Chapter 9

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Willow POVWassup Wassup me and the girls went out today to eat excluding Helga and Phoebe their going on double dates"I'm just saying she wouldn't last a day in girly clothes like mine" LaCienga says to PennyDijonay nods her headWhile Penny and Zo...

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Willow POV
Wassup Wassup me and the girls went out today to eat excluding Helga and Phoebe their going on double dates
"I'm just saying she wouldn't last a day in girly clothes like mine" LaCienga says to Penny
Dijonay nods her head
While Penny and Zoey just laugh
See they were talking about how I dress LaCienga and Dijonay think I should have more girly clothes and Penny and Zoey think I'm fine
"And You wouldn't last a day in my clothes" I say responding instead of Penny
She rolls her eyes
"I definitely could" She says
"Is that a Challenge?" I ask smirking
"It is" She says smirking right back
Penny smiles
"Dijonay you heard that" Penny asks
"Yup imma pick y'all clothes out for a week and whoever changes back to their regular style loses" Dijonay says
"Y'all gotta make it interesting what's on the line" Zoey says
I shake my head agreeing with her
"Ohh I got it" Penny says
We all look at her telling her to go on
"Whoever loses can't have sex for a week" Penny says laughing evilly
We all gasp
"Oh hell nah" LaCienga says sounding like Riley
"Penny you a whole virgin you have no idea how much torture that is" I say seriously
Zoey and Dijonay nod
"Exactly how bout whoever loses has to buy the winners clothes for a month" LaCienga says
"Yup dassit" I say dapping her up
"I done told you I ain a nigga bitch" LaCienga says
I bust out laughing
"Man y'all gon stop talking about me be a virgin" Penny says pouting
"Get some dick and we wouldn't have to" Dijonay says
I again bust out laughing and this time I'm joined by the others
"Maybe she's scared" Zoey says
Penny's face turns red
"I am not scared how the hell am I supposed to have sex with Huey when all of y'all around all the time" She says mumbling the last part
"So you do want to have sex with Huey" Dijonay says
"Man I don't know me and Huey not even together" She huffs
"So" I say
"So I don't want to fuck a nigga I'm not with" She says
"Girl bye you've known Huey for what 2 years now he had his eyes set on you ever since he met you y'all basically been together" LaCienga says
Penny smiles and slightly laughs
"Huey doesn't even like me for real" She says
"Oh you just a dumb Bitch" I say bluntly
LaCienga laughs and Penny glares at me
"What you are I don't know Huey like y'all do and I can tell he act different with you than other people" I say
"She know that boy like her she just scared to get with him" Dijonay
"I'm not I'm actually ready to get in a relationship thank you very much" She says in response to Dijonay
"So what's stopping you" Zoey says
We all look at her and she just huffs
"In the 2 years I've know Huey we've we've done nothing I mean sure we've kissed and sleep together but not once have we ever been on an actual date" She says finally letting out what she's been thinking
"What no way" I say
"What about the club?" Dijonay asks
"Performance" She replies
"The beach?" Zoey trys
"Performance" She says again
"What about that night we went to granddads cookout with him Riley and Ceaser" LaCienga says
"Nope we were just there to help clean remember" She says
LaCienga puts her hand on her forehead
"Damn that crazy" I mumble to myself
"Ok so how about we get him to take you on a date tonight" I suggest
"One how and 2 where" She says
I'm stuck
"We make it a group date with all of us" Zoey says
"Let's go to a karaoke bar you said you wanted to go" Dijonay says
"I doubt it will work but we can try" She says
"Text the guys and tell them to meet us at the bar" LaCienga says
"Wait we're going now" I say
"Yes and I know exactly what song we're going to sing Penny girl your gonna get some dick today" LaCienga says winking at her
I roll my eyes and get my car keys
LaCienega and Penny get into my car and Dijonay and Zoey get in LaCienega's
Somehow the guys make it there before us maybe because we got distracted by a pet store
I park the car beside Riley's and go in before everyone else but LaCienga isn't to far behind me
"Yo Willow" Sticky spotting us out before we do them
I wait for the others and once they are in we go to the boys
We make it to them and my mood instantly changes
Jazmine,Cindy,and some other girl is with them
I'm ready to leave now but I'm sure Riley is going to be mad if I do
"Wassup y'all" Ceaser says going to LaCienga I just noticed that she looked pissed
"Why y'all want us to come here" Sticky says
"To do karaoke duh" Dijonay says
"I'm not doing do that" Max says laughing Zoey rolls her eyes and just laughs at him
"Me either" Riley says coming up to me and wrapping his arms around me from behind
"Yes you are if you can sing or rap your doing it" LaCienga says smirking
"So that means Sticky,Riley,Huey,and Ceaser you have to" Penny says smiling
Huey glares at her
I look at Riley and he rolls his eyes
"One song" Riley says
"For all of us" Huey adds
The guys find us a table unfortunately it's by Cindy and the people she's with
"Reezy let's go dance" Cindy says pulling him to the dance floor
I see Jazmine and the other girl have done the same with Ceaser and Huey
Dijonay and Zoey did the same thing with Sticky and Max
So it's just me,Penny,LaCienga chilling at the table
"So how did this end up happening?" I ask
"Because we're too nice" LaCienga sneers
"So what's the deal with the other girl that's got you pissed?" I ask
"Her name is Ming and she's the guys friend but I know she has a thing for Ceaser but he doesn't think so" She says rolling her eyes
"Told you guys it wouldn't work" Penny says sighing and throwing her head back
"Don't worry we gonna get you some dick" I say smirking
LaCienga try's to hold in her laugh and Penny glares at me
I laugh and avert my eyes from her gaze and notice something
"Penny we have a problem" I say not letting my eyes leave what I was looking at
Her and LaCienga follow my gaze and their eyes both widen
"No way" LaCienga says
"This just can't get any worse can it" Penny says angrily
"What are the odds 15 and Jazmine is here" LaCienga says
"Maybe you guys shouldn't be together" I say thinking out loud Penny sends another glare my way and I just shrug my shoulders by now 15 catches us staring at him and comes to our table
"You have got to be kidding me" Penny says as he reached the table
"Wassup Willow" He says greeting me first
I just nod my head at him and dap him up he ain did shit to me might need him for a feature
He nods his head at LaCienga who just glares at him
Penny stares down at the table not wanting to look at him
"Wassup Ponytail" He says to Penny
She whips her head up at him
"Don't Call Me That" She sneers
"S sssorrryyy" He stutterers
She looks back down at the table
He sends me a pleading look as if he was asking me to leave with LaCienga
I look at him then back at Penny then finally at LaCienga she shakes her head no and I shrug my shoulders
"Come on" I saying pulling her up
Penny whips her head up at me and I avoid looking back at her and I forcefully pull LaCienga away
"Willow What The Fuck" She semi yells at me
"Would you just relax" I say semi yelling back
" That ain none of or business besides I got an idea" I say
She sends me a look to continue so I do
"If Huey really liked her seeing her with 15 will make him see it" I say proudly
"What if it doesn't" She says
"Then she'll know the truth or work it out with 15" I say shrugging my shoulders
"Ion like this" She says crossing her arms
"Lala just trust me" I say rolling my eyes and pulling her to our guys
She doesn't hesitate to pull Ceaser away from Ming I slightly laugh at her and instead of dancing with Riley I was planning on ignoring him keyword planning but of course he had other plans as I try to walk pass him he pulls me to him and stops dancing with Cindy
"Riley come on" She says trying to get him to start dancing again
"Stop trying to ignore me" He says ignoring Cindy
I send him a bland look and he rolls his eyes
"Lets go pick a song for us to do" He says
This nigga just knows how to get me
"Fine" I say
He smiles and pecks my lips
I smile back and give him a real kiss
"Riley come on" Cindy try's again
"Cindy chill out we was just dancing" He says
I now smile widely and resist the strong urge to stick my middle finger up at her and I let Riley pull me away to the song book
Penny POV
They are both dead
"Penny" 15 says again trying to get me to respond to him well it's inevitable now I finally look at him and answer
"What is it 15" I say
He's taken back either by the fact I answered or the fact I looked at him
"How you been" He says after staring at me for a while
"Just peachy" I say sarcastically
"Can we be real for a minute please" He says sitting in front of me
"I just want to talk about what went down" He continues
"You want me to be real" I say
He nods his head eagerly
"I loved you I really did you were just about my first everything but we grew apart we both knew it do you know how hard it was for me" I start off looking at him directly in the eye
He says nothing and just looks back
"You wouldn't let me go when I was already struggling to leave you in the first place you made me feel like no one else would ever love like I wasn't good enough for anybody not even you" I continue taking a deep breath
He reaches for my hand and is about to speak but before I can snatch my hand away Huey has grabbed his hand I roll my eyes at him
"Why are you with him" He says narrowing his eyes at him
15 snatched his hand from Huey and starts getting up
"Hell No sit yo ass back down we're not done here" I say sternly he looks at me but does as I said I take another deep breath before talking to Huey
"Huey" I start calmly he looks at me
"We are just talking I need you to relax and just wait for me" I say
"No" He say narrowing his eyes
I stand up and get in his face as he gets in mine
"That wasn't an option" I say angrily
"It damn sho won't an order" He says glaring at me
"Huey this ain your business" I sneer
"You are my damn business" He sneers back
This obviously ain getting us anywhere
I sit back down and pull him with me
He just looks at me and I at him
"Continue" I say to 15 taking my eyes off of Huey
"I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you I was just hurt you didn't want to be with me" He says again reaching for my hand but Huey grunts and he retracts his hand
"I can understand if you don't want to be with me but I want you to know that I still love you" He says
Huey starts shifting uncomfortably
I sigh
"15 I've grown up I've outgrown you please don't spend your time on me find someone else because this" I say pointing me and him
"Is not happening ever again" I say bluntly
Huey smirks and I roll my eyes at his childishness
15 doesn't say anything he just looks at me and Huey and angrily leaves the table
Well that went well not
I run my hands through my hair and sigh
"He's gone you can go back to dancing with Jazmine" I say
He narrowed his eyes
"Why would I do that you obviously don't want to be alone" He says looking at me
I scoff
"On the contrary I do want to be alone" I say
"I'm sorry" He says lowly but loud enough for me to hear
Huey Freeman apologizing I must be going crazy
"What did you just say" I ask not believing I heard him right
"I said I was sorry you had things under control there was no need for me to come over" He says rolling his eyes
"Why did you come over? How did you even know he was here?" I ask
"I don't know and Willow" He shrugs
This was definitely a setup I smile to myself and Huey looks at me weirdly
"Why are you smiling" He says
"Come on" I say making him get up and go to the others
"So what are we singing" I say as we approached Willow,Riley,LaCienga,and Ceaser
She showed me the song and I smile and wait our turn when it finally comes the boys all scowl
"I have know idea why y'all look like that" Willow says
"Yeah you guys are the ones who agreed" LaCienga says
"Would we you guys still make us sing if we didn't" Ceaser says
"Yup" I say sitting in the chair they had for us beside Huey
"Exactly" Riley says from beside Willow
"Hi guys" LaCienga says testing the mic
Zoey,Sticky,Max,and Dijonay smile at us
Jazmine,Cindy, and Ming look mad
Man I just hate they bitter asses
"Ready?" Willow says
I nod my head along with LaCienga
"No" Riley and Ceaser mumble
LaCienga and Willow hit them both upside their head
I grab Huey's hand and he intertwined our fingers I'm still mad at him but he really doesn't want to do it and he is because I asked
The music starting takes me out of my thoughts
Willow starts it off and we're into the song
Willow: You ready?
LaCienga and Penny: Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
Willow: Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
LaCienga and Penny: Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
Willow: Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
Ceaser:Yeah, history in the making
Riley: Part two, it's so crazy right now

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