Huey
I narrow my eyes at her
I walk behind her and hit her in the back of the head with the gun she had earlier I did it hard enough to knock her out
"Ight that's enough" I say once she's knocked out
Huey laughs at me and I roll my eyes
"Ight Huey take the gun out his mouth" I say sitting in the chair he had he looks at me but does as I said and then stands behind me
"Hi,Hello I'm sure you don't know me but I know you and I know you a piece of shit so unless you want to get shot I suggest you cooperate" I say smiling and Huey laughs at my antics
Cairo just glares
"You won't shoot me bitch" He says
And I frown
"That's mean" I pout and he looks at me weirdly
"I think it's cute you think I won't shoot you and even if I wouldn't Huey will and Riley I know he's pissed and don't even get me started on Ceaser and that just reminded me" I say seriously
I stand up and grab something to choke him and then stand behind Cairo wrap the object around his neck and pull as hard as I can
"You put you hands on LaCienga and beat her with a fucking bat you lousy low life you will be lucky to ever see the fucking sky again you pice of shit" I say pulling harder and harder with each word
Huey smirks at me and I roll my eyes
"I-.....can't-.......breathe" He struggles to get out
"That's the point you idiot" I say
He keep struggling to breathe and I roll my eyes and finally stop pulling and unwrap the object from his neck
He gasp for air taking deep breathes
"You crazy bitch" He says once he catches his breathe
"Are you dumb or stupid" I ask frowning and sitting in the chair again
"I thought what I taught you was a waste of time" Huey says still smirking
"Whatever he made me mad" I say crossing my arms and glaring at Cairo
Hours have now passed granddad still hasn't come back and I'm starting to get worried but Willow,Riley,LaCienga and Ceaser are back and Cindy has now woken up oh man this is gonna get good
They came upstairs and Willow eyes instantly land on the two people tied up
I get up and hug them almost crying
"Oh my god I'm so so so sorry are y'all ok" I say
"What you apologizing for" Willow says laughing
"We fine I got a few bruises and Willow had to get the bullet out of her leg she can walk she just gonna be sore" LaCienga
"Look this cool and all but what we gon do bout these two" Ceaser says pointing to Cairo and Cindy
"We have names" Cindy says rolling her eyes
"Bitch you shutup I still owe you an ass whooping ohhhhhh I can't believe you shot me swear if you won't Riley friend I'd end yo fucking life" Willow says going off on Cindy
"And you leave me the fuck alone didn't I tell you I was done with that shit" She said going up to Cairo and smacking him back and forth and he started squirming around trying to untie his self
"Oh you tryna get out what the fuck is up I'll untie yo bitch ass and still beat the shit outta you" She said about to untie him but Riley grabs her
"How do you know him" Riley asks her
"I told you to tell them" LaCienga says shaking her head
"I got bruises cause of this shit my skin man" LaCienga says pouting
"Please elaborate" Ceaser says
"When I was in Chicago I used to work for Cairo he got me to do his dirty work hide bodies clean up blood make sure there weren't any fingerprints things like that" Willow starts off avoiding eye contact with Riley
"And" Huey says telling her to continue
"One day he started making me do different things he made me hurt the people that tried to go against him sometimes he made me shoot them" She continues her eyes start to water and she keeps on speaking
Cairo starts smirking and Cindy shakes her head like Willow was lying
"When I decided I didn't want to do it anymore he" She stopped mid sentence and started shaking and trying to take deep breaths
"He- he- he" She kept trying but it never came out
"Willow hey it's ok I'm right here" LaCienga says going to her
Willow had tears streaming down her face
Riley had a straight face and kept looking back and forth between Willow and Cairo,Ceaser was trying to figure out why she was crying
"What did he do" Huey of course had to ask
I flick him in the head and he just looks at me
Willow kept trying to tell us but it wouldn't come out and Huey of course had to keep asking
"He beat and rape her is that what you wanted to hear Huey she wanted to get away from him and he started beating and raping her she eventually escaped with my help there happy" LaCienga says tears now streaming down her face as well
I cover mouth and go to both of them
"Lying ass bitch he would never do that" Cindy says through gritted teeth
"Do I need to knock you out again shut the fuck up" I say glaring at her
Cairo is still smirking
"What can I say Pussy was too fire and she won't tryna give it up" He says laughing
This dude is literally pure evil
Willow closed her eyes and takes a deep breath she wipes her eyes and in one quick movement she grabs Huey's gun and points it at directly at Cairo's head
"Say it again" She says
Cindy gets ready to yell something but Riley gags her mouth
"Say that one more time I don't think I heard you right" She says
Cairo just laughs in her face
"Ion think y'all gon wanna be here for this next part" Willow says laughing crazily
"What part you won't do shit" Cairo says
Willow cocks the gun
"You a bitch nobody want you so you gotta take from little girls who don't know no better you got me once ONCE BITCH you won't make me weak ever again" She says sneering at him
"Riley" I say worried she's gonna actually shoot him
He doesn't do anything and just looks at Willow hoping she pulls the trigger
"LaCienga" I say even more worried
She just looks at Cairo with hatred
"Untie me and how about we find out" Cairo
Willow just stares at him blankly at first
I move to go to her but Huey grabs me and buried my head in his chest and the next thing I know I hear a gun shot and I widen my eyes I freeze and refuse to move I look up at Huey and he meets my eyes he shakes his eyes and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in
I turn around and see Willow staring Cairo in the eyes she didn't shoot him but she shot Cindy in the thigh like she had did her Cairo had a surprised look on his face and then a frightened one when she brought the gun back to his head
"Riley"  She says almost in a hushed tone still not taking her eyes off of Cairo
He untied Cindy and took her downstairs she was still gaged so we wouldn't have to hear her complain
"I- I didn't mean it" Cairo says nervously
"Listen up cause I'm only going to say this once" LaCienga says going up to him
"Take Cindy to the hospital and once they deal with her you leave and go back to Chicago because if we see you again" She starts but Willow cut her off
"You will be the one getting shot and you won't even have a chance to make it to the hospital before you die" She says seriously
"I can't leave Cindy here with you people your gonna kill her" He says
"Take her with you then" LaCienga says
"Do you honestly think she would want to leave with you now she knows the truth" Willow says
He doesn't say anything
She removes the gun and backs away from him
Ceaser and LaCienga untie him and take him downstairs
I go to comfort Willow while Huey goes downstairs
"Did you see how he looked" She says
I know she's talking about Riley
"He doesn't want anything to do with me" She says with no emotion
"That's not true Riley really likes you" I say trying to get her to feel better
"LaCienga told me to tell you guys I didn't want it to happen like this. I don't know what I was thinking I don't get a fairytale life Riley is too good for me" She says
I was about to say something but someone speaks before I can
"You find every reason to try to get rid of me" They say
I turn and see it's Riley
I give him a look telling him to be gentle and tread lightly then slide pass him and go downstairs and go to Huey
"One of y'all clean up that blood" LaCienga yells upstairs but gets no response
Huey was sitting on the couch and I was sitting beside him
"I hope they work things out" I say thinking out loud
"They'll be fine" Huey says
"Huey" I say
"What" He responds
"It was real sexy how you scared the fuck outta Cairo" I say
He cracks a smile
"So we just not gon talk about Willow" Ceaser says
"Ceaser" LaCienga says warningly
"What we can't just act like all this ain't happening she had all this shit she ain tell nobody she got shot and you got beat with a fucking bat she should've been said something" He says angrily
LaCienga has a pissed look on her face
And here I was thinking we were finally getting back to normal
"Ceaser she's fucking traumatized she doesn't even like talking about it with me do you know how hard it was for her to tell you guys you saw it she almost had a panic attack now tell me how she is supposed to just get in front of everybody and do it again" LaCienga says fuming
I decide to stay out of it and play with Huey's fingers
"How hard is it for you to say something then if she can't say it"  Ceaser says
"Yes Ceaser because it's the easiest thing in the world to tell your bestfriend's biggest secret" She sneers
"It is when it could keep us all safe" He sneers back
She glares at him
"You just don't care about Willow do you" She says
"No LaCienga I don't what I care about is you and you willing put yourself in danger over some bull-" He says but LaCienga cuts him off
"Don't even finish that sentence you've said enough" She says walking out of the house
Ceaser groans and runs after her

"You've been quite" I say to Huey
He looks at me
"I'm always quite" He say now playing with my hair
"More than usual what's your take on all this" I say
"We all knew that only LaCienga knew everything about Willow and it hasn't been that long since we met her" He starts
"Right" I say agreeing
"From what it looks like she's been running away from things for a long time she wants to leave parts of her life behind" He says
"Everybody has something they want hidden" I say
"Exactly Willow has fans and people that look up to her" He says
"She doesn't want them thinking she's weak" I say agreeing with his point again
He gives me a kiss
"What was that for" I say smiling at him
He just shrugs his shoulders and smirks and I roll my eyes at him Riley and Willow come downstairs and LaCienga and Ceaser come back inside we clean up everything that was messed up and fixed anything that was broken then we wait for granddad to come back
Granddad finally comes back but by then it's so late we spend the night
LaCienga is still mad at Ceaser and Willow is kind of still out of it
Hopefully tomorrow will be way better and we get back to normal
I try to go to sleep but end up throwing up in the bathroom instead
"Your going to the doctor tomorrow" Huey says from the bathroom door and I just nod after I'm finished throwing up I brush my teeth an lay down with Huey
Lord Please don't let me be pregnant we have enough drama going on

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